Played last night through the first 4 missions of Halo CE co-op without a single issue. No fps drop that I noticed and certainly no input lag. Maybe the other games it's bad but so far so good for me.Other then Mm I haven't had a single problem.... I've only played about 6 hours but haven't had a single problem... Apparently the framerate and lag for coop renders the game unplayable however.
This is correct, but as someone who cares mostly about campaign it goes like this:
Halo CE -> Godlike
Halo 2 -> A mess. Some good ideas but didn't reach its goal.
Halo 3 -> Good enough, but with very low lows.
Haven't played through H4 yet.
Frame rate in campaigns could be better but I'm gettin zero lag in coopOther then Mm I haven't had a single problem.... I've only played about 6 hours but haven't had a single problem... Apparently the framerate and lag for coop renders the game unplayable however. freezes at the end game loading screen everytime for me.
My rank got reset back to 1.
Finally finished that "Assault on Control Room" level. Kicked my ass pretty good. "343 Guilty Spark" was a breeze, and now I am going to start The Library. I've only heard bad things about this level.
That's funny because of any Halo, Halo 4 is the closest to the true canon of Halo.
Multiplayer is very enjoyable too.
The library is imo the worst level in any halo gameFinally finished that "Assault on Control Room" level. Kicked my ass pretty good. "343 Guilty Spark" was a breeze, and now I am going to start The Library. I've only heard bad things about this level.
I love The Library, and I'm not the only one. Think of it as more of a Doom style run-and-gun experience, and maybe you'll enjoy it. It's nothing like the cat and mouse gameplay that comes with fighting Elites. Also, be really careful to focus on where you're going and try not to get turned around.Finally finished that "Assault on Control Room" level. Kicked my ass pretty good. "343 Guilty Spark" was a breeze, and now I am going to start The Library. I've only heard bad things about this level.
Finally finished that "Assault on Control Room" level. Kicked my ass pretty good. "343 Guilty Spark" was a breeze, and now I am going to start The Library. I've only heard bad things about this level.
Finally finished that "Assault on Control Room" level. Kicked my ass pretty good. "343 Guilty Spark" was a breeze, and now I am going to start The Library. I've only heard bad things about this level.
Good news, Matchmaking is getting better for me, and I can find matches.
Bad news is- well, here's a screen from my last Team Slayer matchmade game
Good news, Matchmaking is getting better for me, and I can find matches.
Bad news is- well, here's a screen from my last Team Slayer matchmade game
The library is imo the worst level in any halo game
And that My friend Is the 2nd worstPersonally, I thought Cortana in H3 was worse. That's if I'm remembering it correctly, been many years since I touched it.
Personally, I thought Cortana in H3 was worse. That's if I'm remembering it correctly, been many years since I touched it.
Good news, Matchmaking is getting better for me, and I can find matches.
Bad news is- well, here's a screen from my last Team Slayer matchmade game
Dude you are a legit threat. The other team should be scared! You = the entire other team.
I had a hell of a time getting used to XB1's loose control sticks for Halo. I ended up using a sensitivity of 2 for most of the games, or even sensitivity 1 for H3. Im pretty comfortable with my aim now. Took a few hours to adjust. Give it a shot if you're in the same boat.
The Library
Wat.poor visibility
Literally not true.infinitely respawning enemies
I'm waiting until Black Friday to pick this up. Is it just completely broken?
Microsoft you dun fucked it up.
Dat team balance doeGood news, Matchmaking is getting better for me, and I can find matches.
Bad news is- well, here's a screen from my last Team Slayer matchmade game
Can y'all think of a game with better AI dialog?
lol...just jumped on here as that's all I'm seeing on my console and first post I see on screen is this!
I just noticed that Halo 4 is missing what little ripple effects it had.
Good news, Matchmaking is getting better for me, and I can find matches.
Bad news is- well, here's a screen from my last Team Slayer matchmade game
Yep, I keep telling myself that perhaps the shift to 60fps has just as much to do with my adjustment to the aiming as the XB1 controller. It is glorious in the new 60fps - but as someone who has played 1000's of hours on the old school games - its a big change.I am actually still torn between using Sensitivity 4, as I always did, and 3. Between the sticks and 60fps, it doesn't feel quite as it used to...
This has likely been asked, but I'll ask anyway: The value proposition for this game is immense, obviously, but I have never played a Halo game.
For someone who likes single player campaigns with the occasional multiplayer match, is this release worth getting?