Because they aren't three years old.
Rambo game with no depth to any of its systems, the environment scaling, the combat, the writing, all skin-deep with no bite.
I finished up God of War Ascension last night. That game is disgustingly short if it was not for a semi emergency id of finished in one sitting of 4 hours. I have not checked but my playtime is around 5 hours and that is only because its artificially extended because of a difficult section called Trails of Archimedes which took me a few retries but only due to the fact that its 3 consecutive battles against enemies with too much health no saving and very few health soul rewards during the battle.
The ending is terrible.
It was good but not worth the money. Wait till its $20 or less.
Generally they aren't so visually exactly a Rambo gameOver critical, when compared to the same top tier games in this genre, it's really head and shoulders above them in many aspects.
What videogame ISN'T a Rambo game? Even stealth games are completely unfeasible when you try to wrap your mind around a guy actually sneaking through the shit they do undetected.
Never stopped being true though![]()
Aren't there codes in it for the Waypoint glyph tool?
It was announced a few weeks ago.
lol i bet it will only work with win8Lol
Seriously though, I need Halo 3 steam to happen.
Why is it always 3/10? Use the whole scale.
Tomb Raider is gud. Basically a more open Uncharted. I can't say it's worth $60, though. No replay value at all.
Seriously though, I need Halo 3 steam to happen.
I wish it would...![]()
Hah, that gif really points out to me how weird a lowered crosshair is. The focal point is completely off.![]()
I wish it would...![]()
I'll second that Tomb Raider is really good
Hah, that gif really points out to me how weird a lowered crosshair is. The focal point is completely off.
Gosh. I have no motivation to play Halo 4 anymore. I barely played two matches before getting two frustrated and getting off.
It's just not fun anymore.
Honestly if I wasn't an SR128 I would stop playing the MM. I can't stand playing this game online anymore. I will start playing A LOT more when the ranking system comes out next month. Can't take these shitty randoms anymore.
Honestly if I wasn't an SR128 I would stop playing the MM. I can't stand playing this game online anymore. I will start playing A LOT more when the ranking system comes out next month. Can't take these shitty randoms anymore.
Well, I think the problem was that they were caught up working on NXE and stuff.Microsoft pisses me off.. They HAVE the damn means to make such great games, but they just shit on themselves over and over ;\
What's the problem?
I know that it was wider than usual, it's just that that makes it stand out even more. When your vision is cramped in the normal view it's not as apparent, but nevertheless always awkward for me.Um, no, that .GIF is from a splitscreen recording.
That makes it ultrawidescreen, or about as close as you would get without an actual PC version,
which was the point. The console's Title Safe regions are to blame as well.
I don't even know how you can play Tomb Raider like you're Rambo, those machine guns near the end tear you to shreds in a secondbabby's first rambo
Maybe Halo can get a resurgence if Halo 3 comes out on PC & the new Xbox gets H2A with MP support.
Shit sucks right now, Throwdown's fun though.
Gah stupid Internet is always cutting off... If you're playing later ill try and get on.
even if the game was short it was still one of the better god of war IMO
God of war 1 did the story better
God of war 2 did the exploration, puzzles and combat better
God of war 3 did the scale and combat better
CoO is equally as bad
GoS i have not played
GoW:A was horrible on virtual all fronts.
Combat moves are locked behind a rage meter that takes too long to build making half the effective moves in the game useless not to mention the removal of many of the better moves from the game. The Elements are useless beyond changing the colour of the weapons and 4 equally effective moves except they have a magic spell locked behind them once you realize the electric spell is the best the others are redundant. World weapons are a step backwards for the series they serve little to no purpose have a very limited move set and only come in 4 variations I can count the times I used them on one hand. No unlockable weapons is horrible especially when the MP has so many of a good design. Hyped fights like the manticore and not only boring and simple but they are reused for seemingly no reason other than "hey we spent time on this you will play it again"
The length of the game is ridiculous its literally on par with a psp title
The "puzzles" are built for simpletons
Its artificially lengthened because they bumped up enemy HP.
The story is virtually none existent. "You need these magic eyes to beat the baddies go fetch the magic eyes" They seemingly invented some forced story about "oaths" for the game. Why did kratos need to break this oath? We have never seen any obligation and everything prior to this depicted a clear chain of events. Kratos is about to be killed in battle by a barbarian warlord he asks ares for help. Ares tricks Kratos into killing his family and then Kratos vows to kill Ares. He walks around for a bit and then Athena enlists his help.
All the stuff about seeing more of Kratos Human side was complete bullshit its never shown at all other than to Orkos and then its barely noticeable. Chains of Olympus showed more of his human side. The furies are horribly underplayed I still couldn't tell you what they are called. The hekatonkasaurus rex which could have been a titan scale battle was basically 6 corridors 2 battles with a hand and a fight with a head which was basically hit this tooth for some time.
Crasot was not only pointless but simple beyond belief. Its basically the Ripper Roo fight from Crash Bandicoot 2
The ending was ridiculous Kratos is in the exact same position as before except now a little gold stone is broken. What did his "oath" force him to do because if it ares had control over him why the hell did he let him spend a week traveling round to kill the enforcers of that oath? Orkos served no other purpose than to push the story along. He is in 3 cutscenes and had 5 lines of dialogue and then you stab him like its some super important sacrifice/event
The final battle is the most underwhelming thing iv ever played. You can stand still in the upper left corner and hit square square triangle and still win.
Not a single one of the characters are memorable.
Honestly its a huge disappointment. It felt entirely filler. Its the Garlic Junior saga of God of War.
Also my cat figured you guys needed to know this
Having never played Halo Wars and picking it up during the recent GOD sale, it's interesting watching.
Have you been playing Horizon? What do you think about it?
Well, I think the problem was that they were caught up working on NXE and stuff.
But it's hard not to be excited when Rare is working on new core IPs and likely several core gaming titles from the looks of it. MS has just had Rare brewing for the past few years.
Banjo games were always mediocre, don't know how it and its sequel gained so much reverence on a console that was kicked off by Mario 64.Uh, after the shit that was Nuts and Bolts I'll pass. Rare is Rare in name only. The core team that was responsible for Goldeneye, Perfect Dark are long gone. The majority of them went to work at another studio and made the amazing TimeSplitters game. Why would anyone be excited for Rare when they haven't been relevant in gaming for over 10+ years now? Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero, and Nuts and Bolts were all pretty mediocre games.
Uh, after the shit that was Nuts and Bolts I'll pass. Rare is Rare in name only. The core team that was responsible for Goldeneye, Perfect Dark are long gone. The majority of them went to work at another studio and made the amazing TimeSplitters game. Why would anyone be excited for Rare when they haven't been relevant in gaming for over 10+ years now? Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero, and Nuts and Bolts were all pretty mediocre games.
Yup. All the talent is long gone. It's sad too.
I'll disagree though GBTG, Kameo, and Perfect Dark zero were all damn fun games. However games since those have been shit.
I don't know about damn fun, I mean I don't think I even beat perfect dark zero, it just wasn't fun to play for me, especially when Call of Duty 2 was superior in nearly every way at launch.
I think the last game I had fun with, was conker:live and reloaded and that was only because I loved the original so much.
I'm sorry Psycho, you were incorrect about having damn fun. Your fun assessment meter must be off!
A little bit here and there. I enjoy the races, but there are so many damn loading screens.
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