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Halo: Reach Beta Thread

Gui_PT said:
Something that he's wanted since Halo CE and will make us happy when we see it.

What the hell could it be?

Personally, I've always thought it would be cool if bodies fell realistically or stayed in the seats of the the vehicles, so, for example, a body would tumble out of the Warthog turret or stay slumped in the seat if they got sniped instead of just falling through the floor, but that would probably would require new animations for removing the body when someone else wants to use the vehicle, where this is strictly a physics thing.
Major Williams said:
You mean... toytles?


Dax01 said:
I love Gears, Half-Life, and Halo.

I win!
Didn't you say you don't respect shooters anymore bro. Kidding- Congrats on that shout out in the update. Remember: There is no possible way to look cool with an Xbox Headset on in the dorms so don't even try. Just do what I did, when the females walk by your room and see that ear piece, reply in a low voice with a pinch of creepy the word "Ladies". Works like a charm.
Hopefully that last sentence is referring to bodies sliding down and on top of vehicles, actually treating them as solid objects instead of the nonsensical falling through them thing. Which is pretty inexcusable in today's day and age and the current technology available.



Sai-kun said:
F U :lol



Stop being jealous of my majestic 'stache

I <3 u 2 baby

Btw, sorry for posting this again, but I'm just doing it one last time to be sure I get everyone.

As you know, chapel is making a montage with Halo Reach Beta clips that were sent to him. At the end of the montage, he wants to include a thank you list of people who rendered Reach clips for fellow gaffers. If you did that and are not on the following list, PM me.
  • Ssparks
  • ZayneH
  • Tashi
  • Wolffen
  • Darkflight
  • Spasm
  • electricpirate
  • NH Apache
  • Louis Wu
  • Pennybags
  • OverHeat
  • Mayyhem
  • GhaleonEB
  • big ander
  • Devin Olsen
  • Zeouterlimits
  • WJD
  • Domino

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
FunkyMunkey said:
Hopefully that last sentence is referring to bodies sliding down and on top of vehicles, actually treating them as solid objects instead of the nonsensical falling through them thing. Which is pretty inexcusable in today's day and age and the current technology available.

I am surprised Halo is so 'clean'. I mean, would a spartans body remain in one piece after getting splattered with a Chopper? I always wanted to see burn marks on the corpse of a dude I laser'd too haha.

EDIT: I mean, sure it has an M/17+ rating, but what else could dismantelling a spartan do to it? :p
Domino Theory said:

:lol I will still take my Halo happily even with the bumps and lumps.

Hydranockz said:
I am surprised Halo is so 'clean'. I mean, would a spartans body remain in one piece after getting splattered with a Chopper? I always wanted to see burn marks on the corpse of a dude I laser'd too haha.

Maybe Halo 6 :) haha. In the books, the fuel rod cannon dissolves the parts of the body it touches when unshielded. A halo where your arm can get blown off and you could run around one-handed until you bleed out would be epic. And true spartan-like.
FunkyMunkey said:
:lol I will still take my Halo happily even with the bumps and lumps.

Maybe Halo 6 :) haha. In the books, the fuel rod cannon dissolves the parts of the body it touches when unshielded. A halo where your arm can get blown off and you could run around one-handed until you bleed out would be epic. And true spartan-like.

As much as it would suck from a gameplay viewpoint, I love that idea, they could even increase the bloom if you were unlucky to get a hand shot off to like represent the accuracy loss.

imagine melting an enemy down to the extent that hes alive but cant even move. :lol


bobs99 ... said:
As much as it would suck from a gameplay viewpoint, I love that idea, they could even increase the bloom if you were unlucky to get a hand shot off to like represent the accuracy loss.

imagine melting an enemy down to the extent that hes alive but cant even move. :lol
Doesn't really seem like Halo's style, Bungie's Halo I mean. I bet everything imaginable and more will be fair game in Frankie's Halo.
bobs99 ... said:
As much as it would suck from a gameplay viewpoint, I love that idea, they could even increase the bloom if you were unlucky to get a hand shot off to like represent the accuracy loss.

imagine melting an enemy down to the extent that hes alive but cant even move. :lol
Tis but a flesh wound!
Letters said:
Doesn't really seem like Halo's style, Bungie's Halo I mean. I bet everything imaginable and more will be fair game in Frankie's Halo.

Oh yeah, I wouldnt actually want it either. Burn marks and stuff would be cool, but I like that Halo doesnt have to be super gory just to attract attention.
Im looking at you CliffyB
Its also cooler seeing the ragdoll fly off, rather than get cut up.

It would be really interesting from a gameplay perspective though. I have posted this before but stuff like loosing the Hud because of getting sensors shot upwould be pretty interesting (even if it would play like crap).

Hydranockz said:
Tis but a flesh wound!

