Zoso Achilles
Our company's ground vehicle kills are still at 487. You guys suck at ghost.
Been getting back into Halo after stopping playing back in January.
Is it just me or is the sound in headphones off? I'm have the audio settings on headphones but I'm often having trouble figuring out where gun fire is coming from. I hear it, turn to where I assume it's coming from and it's no where near there?
Just me?
I'm using the Xbox stereo headset? With most games I can hear sound perfectly and recognise where it's coming from, just with Halo I'm having trouble.Rocking Astro A40's + MixAmp TR via Optical and 7.1 with no problems. Can pinpoint sounds pretty easily.
What's your setup? People often forget that you only get Stereo sound through the controller adapter and that you have to disable the game sound, if you are having a Headset via Optical plugged in. The Gamesound will be doubled otherwise.
That limits sound output to stereo.I'm using the Xbox stereo headset? With most games I can hear sound perfectly and recognise where it's coming from, just with Halo I'm having trouble.
I'm using the Xbox adaptor on the bottom if the controller If that's what you mean?
- BTB pistol starts
- Solo queue for Slayer
Game is perfect
I'm using the Xbox stereo headset? With most games I can hear sound perfectly and recognise where it's coming from, just with Halo I'm having trouble.
I'm using the Xbox adaptor on the bottom if the controller If that's what you mean?
I haven't been in this thread much lately, has there been any word on dev made BTB maps? They did promise them at launch, and it's been what.... 10months now?!
They did? All I can remember is that they said BTB is comming, but they never confirmed on launch or dev made.
What happened to Zanzibar and Coagulation?
Zanzibar is the most overrated map in the history of BTB maps, imo. No thanks. Coagulation was also only remade like 30 times by now.
If they are going to add dev made BTB maps ( good luck) then we need new ones. I don't think we have ever had a Covenant styled BTB for example. Get creative and don't give us the same old and boring remakes.
Why no "One bomb" games in BTB?
Because 343i forgot to add one sided Objectives.
Thanks man. Usually with the stereo headphones I can make out the direction pretty well in games like Gears, Battlefield and Titanfall. Just seems to be Halo I'm having trouble with. Couple of times I've been playing Firefight and running in the wrong direction thinking that's where the enemies are, only to have to turn around and run back.That would be news to me, as Stereo Headsets will always give you Stereo sounds. All they can do is simualting directional sounds on the 2 channels those Stereo headsets have, so you could only hear left and/or right, but that's really not comparable with a Dolby Sorrounds Headset, where you can basically hear every direction.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong here.
Started the campaign for the first time on legendary. Did they make the Knights more stupid? because it seems like you have to shoot them in the back after dropping their shields, in single player, while they have shotguns. What the fuck?
Only the first game of Firefight has music in the intro, every match after that during a session has no music during the fly in into cutscene.
The Knights are massively improved, IMO best designed enemies in the game.Started the campaign for the first time on legendary. Did they make the Knights more stupid? because it seems like you have to shoot them in the back after dropping their shields, in single player, while they have shotguns. What the fuck?
Okay so you can definitely still get them in the mask and face?The Knights are massively improved, IMO best designed enemies in the game.
Shoot the glowing orbs on either side of their body. When one of their wing things explodes you can get a one hit kill by shooting them in the head during the scream animation. Otherwise shoot off the other wing and get them in the back, or shoot their mask a few times to destroy that then you can get a one hit kill to the head.
Okay so you can definitely still get them in the mask and face?
Because trying to strafe to shoot them in the back didn't really work, unless they got occupied with my AI teammates, and you know, they aren't exactly reliable.
If you don't get them during the scream you have to get them in the back?Yeah, I think it's only a 5 or 6 shot with the BR if you manage to hit them in the face during the scream animation.
If you can aim they're not bullet spongy at all anymore.
Nah jem, nah.The Knights are massively improved, IMO best designed enemies in the game.
Shoot the glowing orbs on either side of their body. When one of their wing things explodes you can get a one hit kill by shooting them in the head during the scream animation. Otherwise shoot off the other wing and get them in the back, or shoot their mask a few times to destroy that then you can get a one hit kill to the head.
If you don't get them during the scream you have to get them in the back?
Closest game of FF I've ever played.
Hopped out of my Mantis to try and kill the Knight, couldn't believe I actually won us the game.
I Really hate crawlers. They just crawl behind you and shove you a nice BOLT in the arse and then ... you die.
They are not even FUN to shoot at.
Grunts - Very fun to shoot at and always will be. "gruntpocolyse is real"
Jackals - Sheilds create a process to eliminate them, creating a challange with precision weapons.
Elites - The enemies who will throw a sticky, dodge roll and then smack you dead laughing. - Fun challenge
Hunters - mini-bosses that require you to get behind them for 'extra' damage. meh, was the funnest during CE
Crawlers - They run straight at you or flank you with boltshots that have homing bullets.... nothing fun
Soldiers - they teleport right to you or flank you with lightrights or supressors that have homing bullets ... nothing fun, more like a carnival game gone wrong
knights - Behemoths that will insta kill you if you mess up. they are challenging but a bit bullet spongy like Hunters post CE
flying thingies - no purpose in halo 5 what so ever anymore. In halo 4 they actually sheilded their allies and resurrected knights; A challenge added into the fray, but not anymore.
