So how do I get the update to Spartan assault?
I'm pretty sure the new operation and the controller support is out, but every time I launch the game they don't appear there.
I have it on my w8 tablet.
I think it can break 30k.
So just woke up. What was the "new Halo DLC" ?
Free Midship.
Lol^Free Midship.
Wait, really? Or are you just trolling?
here it is. credit goes to Big Jeffrey and biRdy for finding it
Its some Ryse trailer I believe.
are you sure ? thought its halo related.
but why would it say world premiere then ?
Also, I had a suspicion that Axis might be involved with Halo XB1. Today they confirmed they did the trailer for it. Perhaps they're still working with 343 doing more quality animations like SpOps?
Let's not jump to conclusions.
343i might have asked them another version because they had actually changed their mind, so it might not really be halo 5.
Holy shit, I went on facebook to look at that trailer, and at the end, where it just said "Halo" at the end, this version actually had Halo 5.
Holy shit, I went on facebook to look at that trailer, and at the end, where it just said "Halo" at the end, this version actually had Halo 5.
Well 343 has to come up for the art asset for the "5", so it's pretty official
Off course, but we have no idea what's happening behind the scenes.
When 343 started working with Axis on this, they - maybe - didn't know if this game would actually be Halo 5 or a sort-of side story that would lead to a bigger game called Halo 5.
So they might have asked them to make 2 versions, just in case.
And the fact that they say the Reclaimer Trilogy isn't a trilogy anymore makes me think that this game might actually not be Halo 5.
What if this game was only about bringing Cortana back, and then in 2016 the big Janus key-Halsey-Jul M'dama-Didact-arc is back in Halo 5.
isn't that fan made?
So wait this was the exclusive announcement?
It was a "leak" from the guys who did the trailer for E3
New news, new thread to complain about Halo 4 in while Cyclone tries to keep his sanity.Someone make a thread.
Yeah, I get that. What I mean is is it also the content revealed at pax or is that something else or do we not know.
sidenote. Why the fuck all the secrecy. If it was Halo 5 just out right say it.
Ughh you obviously don't develop games. Do you know how many millions of dollars it took to make that 5 at the end of the word Halo?
Do you even know how much Halo font costs!?
here it is. credit goes to Big Jeffrey and biRdy for finding it
If File Sharing isn't there in it's entirety Day One, even with the constant "POWER OF THE CLOUD" advertisement, that was just be an embarrassment.I'm just hoping for H5 to release with all features at launch.