Nillapuddin's Turf, Foundation and Damnation remakes all play extremly well with the Halo 2 gametype....also they look amazing (really good use of the UNSC theme on Ravine)
From reading the multiplayer designer interview in the strategy guide it seems like their goals involved bringing new players into the fold without discouraging them so quickly, but it was also to try and make matches undecided until the late game - so you have more of this Mario Kart red shell philosophy at work.
Better players still win.itt someone literally arguing that it's not fair for someone with more experience to be better at something than someone with less experience.
I'll see if I can grab the quote tonight. I'm paraphrasing, but its in the guide. Its the main reason behind Regicide being the playlist they wanted players to start with. That funky scoring is completely by design.Oh wow please don't tell me thats true.
Well see, this here isn't what a new player necessarily thinks. All they know for sure is that there is a sniper there now - and who knows if or when it will come back.Oh neat a sniper spawned over here, I guess this is where the sniper spawns"
itt someone literally arguing that it's not fair for someone with more experience to be better at something than someone with less experience.
From reading the multiplayer designer interview in the strategy guide it seems like their goals involved bringing new players into the fold without discouraging them so quickly, but it was also to try and make matches undecided until the late game - so you have more of this Mario Kart red shell philosophy at work.
It's more like arguing that it's not as interesting to have an encounter decided by basic knowledge rather than tactics, positioning, timing, aiming, movement, etc. Knowing where Rockets spawn isn't an interesting or worthy skill to prop up.itt someone literally arguing that it's not fair for someone with more experience to be better at something than someone with less experience.
From my experience casual players dont wait for spawns, they will enjoy it if they stumble over a rocket but they wont go looking for it.Good point. This supposed benefit for newer players probably lasts no longer than one or two games. They'll probably get very frustrated the moment they want to actually learn the maps and get better.
Oh wow please don't tell me thats true.
I think the HUD indicators are a fantastic idea, but coupling them with random ordnance would only frustrate new players. Basically it helps them at first, but they get frustrated later.
"Oh neat a sniper spawned over here, I guess this is where the sniper spawns"
2 minutes later
"Wait, how come rockets spawned over there? I thought the sniper spawns here? Hmm... maybe next weapon spawn"
2 minutes later
"Why did needlers spawn in the sniper spawn? I want a sniper! Maybe it only spawns here once per game"
next game, same map
"What the fuck there wasn't even a sniper spawn in this game!?"
And pray to the Halo gods they didn't really want to matches to be decided at the last second as justification for global ordnance. RIP Halo indeed.
Is that his gamertag? Nillapuddin? I want to download these.
Doesn't count.
I want to find someone who genuinely thinks global ordnance as its currently implemented is a better system than what Halo had previously.
A person that loves the new change and thinks it benefited the game.
If they taught the rules we wouldn't need this stuff. That's a problem most games don't want to solve though.Having to knowing the rules of a game is not an artificial barrier, so randomizing all the rules is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.
Oh wow please don't tell me thats true.
I think the HUD indicators are a fantastic idea, but coupling them with random ordnance would only frustrate new players. Basically it helps them at first, but they get frustrated later.
"Oh neat a sniper spawned over here, I guess this is where the sniper spawns"
2 minutes later
"Wait, how come rockets spawned over there? I thought the sniper spawns here? Hmm... maybe next weapon spawn"
2 minutes later
"Why did needlers spawn in the sniper spawn? I want a sniper! Maybe it only spawns here once per game"
next game, same map
"What the fuck there wasn't even a sniper spawn in this game!?"
And pray to the Halo gods they didn't really want to matches to be decided at the last second as justification for global ordnance. RIP Halo indeed.
I play SWAT 99% of the time, but when i DO happen to venture into Slayer, i like it.
I like that power weapon whores gave had their crutch taken away and now have to rely on, you know, their actual ability to kill me.
its no coincidence my kill death ratio in Halo 4 is far better than it was in any other Halo. Im taking people on on a level field now.
map knowledge be damned. Can you kill me before i kill you? That's all that matters now.
my issues with Halo 4 MP lie with the back end, not front end.
Are you implying that learning the maps and weapon timers are an artificial barrier? I've been skimming so I may have missed something.That's not the argument, but I appreciate you building that straw man. Good times.
I think most everyone who isn't playing Halo for validation would agree that lowering its artificial barriers to entry makes it a better game. We want more people playing this thing, if not sociallylol), then because more people means more hoppers and more development monies hopefully making it a better game.
I play SWAT 99% of the time, but when i DO happen to venture into Slayer, i like it.
I like that power weapon whores gave had their crutch taken away and now have to rely on, you know, their actual ability to kill me.
its no coincidence my kill death ratio in Halo 4 is far better than it was in any other Halo. Im taking people on on a level field now.
map knowledge be damned. Can you kill me before i kill you? That's all that matters now.
my issues with Halo 4 MP lie with the back end, not front end.
I play SWAT 99% of the time, but when i DO happen to venture into Slayer, i like it.
I like that power weapon whores gave had their crutch taken away and now have to rely on, you know, their actual ability to kill me.
its no coincidence my kill death ratio in Halo 4 is far better than it was in any other Halo. Im taking people on on a level field now.
map knowledge be damned. Can you kill me before i kill you? That's all that matters now.
my issues with Halo 4 MP lie with the back end, not front end.
