Welp here's my experience with this turd fest of a game yesterday.
Start out trying to play H2A ranked playlist. Stuck waiting 10 mins searching and getting no where. Reboot. Search again, go on GAF on laptop. I look up a few mins later and it's loading on Lockout. Sweet, a match!...wait why is this FFA? The game put me in someone's custom lobby...from matchmaking! Try again, quick matchup...oh 5v3, how lovely. Quit out. Get another match like 20 mins later, game crashes on loading screen...
So I decide to continue my CE LASO playthrough. Start out on Halo, finish it without much trouble. T&R is hell on earth, after an hour an a half I make it up the gravity lift. Game crashes trying to load the fuck you room in the ship. Reboot, game loses save progress. Restart level, finally finish it 2 hours later. Blast through SC and AOTCR in an hour an a half for the pair. Save and quit out on 343 GS to go to bed...the playlist didn't give me credit for completing AOTCR. Can't replay levels in the playlists, don't want to go on since I'm pretty sure the achievement is fucked now. I'm forced to restart the entire LASO playlist now.
Went to bed at 2AM utterly disgusted. What the FUCK happened to this game? How do you screw up such simple things? I'm a patient guy, I don't ask for a dev's head based on minor glitches or day one server issues, but we're going into week 4 of this game's release and really simple shit still doesn't work. I'm so fucking steamed with this game it's beyond comprehension.
The incompetent buffoons at this studio are not equipped to take over this series. Fuck your Halo 5, I'm not giving you clowns another dime.
Can't believe I bought the console for this game. I almost wish it never came out. I was happy with my PS4, but as a huge Halo fan that stopped giving a shit with bad Halos years ago I couldn't not get this game. Now I have my dream game, but it's broken and constantly pisses me off, yet I stick with it like a battered house wife.
If this game isn't functioning properly by Christmas the entire studio needs to be canned. What a joke.