Cross post here and Halo 4 Forge OT
I've been working on another map. When I read about the FFA contest, I figured, eh what the heck. I'll give my second map another shot. It took the original idea of courtyards and doodled a new version on a piece of paper. If I'm making a symmetric map, I generally break the map into 4 squares that each have 4 squares as well. This was the result.
Just like usual, I decided to go into SketchUp and mold out the map. It stayed fairly true to the paper version. The biggest issue I noticed in SketchUp was that there were only 2 ramps to get to the top. I figured I could find some new spots in Forge once I started it up.
A lot of things got changed, but the overall design largely remained the same. It is mirror symmetric, instead of inverse symmetric like my concepts were. The base layout still is a courtyard design. I changed the base layout to have ramps inside the base. This gives players a way up right off spawn.
In order to accommodate for the 8 player max of FFA, I decided to turn the side pieces into their own courtyards. The side courtyards are a bit smaller than the team courtyards, mostly so it will work during team games. Originally the orange courtyard was green, but I decided to change it after my roommate's friend couldn't tell the difference between red and green base(hint: he's R/G colorblind).
In order to give more distinguishing features to one side, I decided to throw a small asteroid trail up on the orange side. This has another side effect of shading the red base and the orange base.
The center box is a giant LoS blocker. It blocks the top and bottom base-to-base, as well as side-to-side. There's also a pair of lifts on each side to give players another route to the top. So far this is the best lift I have made. I haven't gotten stuck on it yet, but I won't say that it is impossible quite yet.
The red dots indicate FFA spawns. This stayed true from the original concept.
These are the initial weapon spawn locations.
Blue dot- Frags
Green dot- Plasmas
Orange cross- Pulse(below)
Red dot- Shotgun
Purple cross- Sniper(below)
I have random ordnance set up as well, but it is spread across the map.
I wanted to have the name deal with courts, so I named it Dread. It's a play on Dredd, plus it made giving it a description really easy. "The UNSC always feared the threat of Mega-Asteroid One crashing into this lawless station." Fear-dread. It works.
Things I have remaining:
-Fix the janky floor
-Loadout cameras
I'll upload it once I get the first two done, which will either be later tonight or tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for reading, and I'm eager for some feedback.