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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


wwm0nkey said:
Im kind of surprised none of you are happy or noticing that the bullets now shoot out of the guns and not the head now :lol
Any specific pic you're seeing that?? I think they're still shooting from the head, but the tracer starts further away from the player, so it's less jarring.

urk said:
Is this a one day thing, or by next thursday will you still be using it??
hint hint :p


urk said:
I just spun around and asked Robt to cook up some fiction surrounding the exposed Spartan-III badonk. His facial expression seems to indicate that he won't be making it a top priority.

Kim Kardashian doing voice overs for Halo Reach confirmed!!! :lol


Alright I'm going to update my post, noting all the avatars that have been taken or dibbed.
EagleEyes said:
sorry for being stupid but I have no idea how to grab one of those avatars :(
Hmm, you should be able to right click it and click "Copy Image Location", then paste that url into your Avatar Location under your User CP. Another way to do it is to right click the image, then go to "Properties" and copy the url given. If all else fails, save the image and reupload it at a site like tinypic.com and they'll give you a URL.
Kibbles said:
Please crush the crazy rumor that the LE is $150. =(

We're better off assuming its true so we wont get disappointed... I just dunno if its worth it for me to get a statue. A figure of a spartan is much less appealing in a room then the Helmet was. They shouldve made it a Legendary sheild/emblem that you put together, hold your game and hang on your wall. I know many people will disagree with me, im just not into toys.


Letters said:
Any specific pic you're seeing that?? I think they're still shooting from the head, but the tracer starts further away from the player, so it's less jarring.
Go back a page and you will see.


urk said:
I just spun around and asked Robt to cook up some fiction surrounding the exposed Spartan-III badonk. His facial expression seems to indicate that he won't be making it a top priority.
I'm sure it has something to do with them being more cost efficient, we all know how expensive a good pair of MJOLNIR undees can be. ;) Besides, that's why they implemented the Buns of Steel video tapes into the training programs for every Spartan III on Reach. :lol


Holy shit I though the thread wasn't coming til Monday.... Great job Ghaleon!!
So is the other thread dead now?

Can't wait for the BETA!!!!


Blueblur1 said:
I imagine another 4 pages will pop up during now and 10pm. Ha!
Just wait until the vidoc hits later this week, and then the video embargo for the press goes up on Monday morning. Hundreds of posts in a couple hours, guaranteed. :lol
Nice thread! I'm not on top of all the latest Reach news, but this was a helpful OP. Awesome awesome.

I can't freaking wait for this game. Ugh I need me some Halo Reach now.


EagleEyes said:
sorry for being stupid but I have no idea how to grab one of those avatars :(
1.figure out which one you want
2.quote his post so you can see the links
3.go to your edit profile page

EDIT: beaten. that's what i get for not realizing we were on the next page
I'm excited about pretty much everything, with one exception. I'm still really concerned about the whole shield needing to be popped before death can occur. I just envision people always having to do an extra melee to finish a person off. So every time I'm running at someone I know in my head, "whelp. remember to melee twice." Can anyone comment on the flow of the game in that regard? Is it really noticeable or not something that people notice?

Small aside, all these spartans have thunder thighs. :lol

EDIT: vhfive you're too slow ;)


Deputy Moonman said:
I'm excited about pretty much everything, with one exception. I'm still really concerned about the whole shield needing to be popped before death can occur. I just envision people always having to do an extra melee to finish a person off. So every time I'm running at someone I know in my head, "whelp. remember to melee twice." Can anyone comment on the flow of the game in that regard? Is it really noticeable or not something that people notice?

Small aside, all these spartans have thunder thighs. :lol

I noticed it at first but then I got pretty much used to it and started donging on people with magnum, needle rifle and DMR.


I always loved what bungie did to make the shield damage look cool in halo games, but damn after viewing those hi-res reach screen-shots i gotta say it looks absolutely awesome when you take a players shields down...lovin it


Dax01 said:
Vehicle health is now independent of player health.
Damn that sounds awesome. I always hated the in the past halo games.... of course I'm used to it. Bungie should have it as an option in customs..
this game will be the only shooter I will probably ever play. For the next 5+ years.:D


I can't wait to use the Needler. The gun looks so much more badass than in Halo 3. It's definitely the most unique gun in the Halo universe.
Schmitty said:
I can't wait to use the Needler. The gun looks so much more badass than in Halo 3. It's definitely the most unique gun in the Halo universe.

I agree. One of my favorites. When I first played Halo CE I thought it was a super weak weapon until my friend told me the needles have to explode and aren't just on impact. Change my whole playstyle after that. :lol

NJ Shlice

On a personal note...

Leading up to Halo 3 I can admit that I definitely over-hyped it and the final product fell short for me. Not because it wasn't a great game, but because I built up my expectations so high for it that nothing could have matched. Being a member of Ascendant Justice and having a job where I sat at a computer all day, all I did was live and breath Halo 3 speculation for the year leading up to it.

Over the past year I've taken some time away from Halo and this time around I feel like I'm just the right amount of hyped for Reach. I'm not crazy psycho about it like I was for Halo 3. I feel like I'm "healthy" excited for it.

Which is a good thing. A very good thing.


Looking at the loadouts and different weapons, looks like every gun will finally be useful in some way, instead of there just being one go to weapon.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Popeck said:
I noticed it at first but then I got pretty much used to it and started donging on people with magnum, needle rifle and DMR.

Any comments on the Warthog and the "overheating" to its chaingun? They state previously that it would overheat but am not seeing anyone mention it in the impressions online. Wondering if it overheats or not in the Beta and if it does maybe it is not too noticeable.


