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Halo |OT15| Beta-tested, GAF approved


Landfall is lame, Monolith is generic, and Skyline is by far the best map of the DLC. It's one of the best small maps of the entire game.
Pretty sure I'm not. I like Reach, it has it's problems, it's not perfect by any means. The armor abilities are fucking terrible and led to the shit that killed Halo 4, some of the maps were pretty awful. If liking Reach means I'm a troll then so be it. I like Reach above most the Halo games, but, i still think they're all mostly on the same level. I dislike 2 yet put in more hours then any other Halo game.

So if you don't like armor abilities or maps...what did you like about reach?

Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but the shitty maps/armor abilities/bloom/slow movement pretty much defined reach for me. At least mutliplayer wise


Has any of the new maps shows up in iSlayer playlist aka fiesta 24/7 playlist for anyone? Have not encountered them myself.


So if you don't like armor abilities or maps...what did you like about reach?

Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but the shitty maps/armor abilities/bloom/slow movement pretty much defined reach for me. At least mutliplayer wise

Some of the maps. I liked most. I mostly prefer BTB/invasion. I rarely play anything else.
So been out of the Halo loop lately (Syndicate co-op and Batman Arkham City say hello), but did I miss any word or hints about the future of Spartan Ops?


If I recall, there was some debate about what MLG should do with it. And you're still focusing on the negative. The error allowed the weapon to be versatile, effective and fast at close range, workable at mid-range, and slow and methodical at long range. This had the effect of allowing more player movement around maps, as well as giving precedence to the other weapon roles in the sandbox. It made for varied encounters, and was a skill unto itself that worked in tandem with aiming and strafing. MLG might have removed it, but they removed so many things from the game. Reach was a game where every weapon could be a viable option against the DMR at the right range.
You know what's a better way to limit the range of utility weapons? Less aim assist and/or a 2x scope. Bloom is the absolute worst way to do it.

and orznge, what fps games did you play before?
Just realized a few speculative things about the story. Frankie, please give the plot a TU.

The Rookie was on a planet under siege before joining Buck's squad, and talked firsthand to a wounded ODST squad leader who manually detonated a nuke that carved half of the nearby mountain range out, with the Rookie having just enough time to get out of range. This is straight out of Halo Evolutions - Dirt, I think? He's not silent on purpose, the event traumatized him and he was rendered mute by way of PTSD. He sleeps constantly because it's his only form of release or freedom from his memories.

The Forerunners were originally much more birdlike, similar to the Chozo. Once they realized they were losing the test of the Mantle to humanity, they took advantage of their advanced technology in order to try and win the Precursors over (or, as a contingency plan, become strong enough to wipe them out). So what did they do? Mutate their race to become more human. That's why all the unmasked Forerunners have seemed so humanoid so far despite their book descriptions - we aren't seeing true "purebloods" yet.

The Jackals, Grunts and Elites look wildly different compared to their previous incarnations - notably looking more "full" compared to their wiry, insectoid designs prior. Halo 2 taught us that Heretic factions tend to treat their comrades with more equality than the Prophets would allow after such events like the Grunt Rebellion. Halo 4's Covenant look so different because they aren't being starved to the point of subservience. Their nourished forms are vastly different than their emaciated ones, and it has improved morale - but at the cost of reducing combat effectiveness, as the Covenant no longer fight with a zealous desperation as they did before. With their numbers reduced exponentially after Spartan Ops, Jul Mdama will likely reduce rations to bring the Covenant back to their old selves.


Just realized a few speculative things about the story. Frankie, please give the plot a TU.

The Rookie was on a planet under siege before joining Buck's squad, and talked firsthand to a wounded ODST squad leader who manually detonated a nuke that carved half of the nearby mountain range out, with the Rookie having just enough time to get out of range. This is straight out of Halo Evolutions - Dirt, I think? He's not silent on purpose, the event traumatized him and he was rendered mute by way of PTSD. He sleeps constantly because it's his only form of release or freedom from his memories.

The Forerunners were originally much more birdlike, similar to the Chozo. Once they realized they were losing the test of the Mantle to humanity, they took advantage of their advanced technology in order to try and win the Precursors over (or, as a contingency plan, become strong enough to wipe them out). So what did they do? Mutate their race to become more human. That's why all the unmasked Forerunners have seemed so humanoid so far despite their book descriptions - we aren't seeing true "purebloods" yet.

The Jackals, Grunts and Elites look wildly different compared to their previous incarnations - notably looking more "full" compared to their wiry, insectoid designs prior. Halo 2 taught us that Heretic factions tend to treat their comrades with more equality than the Prophets would allow after such events like the Grunt Rebellion. Halo 4's Covenant look so different because they aren't being starved to the point of subservience. Their nourished forms are vastly different than their emaciated ones, and it has improved morale - but at the cost of reducing combat effectiveness, as the Covenant no longer fight with a zealous desperation as they did before. With their numbers reduced exponentially after Spartan Ops, Jul Mdama will likely reduce rations to bring the Covenant back to their old selves.
This is your best post. All lot of this would make sense in the story, especially the mute Rookie and the difference in the treatment of the Covenant before and after Halo 4.

