Movement speed declined, but don't discount how ranged battles have declined as well with Halo 2 and 3. The DMR helped a lot with this and people complained about the ping fests, but I was glad we could actually shoot people from a distance again. I never had trouble moving around maps because there was ample cover and I was aware of my surroundings, so despite the DMR being 3x with hitscan, I think it was about time we had that weapon after 6 years of only the BR.You know what's funny? CE has some of the fastest movement and strafe speed in the series, even if it feels a little floaty. It's also the only game I've played now where I haven't felt like sprinting. I hate sprint with a passion, but I won't lie that two years of Halo 4 and the Reach before that have me trying to sprint at times.
It's as if it just isn't needed in CE and I see no reason to feel like sprinting. I spawn, whip out my pistol and go to town with shots, grenades, trying to secure key areas. Halo 2 I've tried to sprint a few times trying to get a power weapon or reach an area of the map, but it's not bad. Halo 3 has been the worst. I feel like my Spartan is crawling. It never felt this way to me. It's almoet unbearably slow. Not only in campaign but multiplayer. And it makes me think, is the reason we get so used to sprint because the movement speeds had declined with each significant game that we really wish we could go faster? If they increased strafe and movement speed for Halo games, would sprint have still been needed as much if you were definitely moving and feeling faster?
Now 343 looks to be going back to AR/Pistol starts as I've been suggesting since day one. Only thing is, the Pistol needs range and some legit killing power that's balanced by its difficulty to master. It has 12 shots, so I'm hoping it's no more than a 5sk.