That's the thing, how do you design an interesting encounter, when the enemy is has no interest in preserving itself? They all are just heavily armored objects that test your twitch precision a skills.
The closest analog is the flood, who were similarly bullish. But they were designed to encourage the use all of the weapon types. You constantly found yourself using the AR for crown control, targeting the bloated guys for makeshift explosions, shooting the arms off of enemies with ranged attacks, shot gunning when available and doing all sorts of platforming to stay alive. It was a glorious dance. THEN their were covenant enemies thrown in mid fight.
With Prometheans it's: find cover, precision shot until they are dead or they teleport to your flank, repeat. They just need to find away to make them feel more organic.
If you don't get them during the scream you have to get them in the back?
Nah jem, nah.
With Prometheans it's: find cover, precision shot until they are dead or they teleport to your flank, repeat. They just need to find away to make them feel more organic.
No, destroy both wings then hit them a couple of times in the face and the mask will pop off allowing them to be destroyed in one shot to the face.
Pretty sure you can just pump lots of bullets into them and they'll eventually die as well.
Well pretty much every other basic enemy basically requires you to just shoot until the shield pops then get a headshot.
Knights reward being able to aim properly far more than any other enemies.
I don't really get why people dislike soldiers but love elites, mechanically they're extremely similar.
I agree with you. The difference is that they teleport, so they become fucking annoying
my year of XBL just ran out, so I'm reduced to scrounging around my game cases like a pleb for 2-day codes. Thankfully, Halo 5 came with a 14 day code I've never used.
Eh, the teleport is just a fancy dodge.
Doesn't bother me.
Sorry to bust your bubble, but that 14 day free trial is for member who never had gold before.
I only know this cause i tried to use it
(groupon usually has gold for $40)
A Soldier can TELEPORT across buildings and onto Roofs. Have you not seen in WZFF 10 soldiers just TELEPORT to the rop of the standing structure next to an amory? (stormarch map)
Elites cannot. It is not a Fancy Dodge. It is not a fancy dodge.
You can use trials if you had gold. Use them via xbox.com
Soldiers are worse than Elites because they've got less hit feedback and less interesting animations/visuals. They're also way more common, and can TELEPORT. Knights fill a good role as a Hunter-tier enemy, but Soldiers are way too numerous and quick to be Elites.
Ah, then there is my mistake. I used it on the xbox one itself and told me i wasnt allowed to use that trial and give it to a friend LOL....
Well pretty much every other basic enemy basically requires you to just shoot until the shield pops then get a headshot.
Knights reward being able to aim properly far more than any other enemies.
I don't really get why people dislike soldiers but love elites, mechanically they're extremely similar.
That wasn't my experience at all with H5. I don't think there was a single moment in the game when I just sat back and shot with precision weapons. The only time I ever took cover was to regenerate shields then I'd be back on the move.
Hopefully there's some refinement in Halo 6.
I really wish they'd change their art style, but not much hope for that.
Comes in on a ship and jumps in vs warps in sometimes right on youI don't really get why people dislike soldiers but love elites, mechanically they're extremely similar.
Really who the hell at 343 thinks having two Wardens at round 2 on Apex 7 is a good idea? It is basically "use your Wasps or die like a bitch lololol"
Well the game mode was partially created to make you use your reqs. This is how the game makes money,
I play warzone wrong. I never use my reqs outside of vehicles. I either sell the chappy weapons or just leave the better ones to stockpile.
It was the same with Titanfalls burn cards.
All I use is Pistols then BRs like a scrub.
What's wrong with me
I play warzone wrong. I never use my reqs outside of vehicles. I either sell the chappy weapons or just leave the better ones to stockpile.
It was the same with Titanfalls burn cards.
All I use is Pistols then BRs like a scrub.
What's wrong with me
Comes in on a ship and jumps in vs warps in sometimes right on you
Physically moves in on you vs teleportation (this is huge esp when guarding a building)
Physically reacting to your fire vs unflinching/teleportation
Plasma fire you can dodge vs lightbeam or homing fire
Grenades that void a space for 3 seconds vs 15 or whatever ridiculous amount of time it is
Break shields with one shot from one of the 100 plasma pistols around vs break shields with entire mag from one of the 100 suppressors laying around
If every elite had a carbine they would be closer to fighting soldiers, but still very different.
Playing BTB solo isn't so bad since only garbo players play BTB and you can do all the work, resulting in quick matches:
Well, the fact that REQs exist forces them to design encounters around them.
Enemies are at a difficulty where default loadouts can be used to defeat them on average with an average team. This results in REQs making the rounds much easier.
Enemies are at a difficulty where REQs can be used to defeat them on average with an average team. This results in default loadouts being insufficient.