Imagine you take a health pack and another arm pops up from out of the stub were the disintergrated one used to be. :lol


pringles said:
I have to say one of my favorite maps of all time though is one that people never talk about: Colossus! Brilliant underrated map that will most likely never see a re-make.. which considering how Blackout turned out maybe isn't so bad.
I don't think some people, including myself, truly appreciate how good of the maps were until the next big game releases, or until it's gone. Colossus was another map I loved, even nit-picked at it during game-time, but in the end, truly an excellent map for Neutral Bomb, Multi-CTF, Team Slayer BR's, and Team Rifles. I miss it. :(

Imagine Midship with Armorlock now, all those sweet stickies ruined...
Imagine Hang'em High with Jetpacks everywhere, pretty much devoid of all cover now.
Imagine Zanzibar 1-flag with all the AA's attacking the flag, think of how hard it would be to keep a team from getting the flag now.
Imagine lockout and traversing from the BR1, straight up to BR3 with a jetpack. Or going back up from shotgun to under glass... or snipe 1 to 3... Imagine what the new 'improved' radar would do to lockout.
I still am under the impression some maps, though not all, would work in Reach's abilities. Think of playing Coagulation, and you'll have sprint. If you don't want that, using AL or Camo wouldn't hurt either, especially in a large, open map against vehicles. I would love a large BTB-appeal map in an Overlook-style field. Perhaps make it a canyon like Coag was, or have one side with a huge cilff similar to Boneyard, and the otherside as a cave with a cliff over the horizon.

Removing AA's can also occur for many maps, as I suspect will happen often for Reach MP. Remember they ditched certain abilities for various game-types. Also want some info on Reach's version of Assault/Bomb. Manual arming, FTW.


Silly.Mikey said:
I really hate the fact that they've made the human grenades crap again like they were in Halo3.
Get better at tossing grenades.

Kuroyume said:
I don't see how camping is a problem. You're both able to see the radar. Who cares?
:lol Not sure if you're serious but I'll indulge. The person not moving (camping) is not on the radar. The person moving (not camping) is visible on the other player's radar. The less ambiguity the riskier it is to move at full speed and the more rewarding it is to crouch around or just sit down and stare at the radar. Camping was horrendous in Reach, not sure if Toymachine actually played the beta but no matter the gametype or the map, camping was a very successful strategy in many instances. I realize many players want the game to do as much of the situational awareness as possible as it's harder for them or they never play on a team that communicates but the new radar is like a borderline proximity enabled icon over everyone's head now. The only saving grace about its new height indicator is that it's ambiguous enough that, for example, someone on Sword Base's shotgun level will show up no differently than someone on red lift level.


EazyB said:
someone on Sword Base's shotgun level will show up no differently than someone on red lift level.

Actually, if someone's moving around on the top level, and you're by shotgun, I think it shows them as being a level higher. :lol I know it definitely shows them as lower when you're at the top level.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Sai-kun said:
Actually, if someone's moving around on the top level, and you're by shotgun, I think it shows them as being a level higher. :lol I know it definitely shows them as lower when you're at the top level.

Actually when folks are above you, you can't tell if they are one, two or three floors above you. You just know they are above. Obviously if there's only flooe above you, you'll know exactly where they are but when it comes to multi-level environments, it can get confusing if you are on the bottom looking up.


Nutter said:
Zelda > Halo

It's funny because it's wrong.

Dani said:
Actually when folks are above you, you can't tell if they are one, two or three floors above you. You just know they are above. Obviously if there's only flooe above you, you'll know exactly where they are but when it comes to multi-level environments, it can get confusing if you are on the bottom looking up.
Eh, whatever, maybe I'm not remembering one of the exact instances correctly but there are some levels that aren't far enough away that the radar distinguishes the two players any differently then if they were on the same level. Which is a good thing.
EazyB said:
Camping was horrendous in Reach

Maybe you need to borrow or buy a copy of Modern Warfare 2.

Unless you mean relative to OTHER Halo games. Yes, relative to other Halo games, the camping is worse, but fuck me, compared to Modern Warfare 2, it's nothing.
EazyB said:
Eh, whatever, maybe I'm not remembering one of the exact instances correctly but there are some levels that aren't far enough away that the radar distinguishes the two players any differently then if they were on the same level. Which is a good thing.
I agree though. I can tell when people were below, but the tiny 'shadow' to show players were a level above was far too difficult to distinguish at a glance.
2 Minutes Turkish said:
Maybe you need to borrow or buy a copy of Modern Warfare 2.

Unless you mean relative to OTHER Halo games. Yes, relative to other Halo games, the camping is worse, but fuck me, compared to Modern Warfare 2, it's nothing.

See also: the MW2 spawning system, which seems to have been coded by a school of koi.


Considering the levels, Sword Base included, camping is expected. It reminds me of Construct, a map that's beyond shit with radar.


I think my tour of duty in the Beta gave me PTSD.

Just had a flashback of Sword Base while I was playing Orbital. :/

Ramirez said:
I miss the netcode of Reach so much, felt like I was shooting nerf bullets tonight, while everyone else was shooting cannon balls at me. :lol And yea, Orbital sucks.

More like Orbadal! :lol :lol :lol :lol


I miss the netcode of Reach so much, felt like I was shooting nerf bullets tonight, while everyone else was shooting cannon balls at me. :lol And yea, Orbital sucks.


EazyB said:
I think my tour of duty in the Beta gave me PTSD.

Just had a flashback of Sword Base while I was playing Orbital. :/


More like Orbadal! :lol :lol :lol :lol


The Elite's gonna...eat you or something. There's a joke there. Somewhere. :lol
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