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Halo |OT15| Beta-tested, GAF approved


So I was speedrunning the Halo 4 campaign with a couple of my friends tonight. We finally got to the last mission and were about half way done with it when a message came up saying that we had "lost connection to the other players." Wtf does that even mean? It sent us all back to the Campaign lobby together. None of us were lagging and no one disconnected.

That was a Halo 3 con.

I haven't seen or heard about it since Halo 3 though, as Bungie fixed it in Reach and let players drop as they please without ending the game. Odd?


It was way worse in Reach.

Slayer on Hemorrhage > Everything
Naa, it wasn't too bad in Reach. At least you'd have an idea when their sniper would spawn and you'd know to look out for it. In 4 everyone can just call in a new sniper after getting kills with their old sniper that they got in a random weapon spawn that you had no idea occurred.

Hell, at least in Reach you could knock them out of scope and get closer. In H4 you're stuck... unless you have a sniper of your own.

It's not like they'd make an achievement where active camo is needed... Oh wait.
I am not looking forward to that. I really want to like Halo 4, but it's crap like the above that drives me away frustrated.

I've complained a lot about the game, I know, but I always hoped that the TU would fix all of these problems (or even some). Three months later and what do we get? A slight boltshot nerf which doesn't change anything and other useless changes which should have been in from the start (like no instant respawn). I'd hate to compare apples to oranges, but even BF3 received a whole list of substantial changes within the first two months. And it's all nice for Ellis to come in and say "dun worry. We'll have more info in the coming weeks. Unfortunately I really can't say more than that right now." but how long have 343i been saying that for now? Since the announcement trailer in 2011? It's getting pretty damn old.

Eh. It's hot and everything is pissing me off today.


Ironically enough I put Reach in last night. Im telling you, the anniversary playlist after the TU is better than H4. Great maps, movement, strafe. No sprint, no AAs and awesome pistol. If they threw a ranking system on that it would be gold.
I do not agree at all



Fucking lol


That Xbox Event thread is so weird
Miss u already
<3 you too Heckfu.
Welcome to the party, pal.
I probably shouldn't have waited so long to sell it, but I wanted to give 343 the benefit of the doubt that the Title Update would actually fix the game and make it playable. Apparently not even that will fix Halo 4. How a company completely blows off it's fanbase's request to nerf a weapon (DMR) since launch is beyond me. I'm a little surprise the Boltshot even got a (badly done) nerf.
Hey! That's enough to buy me... uh... Black Ops 2 DLC, or a $20 Steam Card and buy a good game on sale. Maybe an arcade game.
Gamestop's giving a little more, I think.

I'll check, they might with their 50% more promotion going on right now.

Put that money towards WWE 13.

I wish I were kidding.


Haha I actually own WWE 13, bought it at launch. Not an amazing game but pretty fun. Was thinking of buying FIFA 13 (on the Vita). Might buy it on Xbox. How's FIFA 13? Last FIFA game I've ever played was FIFA 06 on the gamecube I think, wasn't very good.
Damnit, I missed the Halo 4 Classic mode. (AKA level 1 loadouts server failure)
Halo 4 was at it's best Yesterday. When 343 did absolutely nothing. I actually really enjoyed Halo 4 yesterday. Was nice playing without Plasma Grenades and Plasma Pistol's ruining vehicle gameplay. Or Boltshots everywhere.




Halo 4 was at it's best Yesterday. When 343 did absolutely nothing. I actually really enjoyed Halo 4 yesterday. Was nice playing without Plasma Grenades and Plasma Pistol's ruining vehicle gameplay. Or Boltshots everywhere.

Best Halo since Halo 3 when that happened. It was glorious. I didn't even play that well, but it was fun and enjoyable every game.

Also, I recently got Sergio Ramos(sp?) in a pack Heckfu. I've had the game for 2 weeks.


You guys like beating dead horses.

Give it up already, Halo the powerhouse it once was is over. How long it's taking to fix MM is unacceptable. LEGACY features and others were removed for what? Are we ever going to get an answer to that, most likely not.

There are reasons for me not posting anymore mainly cause I haven't played in months and just reading these reply's from you guys makes me sort of irritated. Some of you will accept whatever 343i gives to you and are highly optimistic on what could become of H4. Since Day 1, problems have been there and still not fixed or things that should have been in aren't ever returning. I mean just look how long it's taking to add anything to the game, there are way better games to be using your time on instead of continuing to play H4 only to return here to complain all over again.

If people don't speak up at all, it means tacit approval of the direction of the franchise. It's why I have no problem with the same people saying the same thing over and over. If people are tired of it, they can ignore or not read it.

You're right, the majority of HaloGAF will never be happy with Halo 4, but if they stay silent about what they don't like, how will anyone really know?

Now some people's idea of Halo fun is 1v1 pistol starts on prisoner. Others like 4v4 BR starts, no radar on midship. The point is, if we don't like it, we speak up.

I hate the fact that what was once the norm for over a decade is now a niche. If 343 can't give us equal starts, static weapon drops, NO ORDNANCE OR INFINITY settings, then they should give us better custom options.

