Another issue with Reach's system is that there is no real punishment for losing, if you quit, you don't lose anything. If you stay and lose well you still get your credits. There are no stakes at hand, it's just play or don't play, win or don't win. In which case they should just turn off matchmaking and put up a custom games browser.
Plywood again confirms he is my favorite member, watch out Viewtiful, Elzar and Ryan. The whole mentality of everybody wins has made the population much worse, they are never getting punished so the mentality to do better or avoid getting punished never enters the brain.
The current systems in Reach that do punish, such as 10 minute ban for quitting from matchmaking, while on paper sound good. Their implementation is appalling and much of those annoyances are related to the everybody wins system or just randomness that cant be explained. The Halo 2 and 3 ranking systems had their outside flaws, rampant selling of accounts, but at least it was a more thought out system for the people actually invested in them.
The everybody wins mentality is mostly brought on by Call of Duty, to a certain extent. Filling bars and giving instant feedback on your accomplishments is the meta core of the game, it rewards you for basically for doing anything and everything. Of course players like that, it is a nice system that is direct and very friendly. The problem however is that the ranking system takes a less prominent role, because to supplement the above factors you have to ease the system for people who go up the ladder so cut out the factor of consequence.
The effect the above mentality has on the industry is appalling. On one hand it is a very easy system to implement and you will probably get a userbase to accept your game faster. However, this also means that all the games will go to this win system and every game will start looking the same (regardless of genre). More unique systems (more challenging) will be put on the wayside by consumers, because
well its not that easy system. Publishers will likely never allow developers to test out other systems.
Call of Duty 4s system for accomplishments was at the time it launched just one of those systems. There were ton of other games that had unique ranking systems. Now to see the whole industry chasing one all system is disheartening. All short term thinking that eventually will bite a lot of developers in the ass.
Also, it might be an unpopular opinion, but Firefight/Spartan Ops should have their own separate ranking system. Now it just deludes ranking and never actually does tell us anything about the skill of the player because it is lumped up into a global rank