That would be less shitty. I'll make a post at some point unless someone beats me to it.
We should get lurkers and friends of ours before we go to r/halo or waypoint
That would be less shitty. I'll make a post at some point unless someone beats me to it.
I'm down, but my mic's still not working.So I've been knee-deep in DOOM campaign. Time to return home to Halo-land. Anyone playing tonight in like 15 mins?
I'm down, but my mic's still not working.anything but Warzone plz
I have no idea what's wrong with it. I have a feeling it's a network thing? ¯\_(ツYou *ever* gonna get that fixed?
So I've been knee-deep in DOOM campaign. Time to return home to Halo-land. Anyone playing tonight in like 15 mins?
With the resurgence in lapsed players... I think another community montage is called for? What do we reckon folks?
With my role over at Forgehub, it'd be good to include custom community content too.
I swear FATS must only go after Ninjas. "What's a gun?"
I swear FATS must only go after Ninjas. "What's a gun?"
Has there only been one Halo loot crate so far?
Ok thanks. I thought that too but I can only find one figure to buy on eBay. I'm trying to catch up.tacosNinjas fuel me.
2 I think
Go for it. They're more than welcome to grind with us.
With the resurgence in lapsed players... I think another community montage is called for? What do we reckon folks?
With my role over at Forgehub, it'd be good to include custom community content too.
With the resurgence in lapsed players... I think another community montage is called for? What do we reckon folks?
With my role over at Forgehub, it'd be good to include custom community content too.
Has there only been one Halo loot crate so far?
Was there a figure in each?Two, one Spartan program themed and one ODST themed.
Gone whole-hog on that Xbox white huh?At least you're not trying to match the book covers (that way lies madness...)
With the resurgence in lapsed players... I think another community montage is called for? What do we reckon folks?
With my role over at Forgehub, it'd be good to include custom community content too.
shouldn't you sit on a ton of clips, we sent to the email and didn't get a 2nd montage of?
Okay, so next montage by 2018 Kappa
Why does it bother me that they are not cut to the proper size?
Oh, right. I worked in the printing industry for 20 years and have operated hydraulic cutters which were accurate to .001"
One this still not fixed is the solo vs team.
Do you like pissing people off? Is it so hard?
Last night it seemed better than it used to be in WZ, at least. The party limit makes it a lot harder to farm when you have six randies going for the core.
You can still do a lot of damage with six people though, I had one game where they pulled out three wasps at the beginning, which kind of sucked. You can definitely tell when you are playing people with a deep REQ locker.
Last night it seemed better than it used to be in WZ, at least. The party limit makes it a lot harder to farm when you have six randies going for the core.
You can still do a lot of damage with six people though, I had one game where they pulled out three wasps at the beginning, which kind of sucked. You can definitely tell when you are playing people with a deep REQ locker.
Wz is amazing now. Six people ia no problem at all.
The arena is more frustrating.
Yeah I get the balance of the Wasp, but when one team can spam it they still punch way harder than their REQ level considering you don't have any anti-armor attachments for your BR at LVL 3 to effectively teamshot. They should really be knocked up to level 4, or else they really need a weaker shield or health.
Well, as Karl and I pointed out not too long ago, aerial vehicle balance is ass. Even Wasps are not that easy to hit since they are quick and have a whole other dimension to move in.
No reason at all other than I have another account that doesn't get bombarded with invites and hate mail non stop. If I had started on my public account I'd have stuck with that. As it is I have about a zillion unused reqs on my MP account, and less on my other account.
Wasps can be annoying early on in Warzone but for the life of me I can't figure out why no one trys to shoot them down. If your entire team just focus fires you can easily dispatch it, the maneuverability of the Wasp is ass.
Wasps can be annoying early on in Warzone but for the life of me I can't figure out why no one trys to shoot them down. If your entire team just focus fires you can easily dispatch it, the maneuverability of the Wasp is ass.
Sometimes I see the same Wasp up for an entire Warzone Assault match and it drives me crazy.
Not with the Banshee. That damn thing is a nuisance and needs to be balanced. With someone who knows how to fly it, it can be one of the most frustrating things to go up against in this game.this is every flying vehicle in halo ever
Not with the Banshee. That damn thing is a nuisance and needs to be balanced. With someone who knows how to fly it, it can be one of the most frustrating things to go up against in this game.
It's like going from "Okay, I can kill this thing if I put enough shots into it" to "Wow I've been shooting this fucker for the entire match and they're just flipping everywhere, ducking in and out of cover. Why am I playing this mode? Why am I playing this game? Doesn't 343 care that people have been complaining about this since Reach? Ima just go play something else before I snap my digital copy of Halo 5 in half.." lol