The halogaf spartan company tab actually works now?! I can finally see who's online! If anyone wants to play my GT is Tuskenraider440
The halogaf spartan company tab actually works now?! I can finally see who's online! If anyone wants to play my GT is Tuskenraider440
When you have less than 2 minutes to kill two to six bosses and spawn nearly halfway across the map on foot and on the entire opposite of the map on vehicles those 25 to 30 seconds makes a huge difference especially since multiple enemies keep spawning around you while your dealing with those bosses.I really don't mind the long respawn times.
I remember the good old days where your team ran out of lives, and you were stuck spectating for an entire round while your buddy tried to cheese his way to a victory.
Waiting 25 seconds is nothing compared to that.
Also, don't die!
Spawned in for my first time in Firefight on round 3 with 3 bullet sponge aircraft insta-killing me and my teammates and a five minute timer.
I pegged em with my guns and couldn't even see their health bars dropping. Then got insta-killed again.
Not a great first impression.
Is this mode meant to be fun or just REQ fodder? Because my loadout weapons accomplished exactly diddly and squat.
You know, Firefight. I don't have a million REQ cards to burn just to make it through my initial spawn.It's Warzone Firefight. I don't know what you are expecting.
Well the game just crashed and it no longer works lol.I have a glitch on my gamertag and I always appear offline can you guys see me now?
Well the game just crashed and it no longer works lol.
Edit:if you're still on then no, it shows offline
So am I missing something or can you not get the HCS team packs with REQ points?
Tried firefight, new map, smashed it easily... Only died twice.
Good team perhaps? Not sure but it wasn't overly hard... Felt about right.
Had a weird glitch, screen went dark and weapons disappeared. Came back after I switched weapons though.
Thirding this.That glitch appeared for me to in a warzone firefight match. I think I was also playing on darkstar when it appeared.
Now that I thought about it for a bit they really need a waypoint or something to help you find some of the enemies on the map in a warzone firefight match especially the ghosts that appear close to one of the home bases on raid on apex 7 in one of the rounds. In a match or two where that scenario appeared me and my teammates wasted a bunch of time trying to find out where the ghosts spawned.
I wouldn't want then up all the time but definitely before the last 5 remaining. Maybe after 70% of them are killed.
I stop playing for a day and my aim goes all over the place. Can't imagine a month lol.First game back in a month+ and I'm matched against and with 2K Onyx/Champion. I did terrible of course, your MMR should erode over time...
Really wish there was a true social list.
I stop playing for a day and my aim goes all over the place. Can't imagine a month lol.
I'm playing right now damn I have this problem on my gamertag since 2014
Some of the spawn points are really bad. I had some frustrating moments tonight too. If weapons are an issue I'd go for picking up what you can from enemies. Certain instances the covenant will have fuel rod cannons. But the suppressors and bolt shots work well enough from prometheans.You know, Firefight. I don't have a million REQ cards to burn just to make it through my initial spawn.
You know, Firefight.
I don't have a million REQ cards to burn just to make it through my initial spawn.
The REQ payout is all kinds of goofed up tonight.
I've played 8 rounds of FFWZ (won 5) and have gotten maybe 10 Gold packs and 10 silvers... I didn't get my payout of 3 gold packs for victory 5 but I got six gold packs for victory 4.
I'm not complaining 😂 It's been making it rain REQ packs tonight. Anybody else get the same thing?
Congrats! I finally got it too. Out of curiosity was it your very last loadout cert to unlock? The game made me unlock everything else and then finally it gave me the halo 2 BR.At long last, I finally got the Halo 2 BR.
Is it even possible to defeat the wardens at the back of the base? I've never done it?
Is it even possible to defeat the wardens at the back of the base? I've never done it?
When you have less than 2 minutes to kill two to six bosses and spawn nearly halfway across the map on foot and on the entire opposite of the map on vehicles those 25 to 30 seconds makes a huge difference especially since multiple enemies keep spawning around you while your dealing with those bosses.
I'm not against anykind of penalty for being killed, but anything above a 15 second respawn time is overkill.
Is it even possible to defeat the wardens at the back of the base? I've never done it?
Before this update I heard Molten was a remix, but running through it in Forge it seems new. Is it new or a remix?
Said it in our HaloGAF Twitch Chat already, but Grunt Titan sounds like Fizzy from Sunset Overdrive and I really really love that. So hilarious.
Watched some Streams this morning and standard Warzone also looks much better with those refreshes. Will probably power through the needed Warzone Firefight victories to get those Gold packs today, since they don't say for how long they are limited.
The packs are tied to the new commendations. Different levels and commendations give gold or silver packs. You get golds for the odd numbered levels on the enemy commendations and golds basically the whole way through the FF Wins commendation.
First, fifth and tenth FF win also give gold packs, not sure how long that'll last.
Before this update I heard Molten was a remix, but running through it in Forge it seems new. Is it new or a remix?
um... Pretty sure those numbers correspond to the levels in the commendation..........
Also, this was hysterical.
Yeah I'm having a the same problem but I jus try to get in a few games of Halo a week. I still have the itch but don't want to go all out anymore. I was getting way to frustrated by taking it seriouslyYea, I didn't have much fun. The game feels weird to me now, sucks, but oh well.
I don't know if Overwatch has a higher FOV, but I felt very claustrophobic playing H5 tonight.
The playlists are a big ole fail for me now though. I cannot keep up with the competition now, so I just have to ride out getting slaughtered every match until my MMR tanks? Who knows how long that would take. At this point in the games life, it really needs some social options.