IRA isnt just the terrorist IRA it could be any of the multiple IRA's and even still if it was i dont see it as a bannable offence, iv seen much worse things on XBL.
How about having KKK as a tag? Or Taliban? Those are cool tags too.
If it's policy to stop potentially offensive terms being used, and something like my name can get swept up in the net, along with potty level terms like "tits" and "ass", surely they can stretch the net to include illegal paramilitary terrorist organisations?
The whole "it's not offensive to me" is just silly. You might not have been affected by Irish paramilitarism, but there's two entire countries affected with a recent history of violence, murder and other illegal activities that just might not want to see it.
How far do you expect these things to go, BNP obviously carries pretty negative connotations but at the same time its also a political view which every person has the right to express regardless of how "wrong" that view is to others. IRA is much the same what if this person believes in a united ireland free of the UK rule? should we oppose his view cause it makes us sad?
I support a united Ireland in due time but the IRA, UVF and other paramilitary organisations are abhorrent and fucking vile.
The BNP didn't fucking murder innocent women and children in cold blood. There's a
slight difference.