This was never about Slightly, though I must say this: "Yet someone else pops in and reposts the entire thing. Have to say, publicly pirating material right under the franchise director's nose is pretty fucking bold, even for Neogaf." Is overselling the issue.What are you smoking today?
You needlessly and childishly brought up Slightly Live. That is what I am saying. PM a mod if his spoilers bother you. You said I should just flag the Youtube visoes right? So pm a mod here about spoilers. By your logic, shouldn't Frankie be out there getting people banned for linking to spoilers?
I'm purely calling people like you out for needlessly dragging up other issues. In this case, you clearly have some grudge for reading spoilers that Slightly Live didn't cover up.
Next, I never said you should flag the videos, I said Frankie or anyone at 343/MS should if they want it gone.
The only reason I brought that up(comments towards Slightly) was because I wanted to engage myself in the conversation. Could I/should I have been more tactful? Yes and for that I apologize, but it just seemed so opportune. Anyway, I'll move on.