Rofl sorry. I put it in quotes. I'm on my phone so I can't even tell.Thanks for the big picture
Anybody want to party up for some Firefight in like an hour?
I'd feel better about burning REQs if using a REQ made it more likely to get another one of the same type. Likewise, selling a REQ card should make those particular drops less likely.Burn those REQs, lol. Its worth it for gold packs. I also make sure the team is looking decent before dumping any real big vehicles out there.
Anybody want to party up for some Firefight in like an hour?
Nice. She still have all her fingers? I heard those pieces were sharp.Mrs Ade was bored as I was hogging the TV playing Firefight, so she made my horrifically difficult LE Metal Earth Guardian thing:
Nice. She still have all her fingers? I heard those pieces were sharp.
Anybody want to party up for some Firefight in like an hour?
Mrs Ade was bored as I was hogging the TV playing Firefight, so she made my horrifically difficult LE Metal Earth Guardian thing:
At long last, I finally got the Halo 2 BR.
I'm game
Shoot me an invite if you've got space!
hmmm maybe ^^
Online now. Won't have a mic, sorry.
If anyone wants to join, please message any of us. GT = AkaiGAF
Online now. Won't have a mic, sorry.
If anyone wants to join, please message any of us. GT = AkaiGAF
Damn, that's a great update! Played for four hours, and I've not even seen half of the new content.
The wasp is already one of my favorite Halo vehicles, 343 did a damn good job on it. Only used it in Firefight, but I can't wait to try it out in Warzone.
Firefight is soooooooo good, by the way! The map/objective variety is really good for now! Played ten matches in Arena (Team Slayer), and I've not seen Molten once, though.
FFA on Molten is garbage
3 wardens in fortress = literally impossible
3 wardens in fortress = literally impossible
Scorpion tanks + Wasp = Get GudIt's insane. Wtf
Scorpion tanks + Wasp = Get Gud
I think Arena rank should be given after 5 games completion. 10 is too long. That way you'll be placed with proper skilled players asap.
By 40 wins I'll have finished my REQs lol40 wins for level 4 commendation in warzone ff
343 pls. and only 1 gold pack for completing that
So if you sign in on Waypoint, you can still get a daily login pack without needing to be near your Xbox. I just signed in on Waypoint and got a Nornfang out of that pack.
So if you sign in on Waypoint, you can still get a daily login pack without needing to be near your Xbox. I just signed in on Waypoint and got a Nornfang out of that pack.
I only got 200rp
Yes it will. Shoot the rotors.Wasp is a game changer in vanilla warzone, had a team spawn 4 of them together, just wrecked us.
There is no use spawning one I'm retaliation unless others do the same, and without teamwork that won't happen.
And as its low req is required you don't have the option to spawn a splaser, hydra etc to take them out... BR won't do the job.
Need more nerds for Firefight. Message TCKaos on live to get in.
I'm patiently waiting for Gringo to realize that I brought Zoso so we have 9 players instead of 8 so now I need more people to make my own party with blackjack and hookers.