Wait I haven't kept up... Tashi are you coming to PAX this year?
Had plans to go but they fell to shit :/
Wait I haven't kept up... Tashi are you coming to PAX this year?
I hate the sprint animation, so much.. it just kicks in out of nowere and the spartan barely seems to go any faster, it's just janky awkwardness getting in the way of constant smooth strafe aiming. Bah..
Please have good classic playlists with 110% speed no sprint, or something.
Animations designed around a certain speed don't work at significantly higher speeds? My word
Hit-markers on grenades? What were they thinking....
I hope all these add ons are just in Infinity Slayer.
but if you are negative about something then you are obviously adverse to change. according to the 343 masses.
Obama is on central campus right now. And I'm in a lecture hall.I can see it now "Obama loses due to lack of young voter turn out, Halo 4 release to blame!"
Obama is on central campus right now. And I'm in a lecture hall.
Obama is on central campus right now. And I'm in a lecture hall.
Frankie if possible in the future... please let their be a halo 5 beta.....
Has nothing to do with animations, rather physics.
Play a game like Quake, they can make it where you can fly across the map and still stop on a dime, why can't Halo do that?
The reason anything above 120 is unusable is because only the base speed was increased, letting go of the left thumb stick does not stop your player like it normally would, rather they kept the inertia going. This makes sense realistically, but I imagine most players do not want to fly around the map uncontrollably.
Bungie/343i has this half-way philosophy about what they put into their games. We'll let you have theater, but not be able to see every point of view even though they are still fully functional regardless.
We'll give you movement options, but not in increments of five, rather what we discern as good. And you can't tweak other essential things, such as movement acceleration or inertia.
We'll give you the CE pistol in multiplayer, only it's the reach pistol but with a bullet damage boost.
Once 343i comes through completely on a promise, then I will have f4ith.
Really? Of all things, grenade hitmarkers?
but if you are negative about something then you are obviously adverse to change. according to the 343 masses.
"Mr. Obama, what do you think of Promethean Vision?"I'm at work 40 miles away or I'd go ask him about Halo 4.
I actually saw him on campus right before elections in 2008. That man knows how to give a speech.
No matter your political views, it's always an honor to meet the standing president of the United States.I'll hold my comments for fear of turning this into PoliticalGAF... Be neat to meet the man though.
Frankie if possible in the future... please let their be a halo 5 beta.....
Hit markers on grenades? Is hit-markers where it shows if it damages someone, or where it indicates on screen where the grenade is?Sprint has done more harm to Halo than Armour Lock. And grenades having hit-markers will destroy competitive play.
I'm at work 40 miles away or I'd go ask him about Halo 4.
I actually saw him on campus right before elections in 2008. That man knows how to give a speech.
"Mr. Obama, what do you think of Promethean Vision?"
"It is lessening the gap between the upper pro class and the lower scrub class."
No matter your political views, it's always an honor to meet the standing president of the United States.
We'll give you the CE pistol in multiplayer, only it's the reach pistol but with a bullet damage boost.
Frankie if possible in the future... please let their be a halo 5 beta.....
Haha yeah I have seen this argument a lot and it always makes me facepalm. The game is going to change, that's a given. I think people are hating on the quality of the changes rather than the fact there is change itself.
I mean it's all speculation right now, but that fact there's nothing impressively unique or interesting in the Halo 4 sandbox is disheartening. Again its only talk, but why the hell are we getting perks, killstreaks and armour abilities? Why not think of things that work with the old 'everyone is equal' philosophy? I suppose it's easier to think of things this way but meh.
All these years and I still don't think people really understood the role of the Halo 1 Pistol.. People complained for so long that it was broken, etc etc because it was a pistol, but slap a rifle skin on it and BAM! DMR.
Loose comparison, I know.. but the DMR is what many Halo 1 Pistol fans have been asking for for years - A single shot, very accurate precision weapon. That's pretty much it.. Pistol or not, it's basically the same thing (the essence of the weapon).
That's actually one thing I loved about Halo this time around: No beta to ruin my views before the full game comes out. Personally I'd rather wait to get my hands on it then play a crappy beta for 20374234 hours only for it to be drastically changed anyway..
I can guarantee with 100% certainty that there will be.
Will there be a marketing, public facing network 'stress test'? That remains to be seen.
Can someone tell me why hitmarkers for grenades are a bad thing?
The care package one is $180... The case it comes in looks cool, but no thanks. I'm not even sure I'll get the hardened with no Elite code this time.