But you're right, I can't just keep playing doubles pro or throwdown and infinity variants just infuriate me.


Played some ODST tonight. Campaign is still as boring as watching paint dry, but firefight is so much fun while playing with friends.

I had honestly forgotten how big the Hunters were in that game. I think it's the only time Bungie ever nailed them as big scary aliens (aside from the first encounter in CE... until you learnt about the pistol trick)

I hope that ODST firefight comes back in some form in the future. Playing as an ODST feels rather different than a Spartan and adds quite a bit of tension to the game - especially in comparison to Reach's firefight. I mean, just tonight I turned around to see just three Jackals and felt overwhelmed (It was on Legendary). Doesn't happen too often in other games. Sure Spartan Ops throws lots of enemies at you, but that feels just frustrating.

How about an ODST-esque experience (maybe using S-IV's so the fans can like them more) with a returning FF mode that includes a fully realized FF Versus as a premier game mode? Imagine controlling the various Covenant/Prometheans in an environment that AA's don't have to be perfectly balanced since the human players controlling the "aliens" naturally have an advantage in a mode like this. Then you could see things like an Auto Sentry that works, Camo as an AA, Thrusters that thrust, etc.

There's A LOT of untapped potential in this franchise.

OMG they let the French guy back in? Dammit.

How about an ODST-esque experience (maybe using S-IV's so the fans can like them more) with a returning FF mode that includes a fully realized FF Versus as a premier game mode? Imagine controlling the various Covenant/Prometheans in an environment that AA's don't have to be perfectly balanced since the human players controlling the "aliens" naturally have an advantage in a mode like this. Then you could see things like an Auto Sentry that works, Camo as an AA, Thrusters that thrust, etc.

There's A LOT of untapped potential in this franchise.

The days of Campaign, Multiplayer, Co-op mode are coming to an end.
I hope.


Halo 4 was at it's best Yesterday. When 343 did absolutely nothing. I actually really enjoyed Halo 4 yesterday. Was nice playing without Plasma Grenades and Plasma Pistol's ruining vehicle gameplay. Or Boltshots everywhere.

Oh shit, I just realized that getting rid of loadouts literally removes the boltshot from multiplayer. I wish I had been able to get more games in yesterday, that's something I won't get to experience again for a long time... :/
Quick question: Is Lord Hood still alive during Halo 4?
As far as we know from the most recent novels, yes. Although something could still end up happening to him in the next Traviss book that changes that.
You guys like beating dead horses.

Give it up already, Halo the powerhouse it once was is over. How long it's taking to fix MM is unacceptable. LEGACY features and others were removed for what? Are we ever going to get an answer to that, most likely not.

There are reasons for me not posting anymore mainly cause I haven't played in months and just reading these reply's from you guys makes me sort of irritated. Some of you will accept whatever 343i gives to you and are highly optimistic on what could become of H4. Since Day 1, problems have been there and still not fixed or things that should have been in aren't ever returning. I mean just look how long it's taking to add anything to the game, there are way better games to be using your time on instead of continuing to play H4 only to return here to complain all over again.

Yeah guys just give up. If you still enjoy Halo 4 even though it's not as good as Halo 2/3, you're very irritating. It's almost like people have different taste or something.

Everyone's enjoyment is disgusting.


Player investment should not be deferred to filling a bar.
Play to win.

TE is one of the reasons people keep quitting. It is by far the most time I experience 3v4 or worse. Especially once a team takes a lead people just give up.
People quitting when teams get a lead in Extraction... as opposed to any other gametype? It happens often in Slayer too. I mean, I do back out when I see guests I know which will be matched up on my team, or when there's awful map-gametype combos (which are plentiful in CTF).

Conor 419

Played some ODST tonight. Campaign is still as boring as watching paint dry, but firefight is so much fun while playing with friends.

I had honestly forgotten how big the Hunters were in that game. I think it's the only time Bungie ever nailed them as big scary aliens (aside from the first encounter in CE... until you learnt about the pistol trick)

I hope that ODST firefight comes back in some form in the future. Playing as an ODST feels rather different than a Spartan and adds quite a bit of tension to the game - especially in comparison to Reach's firefight. I mean, just tonight I turned around to see just three Jackals and felt overwhelmed (It was on Legendary). Doesn't happen too often in other games. Sure Spartan Ops throws lots of enemies at you, but that feels just frustrating.

ODST had a great campaign, particularly in co-op.

And yeah, I loved how the Hunters felt in ODST, they've always been my favourite member of the Covenant, so naturally I've been pretty disappointed how in every game past Halo 2 we've learned nothing more about them or...well, any of the Covenant for that matter. I kinda miss the good old days of UNSC, Covenant, Flood with the Forerunner presence lurking ambiguously in the depths of the universe, Halo has lost so much of its soul in its newly found militaristic focus and determination to tell shitty 'human stories'. There was one brief cut scene I enjoyed in Halo 4 for its handling of the narrative, and that was when the Infinity crew were filling the Chief in on the newly found Halo ring, the rest of the game was so devoid of anything like that.
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