I'm not arguing that the two systems would be identical or anything, but here was my experience with the Invasion Slayer style gametypes. The territory would be taken and the countdown would begin, that's fine. Then, as soon as the countdown started, half a dozen people would shove their way to the center holding X or RB or whatever in hopes of being the lucky winner of a power weapon. I don't ever want that experience to return, and I think advertising weapon spawns ahead of time could encourage that if they're not very careful about it.Those gametypes dumped a bunch of weapons and vehicles into a circle after capturing a territory and waiting through a countdown.
I don't think that the people that benefit from this would understand the system (or changes) or even post on a message board![]()
I too want a Halo-themed visual frontend for a reaction time tester
Would there be another game that would scratch my Halo itch, has a decent population and relys on arena shooter gameplay, please let me know it.
He's mostly right. Its a different game though. Map knowledge still helps, but not as much.I don't even know what to say to this. Someone else take over.
I'm sure its extra maddening that Halo 4 could scratch this itch, with some changes made. So close, and yet so far away.Ok after this post I have to take a break. Good, seems like people really like it or prefer it, good Job 343.
Would there be another game that would scratch my Halo itch, has a decent population and relys on arena shooter gameplay, please let me know it.
That's a cool idea, but Halo 4's controls are already short on buttons as it is. Guess we could get rid of armor abilities and sprint!Why didn't they just copy Gears 3? Gears 3 you use the left bumper to highlight power weapon locations on the map. Random ordnance is a stupid solution to this problem
Oh please. Going from advertising weapon spawns to that is slippier than Slippy the Frog sliding down a freezing Slip'n'Slide.I too want a Halo-themed visual frontend for a reaction time tester
This is why I refused to engage with you over this. I know Kyle and I aren't the only ones who read what he posted and then when anyone disagrees with you you cut them down immediately.That's not the argument, but I appreciate you building that straw man. Good times.
Yes!That's a cool idea, but Halo 4's controls are already short on buttons as it is. Guess we could get rid of armor abilities and sprint!
Why didn't they just copy Gears 3? Gears 3 you use the left bumper to highlight power weapon locations on the map. Random ordnance is a stupid solution to this problem
He's mostly right. Its a different game though. Map knowledge still helps, but not as much.
Rhetorical sure, but certain areas on the map are better ground to hold or to advance or to make best use of your weaponry/AA, so map control and knowledge is still important. Its just a different set of decisions at work. More tactics, less strategy, which is why people feel it focuses more on the moment to moment combat.The logical endpoint of this style of design is for map knowledge to be a non-factor, correct? That was rhetorical, by the way.
I'm sure the guys at 343 didn't want to make it seem like they were copying another game.That's what bugs me the most. When the "problem" is actually very easily fixed and instead they add some convoluted mechanic. Is the weapon too effective at long range? Okay, then give it a 2x scope and reduce the aim assist range. Nope. BR spread.
The entire ordnance system (personal and global both) is my #1 complaint about the game.Random Ordnance killed Halo.
Agree with everything, besides point 5. The maps are fantastic, the problem is that everything gameplay wise ruins them.5. Bad Maps
still better than not knowing where rockets spawn and hoping you get lucky. maybe global ordinance would work better if everyone was shown where something was spawning like 10 seconds before it spawned, so they could actually go and try and set up for it and fight for itIt's more like arguing that it's not as interesting to have an encounter decided by basic knowledge rather than tactics, positioning, timing, aiming, movement, etc. Knowing where Rockets spawn isn't an interesting or worthy skill to prop up.
After that +29 game I played the other day, I find myself really wanting to play some more Halo 4. Let's see if lightning strikes twice. (Insert FF13 joke here.) Hopping on now.
Agree with everything, besides point 5. The maps are fantastic, the problem is that everything gameplay wise ruins them.
Halo 6:
You spawn on a random map that was made by a bunch of random tiles, on a random team (there are now 5 teams playing against each other at once in Halo 6) you spawn with a random weapon with a random weapon perk with a random AA and piece of equipment along with a random perk. You then have to deal with randomly falling pieces of battle debris, random sentient AI bots, random flood enemies, all weapons spawn randomly on the map. Objectives are static but only for a random amount of time and then move to a random new spot on the map. Also the objectives randomly switch to different objectives after a random amount of time.
The game is extremely chaotic and allows for the most dynamic experience supporting an unheard of level of map movement, casual protection, and allowing for even more waypoint moderators to be hired by 343 industries.
Fantastic? I wouldn't go that far. They're passable for the most part. Haven is legitimately great. Adrift is slowly turning into Gemini 2.0 in terms of camping, Complex has no business being in half the playlists it's in (lol CTF) and is generally mediocre, Abandon is good to awful depending on the gametype (lol CTF), Exile looked promising but favors red team heavily (blue is downhill, has a crappy base, is farther from tank and banshee which are inexplicably in matchmaking along with Gauss) and so is unsuitable for just about every objective gametype in the game, Longbow has huge potential that is totally wasted in everything but Dominion, Solace's asymmetry is a case of "how did they ruin such a promising map?", and Vortex is just bland. A little early to say for the DLC, but the more I play, the more I start to warm up to them.Agree with everything, besides point 5. The maps are fantastic, the problem is that everything gameplay wise ruins them.
I might still have my copy, I could ship it out in a couple weeks if you'd likeKittens I've looked at three different places for Twilight Princess GameCube for cheap and have had zero luck.
The fight must continue.
So since Pioneer and Rogue clearly have the best armor mods, what's the next best? What should I do my next specialization in? Except Gunner because of its omgwtf ugly armor.
Thinking tracker because of the sexy Boltshot skin, but I want to consider function first.