That goddamn tail-end.
I've actually used the ramp portion of that tail end a few times.
That goddamn tail-end.
wait which one is it?
wait which one is it?
Show us the receipt, Monumental.
If not, I'll get the popcorn ready.
It's kind of sad how eager GAF (HaloGAF?) members are to see people get banned. Who gives a shit?
It's kind of sad how eager GAF (HaloGAF?) members are to see people get banned. Who gives a shit?
It's kind of sad how eager GAF (HaloGAF?) members are to see people get banned. Who gives a shit?
It's kind of sad how eager GAF (HaloGAF?) members are to see people get banned. Who gives a shit?
It's kind of sad how eager GAF (HaloGAF?) members are to see people get banned. Who gives a shit?
It's most likely jealousy that he has it early.
It's kind of sad how eager GAF (HaloGAF?) members are to see people get banned. Who gives a shit?
then start your witch-hunt on everyone hinting that they've played it early. more than just monumental in this thread.I am so jealous of everyone that has it early, THEY SHOULD ALL BE BANNED BECAUSE OF MY MISFORTUNE!!!! Yeah, no. If he is a pirate, then he deserves to be cleansed.
Jumping in too say Asscreed starts off so slow but right now im in the wilderness with Connor and its fucking awesome.
You never have any good comebacks to say.
*Hur hurr hur you sound mad, you must upset hurr derp*
Promethean Bish gif warming up just in case
wait a minute...what if people buy stuff but don't ask for a receipt?
Do you want them to go in and record their fucking purchase to get some poor mom and pop sued?
I am so jealous of everyone that has it early, THEY SHOULD ALL BE BANNED BECAUSE OF MY MISFORTUNE!!!! Yeah, no. If he is a pirate, then he deserves to be cleansed.
It's kind of sad how eager GAF (HaloGAF?) members are to see people get banned. Who gives a shit?
then start your witch-hunt on everyone hinting that they've played it early. more than just monumental in this thread.
If I had an early copy, the only way I would show you guys my reciept if I wiped my ass with it first. Why is it any of your business if he got an early copy, and why is it such a big deal to you?
God damn it, Monumental! You've hyped me up so much
Also, interesting writeup Monumental. I'll be interested in seeing how my attitude matches or conflicts with yours when I get down to play it.
So Monumental's write-up has pretty much convinced me this will be the best singleplayer Halo game.
Nice impression Monumental!
Nice text Monumental, thanks for the impressions and thanks for keeping it spoilerfree.
Love to hear all of this
You put something in spoilers, and then you just started talking about said spoiler so everyone can see? I'm still waiting for the game to be delivered and you just going on about howis a little god damn annoyingit apparently has nothing to do with the end of the world on the 21.12.2012
(I skimmed over your spoilered section... just read what was visible, btw)
is the getting matched with a party of 4 when going in alone being fixed in H4?
So everyone's a pirate now? Everyone keep your receipts on launch night! We must be sure!
It's most likely jealousy that he has it early.
Brace, Large: Left here by a race with unimaginable intellect and technology, we still have no fucking clue why they added that ugly end piece that sticks out all wicky wacky
Then why don't you try to "cleanse" other members who have it early and not just Monumental?
You put something in spoilers, and then you just started talking about said spoiler so everyone can see? I'm still waiting for the game to be delivered and you just going on about how (Apparently ACIII spoilers)is a little god damn annoyingit apparently has nothing to do with the end of the world on the 21.12.2012
(I skimmed over your spoilered section... just read what was visible, btw)
Guilty until proven innocent.
Remember that time we randomly got matched up against each other in Reach and we shit all over you so hard?
He never mentioned he pirated the game, his wording in one of his posts was just weird.
Jesus, people. Going from these witch hunt posts, you'd have thought he came in here with links to an iso or something. He gave very helpful impressions, and that's all.
Then where's your receipt, sltPoison? Or should I say... sltPirate!!!
Well you see... it was really windy the other day when I bought it from my local mom and pop shop (great people btw), and the game and receipt both got blown from my hand the moment I left the store. Then ya see the Campaign disc managed to fly out of the case and the top decal was scratched off on the newly paved parking lot. Disc 2, the case, and receipt are currently MIA. Just believe me though, I bought it.
Oh yea. Didn't I already give my reason for that. I guess you just like throwing insults at people.