Where's eazyb's list when you need it..
GAF Name - Gamertag - ?
GhaleonEB - GhaleonEB - Thread king, too nice for the internet. Ancient.
Louis Wu - It's not TV. It's HBO
Vociferous - Mr Vociferous - Halo scholar extraordinaire
Coco. P. Jojo - Cocopjojo - Yearns to be Voc; maybe next time Huckleberry Fin
OuterWorldVoice - AR NO SCOPE - Halo's Bobby Kotick, franchise overseer
Captain Blood - TJ Capt Blood - Pack of smokes, bowl of GG, epic mount; good to go
Ramirez - TJ Ram - The Don Quixote of Halo. Used to be good but doesn't play anymore
Trasher - TJ Trasher - The Susan Boyle of HaloGAF
Thermite - Thermight - Friggin' id-eee-ought can't decide how to spell his name
Domino Theory - Oml3t - Halo 4 by Bungie
Nutter - NutterB - Doesn't know how to play anything other than Halo
Voltron64 - Voltron64 - The real Voltron. Fucking tired of this shit (Halo)
Vhfive - vhfive - Coordinator of Customs, Forger, and donger of KevinRo
Merguson - Merguson - shy
Botolf - May not play Halo but redeems himself by posting funny things in the thread. Had reconstructive surgery to look like Gabe Newell
Kibbles - xI Ace xI - HaloGAF newscaster, serving them hot scoops
Self Induced - Self Induced - Don't let him drive/rocket while he's high and that's all the time
Blueblur1 - Total Sacrifice - Been on both sides of crazy. Easily disturbed
Striker - Striker029 - No obvious evils but puts up with MasterFox so there must be something wrong with him
A Penguin - Two Penguins - Vhfive's cheerleader/sidekick
Falagard - Falagard - "I'm a genius, aren't I so smart guys!"
Sir Fragula - Sir Fragula - Thinks he knows a lot because he's a Bnet mod. You can tell from his avatar he's cultured
Stormtrooper30 - Stormtrooper30 - "Why isn't Halo 3 Halo 2?!" *devolves into a pathetic blubbering mess*
neoism - ne0ism
Dani - Slightly Live - breaks his 360 so he doesn't have to get donged on in Halo
Revengence - HouseofOrange - Constantly overshadowed by his brother Vh
LunaticPuma - LunaticPuma - absolutely nothing remarkable to say
Grimm Fandango - GrimmJob - Still can't learn how to use a BR
Shake Appeal - Shake Appeal - English bloke who wants Urk to play with him
SailorDaravon - Mr Daravon - needs to get over Urk. He's moved on, why can't you?
Smokey - dboythaGr8 - manages to play FFA
t4ngo - t4ng0 - here's what I know: plays Halo every now and then, has a brother
Sai - SaiST - Uhh... he has a deep voice and doesn't talk much?
Willeth - Willeth - Our PAF spy
backflip10019 - backflip10019 - Uses the thread as his personal shitter
Nokyard - runNOKYARDrun - Grifball guy
Devin Olsen - DevinOlsenn - The Devin Olsen! *psst* I don't know who he is either.
Butane123 - Butane123 - stick to forge because you can't play Halo
Zeouterlimits - Zeouterlimits - the one person looking forward to anime Halo
GM Bullfrog - NEC Bullfrog
Shafto - Crafty Shafto - English fellow
DualX - DualX
Metroidvania - Metroidvania - Tall and awkward... METROWNED
Fin - Finjitzu - The keeper of the HaloGAF tag, player of all games other than Halo
Tashi0106 - NYSTOFMIND23 - plays MLG and
FourDoor - FourDoor
ShinAnamo - ShinAmano
Jironimo - Jironmo - Aye Jay!
StUnNeR H2K - StUnNeR H2K
Spudbud - SpudxBud - To avoid sucking at Halo he plays other games but sucks at those as well
Spasm - Spasm
Soldat7 - cherdman
Sai-kun - Sai kun - Guaranteed to have a crush on multiple members of HaloGAF
Laughtrey - Laughtrey - doesn't play but chips in ever now and then
CrazedArabMan - CrazedArabMan - desires physical relations with Trasher
Bladed Expert - BladedExpert - racist by association
BackedPigeon - II TR4NCE II
Alivor - Alivor
Timan - Timan25
Sean - Shadow540
TheSeks - wants to play custom but doesn't reveal his GT
Eric WK - Eric WK - hasn't played in months
Ajemsuhgao - Ajemsuhga0 - Secretly a member of Halo GAF
NH Apache - NH Apache
DcLevartho - Levartho
Ace 8095 - Ace 8095
Azar - Azar42
goldenpp72 - goldenpp72
Ssparks - LaszIo - Junior
Squidhands squidhands - junior
Numbers - Rampant Numbers -
Flipyap - Flipyap Yapflip - Nerd junior
SquallASF - Junior.
azytonberry - lazytonberry - BR Junior
Letters - Acronos Seven - Junior. Some sort of fascination with Numbers... the person
DiabolicalBagel - DiabolicalBagel - BR Junior
FooFighter - Will J D - BR Junior
Plywood - ICSI Reaver - BR Junior. failed squad battle commander
minasodaboy - minasodaboy - BR Junior
pet - ICS Pet - Junior
MagniHarvald - SAE Magni - BR Junior
Neverender - Moosetwik - BR Junior
user_nat - nanaw - Junior
Reluctant-Hero - Reluctant Hero - Junior
Tintin - Fyrh - Junior
Fistula - Doctor Drugs - Junior
barcafc - FC Barca FTW - Junior with a stupid gamertag
BlindSwordsmanZ - pontifex PRIME - Junior
LosDaddie - Junior
enzo_gt - arvinater - Laser Junior
Niblet - Unsavory Niblet - Junior
kamikazemartian - kamikazemartian - Junior
Schmitty07 - Schmitty07 - Junior
Biscuits - Hunchbiscuit - Junior. "Too good for Flight"
Stackboy - Stackboy Royale - Junior
enewtabie - ENEWTABIE - Junior
georgc - georgc - Junior
Miguelangelo - DaftPunk35 - Junior
big ander - big ander - Junior
Huttie0 - Urafaerie - AR/worthless Junior.
KevinRo - KevinRo - "Oh I'm so mad at Bungie!!!" - guy that could use some of Dax01's Ritalin
Silly.Mikey - SillyMikey
Oozer - Oozer3993
Havok - Havok CXVII
Alisdair - Dr Alisdair
Spirit - TheVeilrae
Juices - SometimesImEpic - The playlist equivalent to penis envy, "I wish I was shishka"
Insaniac - TheLintendo - Made a Foundry map and got recon for it, hasn't done anything noteworthy since
The Lamonster - The Lamonster
DeputyMoonman - XxDeputyMoonman
Exfixate - exfixate
kylej - jelyk - has nothing better to do than play the shit out a game he thinks is shit, then complain about it
Dax - DaxO1 - The cool Dax
Dax01 - Dax01 - Wants to be Ghaleon but lost his Ritalin at summer camp. Dedicated: touched Bungie's knob and hasn't washed his hand since