for free??! Aw yisss.
Looks awesome and Firefight? Oh boy
That sucks as I'm working.YOOOOOO
Just so happen to be away from my Xbox on Sunday.YOOOOOO
No problem. I just wanted to see if there was a way to get the old hcs skin set.
Well have even more Halo World Championship 2016 news to share this Thursday, March 17th as well and be sure to follow Halo and HCS on Twitter (and tweet #HaloWC) or head over to Halo.gg for more information about the Halo World Championship 2016.
So they aren't bringing back the old HWC pack? Looks like I can never get 100% now.
Supposed to be more news Thursday. I'd hold off if I were you.So can I spend my 70k Req points on Gold packs now since that free pack isn't the same as the old one and only has that stuff in it?
Lol, bought $30 in Xbox credit for what they had planned, turns out to be free. Might as well buy some golds instead.
Supposed to be more news Thursday. I'd hold off if I were you.
That explains where my Arena REQ Pack went.
It will be interesting to see considering how much money is on the line. This plus Daredevil will make for a very unproductive weekend, lol.I'm so excited about the Halo World Championship and I just can't hide it, get ready HaloGaf for the best tournament in the history of competitive Halo ever!
Hopefully my acute pharyngitis will get better for the weekend, wish me luck guys
My hopes for hwc...
1. a couple international teams make it into the bracket stage to spice things up.
2. CLG doesn't sweep everyone
3. Sparty squad Can get at least top 4
Im at 60 and only halfway through with silvers. But I also gave in and stopped selling all my req cards. Warzone and warzone assault are far less fun without needlers, carbines, and power weapons. Now I only sell the lower end req cards, mostly common. And let me say again how much fun it is to use the blood of suban. That weapon is a dream.Nice. What SR level do you need top be near at to finish it? Im in my 80's and I still feel like I have an eternity of silvers left to go lol.
We are relying on you to get us the helmet lol.Our SC go the achilles armor while I was off playing the Division :OOOOOO
Who do I have to thank for grinding out Promethean kills lol
Halo World Championship 2016 Friday schedule Main Stage
All times are PDT
Oh man I'm happy both stages are being streamed. Why the hell is CLG not on Main stage lmaoHalo World Championship 2016 Friday schedule Main Stage
All times are PDT
I hope we don't really have to watch the finals live to get the free pack. I mean, it'll be around 2am here, on a sunday night.
Really want to see Warzone Firefight. Should be interesting.
I was 3 kills from an Unfrigginbelievable in Warzone today!!!!
Ended up going 56-3.
I was 2 away from getting a perfection in a slayer match once in a match were the enemy team was throwing the match away. I went like 19- 2 in that match if I recall.
I've had 200+ perfections over h3/reach. H5? I THINK 1.