Having met Ghaleon in person, that posts was probably about was awkward for me to read as it probably was for Ghaleon :lol
Wish we'd gotten the chance to talk longer, BTW. Hope we do some time. I could tell you were a nice person who was in excruciating pain and on some wicked pain killers, and then the group got moving and I never spotted you again.![]()
Hoooooly crap. I don't think I've ever seen the Halo 2 OT. Why was it so short lived? Was GAF just small at the time, or were OTs not really in fashion, or...? There's some names in that thread that I totally forgot about. And some people who I didn't realize have been on GAF for so long. Man, it's moments like these when I realize how big a role GAF has played in my consumption and perception of gaming over the past six years.
Haha, I was thinking the same thing.
Is this post for reals?Frankie said Halo 4 won't have hitscan
I'm sad
That's what you get when you don't post for two days.
I hope you don't mind my stealing your gamertag list to make a new one. Send me a PM if you want editing access to it.
Sniper Pistol and BR (N Covy mirror weapons) should be hitscan or "practically" hitscan, I don't want to have to paint my enemies to death with the BR like you do in Halo 3. Gun is fucking terrible you just swing it all around the enemy to kill them its just awful. Game was shit.
Luke comparing an issue in Halo with an issue in Madden, heh.There is A Official Halo 2 Topic. You can think about on old memories of the game.
Ah, good times
Halo 3 was awesome.
Isn't it the game that everybody who hates Reach points to as a better game?
I get so confused.
I see what you did there.Makes Reach look like Farmville.
Yea most people just aren't good enough to adapt to Reach. Why you think Me Tashi are the only ones who like Reach?
People just don't want to adapt. Its annoying as fuck.
I don't mean "US" I mean the majority of players, all those casuals who have AR as their ToD and lose most of their games. They quit. They didn't GET GOOD.
We didn't have fun because Reach is boring competitively. They need to make "our" weapons good again, create solid competitive maps and bring back ranks for better MM. We stay and play casuals leave once the next Gears and CoD comes out. Yes Bungie/343 are a business and need to make cash but if we're playing all those cleansed kids will come back to prove themselves.
Yeah. Agreed. It's a fine line when you are trying to make a game too competitive or too accessible. Maybe that's why you don't listen to MLG pros, Bungie!Definitely MM too. I feel alotta kids were happy going 50.50 down at Rank 20-40.
Alotta us here just expect to be at the top. Theres a good chunk of kids who were 20 at one point and were like "OK I'm 20, Lets see if I can improve and get myself to 30!" and it was a driving force.
Yes though. I feel the average gamer would go play CoD before exerting themselves to become good at Reach, especially with MM throwing them up against teams like Team Jesus and Gym Tan Dong.
Speaking of that subject...did Blizzard enlist any Starcraft pros to help them out with SC2's multiplayer? If they did, Blizzard must have gone about it the right way haha. And I imagine they probably did.
I believe David Kim the Balance Designer was a SC pro.
Ah right. I had already forgotten about that.
They also waited 10 years to release a sequel and changed almost nothing about the core of the multiplayer experience. At a macro level, the game is almost exactly the same, it's only when you get down to the micro level do the effects of the new units and tweaks come to bear on strategy.
So would you be happier if we had received Halo 2 this year, and you had to wait 10 years with no online Halo to play just to get it?
Certainly there has to be more than that to it.
That would be like hiring Walshy to balance the next Halo and noone else.
Doesn't make sense...Although maybe that dude knows what the fuck is up...
If the multiplayer was anywhere near the caliber of SC and SC2's multiplayer? Hell yes. Easy answer.
Starcraft 2 is a prime example of how to do a sequel to an already amazing game: Don't fuck with the core mechanics that made the original game so damn popular.
Fair enough.
I, personally, and happy for all the time spent enjoying Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo: Reach. So I can't confidently say I would trade it for some hypothetical Halo sequel 10 years in the making that makes only marginal changes to the gameplay.
Whats really important is tomorrow I will be playing this:
Of course it's been nice having all of these sequels and whatnot, but what if Bungie had eliminated everything between Halo 2 and Reach, and made one amazingly polished game? One where the multiplayer wouldn't just be the flavor of the month for the average gamer. I'd take that in a heartbeat haha.
