Gears of War Judgment is looking solid.
wat. 4 launch maps? PvP turning you off? I think those 'nades look pretty cool.. better than PV as an AA IMO.
I like how IGN is doing this. STEP IT UP MICROSOFT!
4 launch maps? This isnt correct, is it?
Gears of War Judgment is looking solid.
wat. 4 launch maps? PvP turning you off? I think those 'nades look pretty cool.. better than PV as an AA IMO.
I like how IGN is doing this. STEP IT UP MICROSOFT!
4 launch maps? This isnt correct, is it?
4 launch MP maps, there are 4 more unique maps for Overrun which is the new Horde mode.
You know Overrun is PvP right? So it's more than just the "new Horde mode" foo'
You know Overrun is PvP right? So it's more than just the "new Horde mode" foo'
You know Overrun is PvP right? So it's more than just the "new Horde mode" foo'
MP, as in if i want to play either team death match or King of the Hill, so only 4 maps for that? If so Im canceling my Gears Preorder.
MP, as in if i want to play either team death match or King of the Hill, so only 4 maps for that? If so Im canceling my Gears Preorder.
this is from a while ago, but spike grenades being unnecessary to the sandbox? really? did you never throw them at a wall so they would destroy the person chasing you? spike grenades had all sorts of usesMaybe if you never play anything other than slayer, then yeah they're pretty useless.
Other than that, they're an instant "reconsider your movement" notion to other players, and definitely not as useless and unnecessary to the sandbox like spike grenades were. Work flawlessly in blocking off choke points, turning defense into offense, etc.
this is from a while ago, but spike grenades being unnecessary to the sandbox? really? did you never throw them at a wall so they would destroy the person chasing you? spike grenades had all sorts of uses
Why is every Halo 4 human map the same white/grey color?
That seems like an odd breaking point for someone who thinks the DMR's so perfect.
why is every covenant map purple?
why is every covenant map purple?
If HaloGAF Radio ever comes back (rip in peace), I made two tracks that might work as introduction music for it. I was bored.
Nemesis (Loungeworker Mix)
Revival (Loungeworker Mix)
They're both short as hell so you guys could probably use them as ringtones for calls, too.
found all these hidden codes on the maps for the code guys.
what does it mean?found all these hidden codes on the maps for the code guys.
Those achievements, yikes! It's like 343 doesn't realize how fucked up the matches will be. It's one thing to use mantis. Now every match will be a shit load of pulse grenade spam, active camo, jetpack or pv users.
People won't play properly for a long time and will get desperate.
I remember the halo 3 lone wolves achievements. I got all of them within 2 days of launch legit. I also know how much they fucked up my lone wolves rank forever. I actually did the double kill splaser twice. It was completely random but all match long I would hog the splaser on high ground or snowbound.
I just don't care about the achievements anymore so it doesn't bother me, but it's going to have a HUGE impact on the matches. In Crimson people would just foolishly use hog instead of helping out, trying to do jumps, etc.
Kill people while pv is active, this pretty much means everyone will equip boltshot and hide and look at radar, activate and kill you.
5 airsassinations... Unnecessary jetpack use. Instead of shooting people, they'll just keep flying up, trying to get an assassination and most likely dying in the process. Don't be surprised if people on your team go 4-26 etc.
I have to disagree with the notion its a great way to get players to experience the sandbox. By this point, every player knows what works and what doesn't. N00bs mentioned Mantis but I never saw anyone learn to use it well. All I saw was people either boosting or being careless. I know because I did the same. I purposely got into plasma pistol range so I could stomp. Once I got the achievement, I stopped using it. Sure it's now easier for me to stomp, that doesn't mean I will use it like that again.
What happens the second some lucky guy does get the pulse grenade dubkill? He won't touch the grenade again, so what was the point? All I know now, is that for the remainder of the playlist, everyone will be rocking explosives, Grenadier and pulse grenades and will be spamming them left and right.
The hell? I just saw a new Halo 4 commercial on TV for the new map pack and the game dropping to $40.
Do we even know if 343 made these achievements they just as well could have been out sourced like every other thing in halo 4.
Wtf? Really? :lol
Thats just a bizarre thing to have a commercial for, especially out of nowhere.
PMsEver comes back? That's messed up. I'm waiting to do the Kevin Franklin interview for the next one.
The hell? I just saw a new Halo 4 commercial on TV for the new map pack and the game dropping to $40.[IMG][/QUOTE]
They were exclusively available at HaloFEST. Louis Wu got the leftovers and sold them at HBO around a year ago. Now your only chance to get them is at Ebay.Kind of old to bring up, but does anyone know where to get a grunt plushy? Or if they are going to make more later?
more like Internet bumper stickers.
I have a friend who bought the GoD version, War Games and 1.0 is for sure with it. I'm guessing 1.5 would be since the GoD version came out after that was out, but I have no way of knowing if my friend downloaded it or not.
Hmm, it isn't part of the 7 GB download. You are prompted to download it after you install the game. Tis all cool.
It's so weird to think that Halo 3 is 6 years old this year. I can still remember it coming out like it was yesterday.
I was bored, so I extracted a few Halo 3 shots (well like... every screenshot I ever took in the game...). The game may lack decent AA and has a lower poly count than both Reach and 4, but I sill consider the clean artstyle to be much better than both of them (and Chief looks more badass for some reason...)
It's so weird to think that Halo 3 is 6 years old this year. I can still remember it coming out like it was yesterday.
Why is my twitch account in Dutch now? Wat.
Edit: Fuck youuuuu Oddone! :lol
For anybody who missed Jazzy's Majestic Map Pack stream, he archived it! They really liked Skyline.
Also, them Skyboxes.