Halo 4 Mainstage
Man, that mainstage makes me sad...
Halo 4 Mainstage
As an avid forger, I will say that forged maps shouldn't be relied on for anything other than to add a little bit of flavor here and there. Certainly not for things like sustaining a BTB playliest.Yeah Relay is smaller, might be okay. But it's not going to be fun having to rely on forge maps for objective modes.
Anyone ever crafted Halo PnP RPG system? I'm doing one right now, i just wonder if anyone else has, and if they has, could they share it? Would be interested in comparing my plans to whatever others have done.
Basing my system on DnD 3.5 d20 system, partially.
Not really. I'll modify it heavily. Attack roll + how many hits if multiple rounds are fired, static damage values for weapons (reduces dice rolling). Played on a grid map, it will do. I think.Oof. That system is wonky for firearms. Might consider something like Heavy Gear instead.
As an avid forger, I will say that forged maps shouldn't be relied on for anything other than to add a little bit of flavor here and there. Certainly not for things like sustaining a BTB playliest.
*forgets Reach*
What a joke.Main stage has no chairs.
Main stage has no chairs.
Main stage has no chairs.
Main stage has no chairs.
Kelly has a knee guard piece infront of her helmet. Hmm Interesting.
Not really. I'll modify it heavily. Attack roll + how many hits if multiple rounds are fired, static damage values for weapons (reduces dice rolling). Played on a grid map, it will do. I think.
EDIT the system will be mostly homebrewn, with some things grabbed from d20. Main die will be d20 of course.
*mental note: check Heavy Gear*
EDIT2 checked Heavy Gear BLITZ! quick start rules. Don't think this is what you mean, is it? Doesn't use d20...
and Kat's Helmet.
Blitz is the tabletop game. They had an old RPG system based around a d6 model & designed from the ground up for a world with mechs, spaceships and laser guns. 2nd Edition is the best. HG is an awesome sci-fi universe in its own right.
Before you put too much work into modifying 3.5 d20 for Halo, you might check enworld.org's forums for other recommendations. I've never played GURPS sci-fi, for example, but it's generic so if it's good all you have to do is stat up your Halo stuff and go.
(The SW Saga edition might be a better place to start a conversion if you're set on d20.)
has a knee guard piece infront of her helmet. Hmm Interesting.
It's very possible that you're a bad person, but I don't want to judge.
Might want to not spoil FUD. Also, budget.
lol I must be the only one that loves boneyard that map has always been good to me...
Does anyone think the lack of ranks will affect it's popularity months after launch?
WHAT THE FUCK reallly woow I thought he was 20 something... I have all 5 loaded but haven't watched it yet
Does anyone think the lack of ranks will affect it's popularity months after launch?
what in the actual fuck?Halo 4 Mainstage
You're a bad person, neoism
15 actually. 2526-2511=15. Of course it could be he had turned 16 already... Whatever.
MLG should hire Wu and him for future tourneys.
How old is he in CE?
That reminds me. Gotta watch FUD.
I do have SW Saga and the previous version of SW RPG so that helps too. But as i said, it will be mostly homebrewn.
40 something lol
guy was a fucking BOSS at 15 lol
Cool. Will be curious to see how things go. I suppose 343 sees it as too much of a niche product to make an official one. Shame.
Oof. That system is wonky for firearms. Might consider something like Heavy Gear instead.
Blitz is the tabletop game. They had an old RPG system based around a d6 model & designed from the ground up for a world with mechs, spaceships and laser guns. 2nd Edition is the best. HG is an awesome sci-fi universe in its own right.
Before you put too much work into modifying 3.5 d20 for Halo, you might check enworld.org's forums for other recommendations. I've never played GURPS sci-fi, for example, but it's generic so if it's good all you have to do is stat up your Halo stuff and go.
(The SW Saga edition might be a better place to start a conversion if you're set on d20.)
Hey I am working on some art for them right now
guns and giant mechs are pretty cool to paint.
For your own sake, DO NOT watch the last episode.
Great minds think alikeI did ;P Good call, I didn't even see your post! haha
yes:Question. Is there footage of slayer without the abilities and all that other stuff?
Slayer Pro on Relay, good stuff.Direct capture of Halo 4 multiplayer
My fav mini is a little Blazing Mamba conversion I made from some spare bits. Need to finish my Southern army some day. Much love for DP9. Getting back into the PC game some time in the next few months and hopefully will be able to find my copy of HGII.
What footage?Plywood! We need gifs of Laskey around the 5:45 spot. You'll know when you see it.
Spoilers? Bad episode?
Also anybody have experience pre-ordering at Newegg, how are they on new shipping games out, when do you think I might get it?
Saw Zalinkrow on the 6 o'clock news. I knew him before he was famous.
40 something lol
guy was a fucking BOSS at 15 lol
9 weeks in prison. He's gonna miss the halo 4 launch and Xmas. Contempt of court. What a badassWhat did he get? 20 years or life?