But, we are comparing two completely different games so who could ever really say what would happen. And Starcraft was a game that had already had a gigantic pro scene and background that were well established. That probably makes it a bit easier.
Edit: Also, I generally hate doing stupid "what if" shit like this haha. But sometimes it's fun.![]()
Also need to hire me for Playlist manager, because none of them play enough and know whats going on enough.
Yes, the point I am making is quite specific. I have a problem with allowing the firing of headshot-capable projectiles in rapid succession. It allows players to essentially "paint" their opponents with headshots, and it reduces the effectiveness of player movement in a shootout, because strafing through burst fire takes more damage than dodging a shot, overall greatly reducing the precision required to win in shootouts. To me, the burst-fire BR is the AR of precision weapons. And you know what kind of treatment the AR gets around here.The burst fire is used in the BR to limit the effective combat range. I quoted all that to facetiously make a point, but the thesis running through it all is that the shorter effective range on the BR (and Halo 1 pistol) is a critical enabling factor for the rest of the combat sandbox, in both Multiplayer and Campaign contexts.
Assuming we land on some level of agreement on that topic, there's a splinter discussion to be had about the best way to limit that range. Personally, I think the Reach DMR, with a 2x zoom (instead of 3x), a locked and slightly moderated firing rate with no bloom would be a pretty great weapon.
Happy 343i Day! Where's the 343i vs. the world?
Happy 343i Day! Where's the 343i vs. the world?
Indeed, also dark knight rises trailer today!
Hopefully both things are not lame.
Never said the DMR is the final solution, just that single-fire is much more preferred to burst. MUCH.
Skimmed Ghal's post because I'm playing, but I don't think it addresses this.
Why again is it miserable? Because it's not what you enjoy? Halo isn't about headshots, it's about map movement, using your radar, anticipating enemy moves and timing out grenades, melees and firing your weapon. Aiming is a massive part, but it's not the entire game. I completely understand that a lot of people enjoy the game mostly when they have a BR and are four-shotting people nonstop the entire match. But unfortunately for those people, Bungie and the majority of the game's fanbase don't feel that way.
Yea most people just aren't good enough to adapt to Reach. Why you think Me Tashi are the only ones who like Reach? Like Letters is the one so adament about H3 being good, Letters! What did he do, manage to hit 43 rank? H3 suckedm after H2 it was a total dissapointment (MP-wise).
At the end of the day as far as each game goes, Reach is much better than H3. Improved Forgeability, User Interface (Friends List right there on right, fuck yea!), Graphics, Frame Rate. I don't even think you could argue that technically Reach is a better made game. People just don't want to adapt. Its annoying as fuck.
To clarify remember when the game was out a few months and they made the graph of who has hit General and who hasn't...think of the numnbers now of who hit lets say ...Half Moon. I bet its so fucking low. Soooo many people stopped Reach, they couldn't handle it. Its a hard fucking game if you aren't good.
Indeed, also dark knight rises trailer today!
Hopefully both things are not lame.
Why again is it miserable? Because it's not what you enjoy? Halo isn't about headshots, it's about map movement, using your radar, anticipating enemy moves and timing out grenades, melees and firing your weapon. Aiming is a massive part, but it's not the entire game. I completely understand that a lot of people enjoy the game mostly when they have a BR and are four-shotting people nonstop the entire match. But unfortunately for those people, Bungie and the majority of the game's fanbase don't feel that way.
That Jurassic Park game had me hyped from a trailer a while back. They seemed to nail to sound effects really well... then I watched that youtube video you posted and realised it's like an interactive dvd, what a fucking waste.
At the end of the day as far as each game goes, Reach is much better than H3. Improved Forgeability, User Interface (Friends List right there on right, fuck yea!), Graphics, Frame Rate.
Truth hurts, eh?Cocopjojo said:wise words
Halo 4 cover story? So we will be seeing or hearing something this month then I assume.
Oh, for the love of god, don't post pictures of both MJOLNIR designs so close together. I'm trying to stay positive here!