But I thought Halo was dadI just overheard a kid in Wal-Mart saying he totally had like a million REQs for warzone, so watch your backs out there
But I thought Halo was dadI just overheard a kid in Wal-Mart saying he totally had like a million REQs for warzone, so watch your backs out there
It's pretty intimidating but that one is actually very doable because the guards are just normal soldiers. They die fast. There is enough time that your whole team could just dive bomb them and die on loop and even with the respawn timer you'd kill them before time runs out. You can also spawn scout warthogs to run over a bunch of the enemies in the road in front of them.So we all start off towards the soldier guard, who would be where else but the other side of the map on the other spawn's helipad, and what is circling overhead? Goddamn pinpoint accuracy Phaetons. Two or three people quit and I have assume that they saw the Phaetons at REQ Lvl 1 and just said "Fuck it."
We actually beat that wave but lost round three. Round three was full of Phaeton Helmsmen that we needed to kill, the ground was covered with Ghosts, and no one had high enough REQ energy to be spawning even rail guns, let alone Spartan Lasers.It's pretty intimidating but that one is actually very doable because the guards are just normal soldiers. They die fast. There is enough time that your whole team could just dive bomb them and die on loop and even with the respawn timer you'd kill them before time runs out. You can also spawn scout warthogs to run over a bunch of the enemies in the road in front of them.
A problem I've noticed with randoms is when you can finish quickly by killing elites or hunters, they just go ahead and do that fully focused when they should have been farming kills for REQ energy, so then later on we're all fucked going against something really hard at REQ 3 or 4.
Destroying ghosts on Apex isn't that bad. Destroying knights on stormbreak tho... fucking hell. Most times I've played it my team just can't find the knights or can't beat them very quickly. However I just played it with a team of badasses and we still had one left that was guarded by 2 phateons and a ton of other enemies. Thing is, I'm sure that wasn't a problem so much as just getting to it since I've never seen knights killed so quickly as with this team, it was fucking sick how well we were doing. All 8 of us were together focusing them down, 2 of us were in banshees. But you have to kill a handful and then it spawns more and repeat, and it just took too long.
Aaaanyway I have to say Patrol case + Extra ammo DMR = Holy shit I can shoot forever. Same for the extra ammo SMG. This shit should be standard for Firefight.
It's pretty intimidating but that one is actually very doable because the guards are just normal soldiers. They die fast. There is enough time that your whole team could just dive bomb them and die on loop and even with the respawn timer you'd kill them before time runs out. You can also spawn scout warthogs to run over a bunch of the enemies in the road in front of them.
A problem I've noticed with randoms is when you can finish quickly by killing elites or hunters, they just go ahead and do that fully focused when they should have been farming kills for REQ energy, so then later on we're all fucked going against something really hard at REQ 3 or 4.
So was there any details for the forge PC thing or was it just the release date?
Yeah round 3 phaetons on darkstar is laughably hard, especially because they are legendaries so they are really tough. I've only seen one destroyed with the whole team working on it. One person had a railgun and one had a hydra and that with everyone else shooting was just enough to bring one down and then we had maybe 20 seconds left.We actually beat that wave but lost round three. Round three was full of Phaeton Helmsmen that we needed to kill, the ground was covered with Ghosts, and no one had high enough REQ energy to be spawning even rail guns, let alone Spartan Lasers.
Really hope we get most of this stuff at launch for the next game.
I think some people hold back, strategizing that they need to spend on round 5 instead of on killing mantises in round 4. Limited REQ energy, limited ammo. It sends things into a negative feedback loop, like in an RPG when you end up never using your item buffs/big heals because you don't know if this is the "right" boss to do that on or not, or with big guns in a survival horror. In order to enjoy the full array of things, people need to be confident it wouldn't be a mistake due to future unknowns.It really sucks when people don't use reqs in firefight. If it's the 4th round and you're fighting 4 mantises, stop trying to shoot them with your BR...
Bullet sponge, teleporting (this is thee worst part, fuck teleporting), area-blocking splinter grenades, near-instant light beam shots that obliterate your shields. Fuck prometheans. Especially when they get ICs and splinter turrets. But fuck their bullet sponge shit whenever you have to fight them away from a terminal. An entire magazine for one fucking soldier.rd 1 defend the armory against covenant = fuck yeah, this is a blast!
rd 1 defend the armory against prometheans = fuck this, bullet sponge hell. game over man, game over!
During the beta i rarely lost one. Idk its reallly surprising to myself im losing every single ff game. Look at my game history and im not lieing. Its a little depressing as i wont blame ff.. Even though all of us randoms couldnt find the ghosts until the 3 mins passed....
I think some people hold back, strategizing that they need to spend on round 5 instead of on killing mantises in round 4. Limited REQ energy, limited ammo. It sends things into a negative feedback loop, like in an RPG when you end up never using your item buffs/big heals because you don't know if this is the "right" boss to do that on or not, or with big guns in a survival horror. In order to enjoy the full array of things, people need to be confident it wouldn't be a mistake due to future unknowns.
I'll use wasps early on if I have any, and usually won't use my first vehicle req until round 4, depending on the req level I'm at. If I get banshee raiders or ghosts in an early round, and I'm not even to req level 3 yet, I usually switch to the longshot AR with kinetic bolts. Seems to work okay even though it's slow goings. I'll use ghosts when I get frustrated by the AI getting cheap one shot kills.It really sucks when people don't use reqs in firefight. If it's the 4th round and you're fighting 4 mantises, stop trying to shoot them with your BR...