Caja 117

If I recall, there was some debate about what MLG should do with it. And you're still focusing on the negative. The error allowed the weapon to be versatile, effective and fast at close range, workable at mid-range, and slow and methodical at long range. This had the effect of allowing more player movement around maps, as well as giving precedence to the other weapon roles in the sandbox. It made for varied encounters, and was a skill unto itself that worked in tandem with aiming and strafing. MLG might have removed it, but they removed so many things from the game. Reach was a game where every weapon could be a viable option against the DMR at the right range.

The only debate about the DMR bloom in MLG was when was the correct time to remove it, their option was either make the change for the upcoming tourney, which was 2 week before that tournament, make the change for Nationals in providence or wait until the next season, I dont recall anyone advocating on leaving the bloom, even at 85 percent.

The problem with the bloom was that the mid Range battles where Always random, some player paced, others Spammed, but mostly people spammed, so all the DMR battles where left to chance, besides the fact that it made kill times very slow and the problem was only increased because of people sprinting away from battles.

It was so bad that the MLG community was pushing to have the needle rifle as the starting weapon.

Caja 117


If you barely played 4 v 4, MLG, or Team Objective, it makes sense, you like Halo Reach better than, let Say, Halo 3.

Also, to the poster above i wasnt criticizing his opinion, just observing that it makes sense that he likes Reach based on what he said.
on the subject of bloom, the only reason it worked so well in Shadowrun is because everyone in Shadowrun is very fast with many movement options (teleport, gliders, etc.), there is not much aim magnetism, and the rifle is very powerful. This means very fast kill times with high skill. None of those things carried over to Reach. Comparitively the DMR was weak to the Shadowrun Rifle, aim magnetism was insane, Spartan III's were slow as hell, and you didn't have many movement options. You could pick sprint or jetpack, but Shadowrun you could have teleport and glider, you didn't have one or the other. Also, Shadowrun didn't have very big maps so cross mapping isn't a big deal. The maps are small, cramped, and with many routes. If Reach had kept the movement speed and low aim magnetism maybe bloom would have worked better, but let's not front and say it was well done or designed.



Hmmmm I hope it will include in game tracks or extend some of the old tracks into real tracks not some paste some random 1 min tracks to make a 3 min track

Is it just me or is Neil Davidge not a good composer?

He is good but most of the Soundtrack is generic.


Is it just me or is Neil Davidge not a good composer?

Dude's legit good, but a lot of what he created either doesn't fit, or was implemented poorly into the game (usually the latter, unfortunately :/)

edit: get trent reznor for halo 5. or go one step further (IMO) and get all of How to destroy angels_ to produce the soundtrack. Shit would be top-tier amazing.


Dude's legit good, but a lot of what he created either doesn't fit, or was implemented poorly into the game (usually the latter, unfortunately :/)

Yup. While Davidge is talented, it just didn't fit with Halo, especially after coming from a decade of great and memorable Marty O'Donnell music.

I also think they just gave him some rough ideas of the type of encounter or cinematic happening and he composed and they just 'fit it in'. Everything Marty does, he fine tunes to the game. Nothing is off, it fits perfectly, the highs and lows.

A lot of HaloGaF spoke about the Covenant level today. Don't you remember how awesome the music for that level was? Or the music when Jorge decides to sacrifice himself and then six is dropping.

I don't know, I think the music/audio was poor for Halo 4. Not expertly tuned, off at parts, plus no monks or classic halo theme at all, except for a two second excerpt. The music was really iconic and if you hum it to any gamer, they'll say that's halo.

I mean, why not have monks for the menu? What possible reason was there for that tribal wailing that didn't fit and came out of nowhere? Was that another attempt at making Halo your own, do you honestly think the monks were worse? They used the monks for the Halo 4 reveal trailer because they know it represents halo, so why was it missing in release?

Also, I liked listening to the Davidge soundtrack separately, while I hated it in game. Whereas I don't really listen to Marty pieces outside of the game, but truly love what I hear in game. There was this great audio clip, Bungie released a year or two ago, which combined halo 1-3, and a bit of Reach.


I'd love to see Halo 2 remade by 343 for the Xbox 420, but with supervision from some of the key Bungie campaign designers. Could you imagine if, time and hardware permitting, we got Bungie's original vision for Halo 2's campaign (cut levels and all) combined with 343's hardware wizardry?


Yeah I've been saying this for a while, there's real scope to do a director's cut of Halo 2. They do need to get a couple of Bungie guys on board to do that though, to give it the "director's" credibility.


343i Lead Esports Producer
H4 OST is sick. Listened to it more outside the game than any Halo soundtrack. But I would agree that it was a non factor most of the game aside from a few awesome moments.


I don't know, I think the music/audio was poor for Halo 4. Not expertly tuned, off at parts, plus no monks or classic halo theme at all, except for a two second excerpt. The music was really iconic and if you hum it to any gamer, they'll say that's halo.