343 did good at least putting a season pass in theirs. Worth the $99.
In a industry dominated by CoD. everyone has to appeal to that games elements to seem relevant. so gone are the skillful days of equal spawning and having to find weapons. now everyone gets a medal for the most minute action and have a HUD that holds your hand.
Hit markers on grenades? Is hit-markers where it shows if it damages someone, or where it indicates on screen where the grenade is?
To be honest, either of them are bad, people will just throw random grenades round corners, and as soon as they see they hit someone with the grenade, they'll rush you round the corner, destroys tactical play.
Aww man, I'm a member, that sucks.
Bloom and shots to kill mean its nothing like the Halo 1 Pistol.
Well, I least we will have papers in the LE
I completely agree.Halo 3 held the top spot on live against stiff competition from cod4, world at war and even modern warfare 2. A good halo game wouldn't need to change its identity to compete.
Also seems stupid to chase the current popular thing, why would the CoD crowd play your knock off rather than the real thing? Why would I play a half baked Halo game? Which market is it appealing to? Both the Halo and CoD market or neither?
I'm honestly interested in the changes from the point of view I'm a fan of both series, but it was the core halo which I preferred more.
It just kills off a small skill of using the sounds in the game to determine whether your grenade actually hit the player or not.
Now that is just tells you, there will be a lot of aggressive and irrational plays made by players.
At the end of the day, we can't really critisise it too much until a few months of playing the game and seeing how these small things make a difference from past halo titles.
It does surprise me that they revealed specialisations without a video showing them and talking about them.
Really sunk in while listening to the HaloGAF podcast, all the "well we're not sure how it'll work" or "it could be okay if this or pretty bad if this" etc.
It's just... odd.
:-/ Can't say I fully agree with that.I think there are more exciting things to make videos about than a mod that gives you bonus XP or one that dampens sprinting sounds. We got a video that showed off new weapons in action, hopefully more is coming along that line.
Not so, to give an example, I use the stun gernade in COD to identify enemies around corners before making a move. Hit markers allow me to prepair for a quick entry/exit to an area I may have walked into before setting off a trap.
In my mind you can use it both offensively and defensively. Guy at sword on the pit waiting to back smack me as I go by? Let me just throw a gernade in there first.
A multiplayer vidoc would be perfect and could show off - among other things - how certain specializations works.I think there are more exciting things to make videos about than a mod that gives you bonus XP or one that dampens sprinting sounds. We got a video that showed off new weapons in action, hopefully more is coming along that line.
http://halocouncil.com/showthread.php?t=5384was there an exclusive armour skin with the season pass for 25$ anyone got a pic or link?
Halo 3 held the top spot on live against stiff competition from cod4, world at war and even modern warfare 2. A good halo game wouldn't need to change its identity to compete.
Also seems stupid to chase the current popular thing, why would the CoD crowd play your knock off rather than the real thing? Why would I play a half baked Halo game? Which market is it appealing to? Both the Halo and CoD market or neither?
I'm honestly interested in the changes from the point of view I'm a fan of both series, but it was the core halo which I preferred more.
Because you guys decided to make everything above 120 slippery as all hell.
Sprint has done more harm to Halo than Armour Lock. And grenades having hit-markers will destroy competitive play.
Yea, that would be because we don’t have a custom game browser.
Does anyone know if the track in this video has been posted on Davidge's soundcloud or anywhere else?
Haven't seen this many salty juniors since the last time I went to Wendy's.
Not so, to give an example, I use the stun gernade in COD to identify enemies around corners before making a move. Hit markers allow me to prepair for a quick entry/exit to an area I may have walked into before setting off a trap.
In my mind you can use it both offensively and defensively. Guy at sword on the pit waiting to back smack me as I go by? Let me just throw a gernade in there first.
You may want to revisit the meaning of the word "faith".Once 343i comes through completely on a promise, then I will have f4ith.
Can someone tell me why hitmarkers for grenades are a bad thing?
Haven't seen this many salty juniors since the last time I went to Wendy's.
everyone who buys the game has access to the first two. but if you buy the LE you have access to all 8. You have to hit 50 then you can access the specializations. once you specialize you are in it for the next 10 levels.thanks yellow one looks great... lol at the other one... what about specializations and the LE edition if you et the LE one get them all after Level 50...?
Faith is belief without evidence.You may want to revisit the meaning of the word "faith".
-anytime you post-