Looking at the hi-rez screens on Bnet. I like the look of this armour SO MUCH. (I saw the avatar with it back there, and I was tempted greatly)

Gah, I hate it when people change an avatar more than just adding facial hair. Gonna need to be used to associating the rosso pagliaccio with urk. Not gonna lie; I liked the brute pimp chieftain better.
Both me and NJ slice have come up with this now:

LB - Jump
Y - Switch weapon
X - Reload
B - Melée
A - Switch grenade

Great minds think alike? Please Bungie make it happen, please. Well switch RB and LB, I want to be able to shoot easily while using the Jetpack.

Hey You

I think I should get into this News reporter business ;)

Anyways, I was overwhelmed by the amount of Reach news stories on the chatter. Looking forward to the beta.
bobs99 ... said:
Both me and NJ slice have come up with this now:

LB - Jump
Y - Switch weapon
X - Reload
B - Melée
A - Switch grenade

Great minds think alike? Please Bungie make it happen, please. Well switch RB and LB, I want to be able to shoot easily while using the Jetpack.

Wouldn't the default layout then be easier? Holding LB to use the jetpack, and holding right trigger to fire. That seems a lot easier to me than having both of those on the right side.

But then again, I don't have both my middle fingers and index fingers up on the top of the controller.


GhaleonEB said:
Random small detail that I thought was worth pointing out:

I was thinking it would be the moving depositories alone that prevented camping, but it would happen between moves. So that's a welcome touch: camping is worthless in Headhunter.
WOW just another reason why this game will be soo awesome. Bungle is such a good developer. The Beta's goina help it along even more.:D I
love FFXIII, but there is no way this game isn't going to be my GOTD.

Also I have like 4 more pages to read at the moment, but is Halo 3 Multi, and GAF customs aloud in this thread, I'm mean we have one more Sat for H3, the next... I would imagine most HaloGaffer's will have the FF invite...

Halo 3 will be the game left behind:lol :lol


I've worked on the OP for hours on end, made a couple dozen edits and updates today, and had the banner files for a couple weeks now. And I only just now noticed Oonsk in the top banner - I thought he was only in the bottom one. m0dus was subtle.

Or, I'm incredibly unobservant. One of the two.
GhaleonEB said:
I've worked on the OP for hours on end, made a couple dozen edits and updates today, and had the banner files for a couple weeks now. And I only just now noticed Oonsk in the top banner - I thought he was only in the bottom one. m0dus was subtle.

Or, I'm incredibly unobservant. One of the two.

I didn't notice that until you pointed it out just now. :lol
GhaleonEB said:
I've worked on the OP for hours on end, made a couple dozen edits and updates today, and had the banner files for a couple weeks now. And I only just now noticed Oonsk in the top banner - I thought he was only in the bottom one. m0dus was subtle.

Or, I'm incredibly unobservant. One of the two.
Nah. I didn't notice Oonsk in the first banner either. Thanks for pointing that out.:lol
GhaleonEB said:
I've worked on the OP for hours on end, made a couple dozen edits and updates today, and had the banner files for a couple weeks now. And I only just now noticed Oonsk in the top banner - I thought he was only in the bottom one. m0dus was subtle.

Or, I'm incredibly unobservant. One of the two.

:lol shit, I only just noticed him now that you mention it. Extra kudos to m0dus!


Not a Jellyfish said:
Any comments on the Warthog and the "overheating" to its chaingun? They state previously that it would overheat but am not seeing anyone mention it in the impressions online. Wondering if it overheats or not in the Beta and if it does maybe it is not too noticeable.

Nah, didn't get to drive the Hog nor use the turret =(

I'd really like to know what was the genesis of jetpack in Halo: Reach. I doubt someone just said "JETPACKS" and everyone just high-fived and started working on it. It brings many design problems with it. However, I liked how it worked in the pre-beta. When you press the button, it won't immediately push you up. It takes a few seconds to warm up and then up you go. Maneuvering in the air was surprisingly natural.

Also, if any weapon will get people saying "OVERPOWERED", my bet is on the plasma launcher. It was just so sweet to nail those jetpack dudes or strike people down from the heavens. Of course you could evade or just run to cover since the grenades don't move ultra-fast. Still, explosions ensued.


[icarus pun about popeck's post]

Lol, oonsk is so good at hiding in plain sight. Er, Mark, not Oonsk. That was his (its?) name in the purchasing screen.
Ajemsuhgao said:
Wouldn't the default layout then be easier? Holding LB to use the jetpack, and holding right trigger to fire. That seems a lot easier to me than having both of those on the right side.

But then again, I don't have both my middle fingers and index fingers up on the top of the controller.

Oh NJ's version is slightly different than mine. My idea is:

RB - Jump
Y - Switch weapon
X - Reload
B - Melée
A - Switch grenade

I figure losing the ability to shoot at the very split second of jumping is less of a downside than not being able to shoot while using Jetpack is. As for nading whilst in AA - if thats even possible I dont mind that being a bit uncompfortable.


GhaleonEB said:
I've worked on the OP for hours on end, made a couple dozen edits and updates today, and had the banner files for a couple weeks now. And I only just now noticed Oonsk in the top banner - I thought he was only in the bottom one. m0dus was subtle.

Or, I'm incredibly unobservant. One of the two.
Had to look back when you mentioned it. Just noticed it too. You can't escape Oonsk.

Saw this posted in the Halo 2 thread by Cuban Legend. Awesome tribute - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVx9ibbxkE4
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