I mean, why not have monks for the menu? What possible reason was there for that tribal wailing that didn't fit and came out of nowhere? Was that another attempt at making Halo your own, do you honestly think the monks were worse? They used the monks for the Halo 4 reveal trailer because they know it represents halo, so why was it missing in release?

Ah thank God finally someone agrees! No E Dorian theme has been killing me!


The Majestic maps have finally lost the magic they had. Same old problems shining through once again. I'm finally bored of the Jet Pack ARing, Boltshotting and personal ordnance. A few new issues shone through as well. Spawns are a joke, especially on Skyline. This map doesn't do 8 player FFA.

Also the game has done nothing but put me on what felt like west coast US host all day. For a guy in the UK that's the worst host I can get in a game with decent population. One game was so bad it kept changing host over and over. I counted 13 before it finally settled on someone.

Maps have hit the nail on the head but as usual it's the core game that ruins it. This seems to be a pattern I'm seeing more and more. A new playlist is introduced with new maps. Playlist is great, maps play well enough to disguise Halo 4's glaring issues for a little while then you start seeing them and stop playing the game. Then rinse and repeat.


I feel the same way. Davidge's music isn't bad but it isn't Halo. While I love the remixes and some of the original versions of the tracks, I would've preferred new versions of classic Halo themes. Less techno, more monks.


I love the title music :O

Hate the infinity music though. Sounds like the music you hear on a typical military shooter.
Neil's music works with Halo. He did great stuff. Spartan Ops showcased it how great his work fits with the game. I was pumped when "To Galaxy" had started playing in the first mission of Episode 6. His music created a strange and curious atmosphere when Librarian's drones activated the beam in SpOps Episode 9 Mission 1.

He did astounding work. Unfortunately it was horribly misimplemented in the campaign. It was either drown by the in-game sounds or it was too quiet.

I won't deny that he did not work like Marty did. That not every track fitted in the game. The unused music is a evidence for it. But I won't call his work bad or generic. The OST of Halo 4 is my most heard Halo OST. I am enjoying the shit out of it. I am looking forward what he will do for Halo 5 if he gets contracted again. If he is, I hope 343i will force him to work more closely to the studio like Marty does.

(Btw. I am skeptical about Marty. Reach is the worst Halo OST. I don't really like it. But on the other hand the Destiny sound sample sounds soooo gooooood. Can't wait. Furthermore I'm getting happier each time to get great Halo games by 343i and a hopefully great new IP by Bungie wiht great music.)


I'm a better composer than both Davidge and Marty. Suck it.

Also, to follow up with something I mentioned a while ago about being invited for a usability study, it seems like I'll be heading over to Microsoft next week to test something motion/fitness related.

KiNext? Maybe. I probably won't be allowed to say any more once I sign some papers.
Neil's music works with Halo. He did great stuff. Spartan Ops showcased it how great his work fits with the game. I was pumped when "To Galaxy" had started playing in the first mission of Episode 6. His music created a strange and curious atmosphere when Librarian's drones created the beam in SpOps Episode 9 Mission 1.

He did astounding work. Unfortunately it was horribly misimplemented in the campaign. It was either drown by the in-game sounds or it was too quiet.

I won't deny that he did not work like Marty did. That not every track fitted in the game. The unused music is a evidence for it. But I won't call its work bad or generic. The OST of Halo 4 is my most heard Halo OST. I am enjoying the shit out of it. I am looking forward what he will do for Halo 5 if he gets contracted again. If he is, I hope 343i will force him to work more closely to the studio like Marty.

This, pretty much.

I agree with those saying that the OST isn't always well implemented. I also agree that Davidge and the studio should've worked closer together, with the actual game and its actual encounters in mind.

But, despite all that, most of the OST is absolutely amazing and something special.
117, Arrival, Revival and Green and Blue are four top-tier tracks back to back, and there's still tons more that I enjoy a lot - both on-disc and only ingame.

Oh, and they have to keep collaborating with the guy responsible for 117. He is fantastic as well.
This, pretty much.

I agree with those saying that the OST isn't always well implemented. I also agree that Davidge and the studio should've worked closer together, with the actual game and its actual encounters in mind.

But, despite all that, most of the OST is absolutely amazing and something special.
117, Arrival, Revival and Green and Blue are four top-tier tracks back to back, and there's still tons more that I enjoy a lot - both on-disc and only ingame.

Oh, and they have to keep collaborating with the guy responsible for 117. He is fantastic as well.
Kazuma Jinnouchi works at 343i. He did a lot of the Halo-like pieces of the OST like the credits music.

I'm a better composer than both Davidge and Marty. Suck it.

Also, to follow up with something I mentioned a while ago about being invited for a usability study, it seems like I'll be heading over to Microsoft next week to test something motion/fitness related.

KiNext? Maybe. I probably won't be allowed to say any more once I sign some papers.
I don't think you are. You would have been under a NDA already.
Some of Halo 4's OST was good, but there are some really odd tracks.
Not only did the mix dampen the quality of it, there's a few out of place tracks e.g. The Star Wars song
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