I'll use wasps early on if I have any, and usually won't use my first vehicle req until round 4, depending on the req level I'm at. If I get banshee raiders or ghosts in an early round, and I'm not even to req level 3 yet, I usually switch to the longshot AR with kinetic bolts. Seems to work okay even though it's slow goings. I'll use ghosts when I get frustrated by the AI getting cheap one shot kills.
I know you are not lieing never said that :>
I guess it's probably the fact that halo is free and you matched with randoms that don't have reqs to use.
I played 10~ WFF games solo queue and won 8.
I usually spawn a wasp when i get 3 req energy and then another vehicle when i get 7 reqs
I'm not finding it that difficult. I only lost one game so far and every game has been with randoms.
Only losing one game he must be on a secret easy mode server or something.Youre just op.
How do you get things to not target you when in a wasp? I've seen some teammates go two whole rounds raining hell with impunity, the AI just standing there doing nothing and dying. The second I hop in a wasp it's like the whole map is on to me, doesn't matter how far or high I fly away. One time I even hopped in one at the same time as a teammate to fight phaetons. They focused on me and ignored him, and even when I died he cleared out the other two without them shooting at him.
I mean like literally troops all over the map that I never even shot at will often be shooting at me, sometimes even as I just approach the battlefield while flying high, coming in from the red warning zone. Can't fly away fast enough because it isn't a fast vehicle. Then another time I watch a teammate clear two hunters and all the enemies around them while I'm on respawn timer screen, and they are just standing there getting killed. Maybe it has to do with leaderboard standings? I'm very often at the top of the list after round 1. So maybe if you're toward the bottom it decides you must not be dangerous enough to pay attention to?You just have to start moving out of the way the second you see the enemy look at you funny. Even normal Banshees can utterly shred a Wasp in seconds but it seems like the Warzone AI heavily prioritizes proximity and who's firing at it, so holding your fire and moving back seems to be enough for them to quickly lose interest.
I have 19 wins to go before level 5 but maybe always-winning Forerunner can enlighten us.How many Firefight wins are required to get the commendation? I think I'm on stage 4 with like 37 wins to stage 5 o_o
Or immediately use his invincible teleport escape to go around the corner and find a spartan busy fighting his buddies and throw a splinter grenade in their back.at which point they either die (because you hit the weak point) or... they go back to ignoring your shots until you finally kill them.
Stop flying so high. If you're getting shot, fly low and break sight lines. If you're as high as possible, of course everything on the map can see you.I mean like literally troops all over the map that I never even shot at will often be shooting at me, sometimes even as I just approach the battlefield while flying high, coming in from the red warning zone. Can't fly away fast enough because it isn't a fast vehicle. Then another time I watch a teammate clear two hunters and all the enemies around them while I'm on respawn timer screen, and they are just standing there getting killed. Maybe it has to do with leaderboard standings? I'm very often at the top of the list after round 1. So maybe if you're toward the bottom it decides you must not be dangerous enough to pay attention to?
Or immediately use his invincible teleport escape to go around the corner and find a spartan busy fighting his buddies and throw a splinter grenade in their back.
I've had one keep teleporting back and forth to dodge my shot and then shoot back, and when I really focused to keep my aim on him so he couldn't shoot, he chain teleported like 100 yards right up to knee me in the face. Complete bullshit that endless teleporting. Especially with aim assist dragging your crosshairs away because of other enemies when you try to track them through a crowd.
Yeah round 3 phaetons on darkstar is laughably hard, especially because they are legendaries so they are really tough. I've only seen one destroyed with the whole team working on it. One person had a railgun and one had a hydra and that with everyone else shooting was just enough to bring one down and then we had maybe 20 seconds left.
Even if someone could spawn a tank, the four of them would focus it down no problem. It would have to be REQ5 ground weapons, at least, and even then one phateon only gets you 2 energy so you might not have the ammo for all four. I really wonder what they have in mind or if anyone managed to beat it before they sent it out.
extended mag weapons + extended mag armor mod is legit :O
So in the last round I put in tons of work on the two legendary knights and mythic wardens with a sword banshee but didn't get the last hits on any of them so it said "teammates eliminated" on all of them. So no boss points, go from 1st-the-whole-game to second-to-last-ending and RIP ranking bonuses. I hope they have some legit technical-difficulties excuse as to why damage dealt on bosses seems to have a 5 second attention span.
I tried flying the wasp really low and that worked.
Oh I didn't know it can fire while boosting. I preferred wheelman+ghost ultra because the splash damage does better versus a few enemy types, but using boost fire could have awesome applications.PS: My current favorite combo is wheelman combined with a temple ghost. You are faster than light, nimble as hell and can shoot and dodge while boosting. It's super efficient when going up against ground troops (apart from knights, wardens and the grunt mech ofc), just run over them and you'll be gone before the others can start firing, rinse and repeat.
Jorge gets it!Yeah that is what I use on Firefight well that and my H2 BR![]()
Jorge gets it!Before getting the H2BR cert, I was kind of thinking it wouldn't make that much of a difference, but now that I finally have it I can't play warzone without it. As soon as I hit level 4 I immediately switch. feel so good. Dang game made me unlock every other loadout cert first and I had all but 2 or 3 weapon certs total left >:-(
Try it with DMR if you have the extra ammo one. You can kill a knight without reloading.extended mag weapons + extended mag armor mod is legit :O