I have no more will to play this game. I have been playing through the Campaigns solo on Legendary. Crashes, achievements bugged, and quirky events in the game have left me exhausted and unable to continue any longer.
The straw that has broken the camel's back is a massive issue with Halo 4. Playing the campaign solo will often treat beating levels as playing co-op. This makes the Lone Wolf Legendary achievement impossible to get without having to come up with community-made workarounds.
I have been doing the Legendary playlists for each game, so if I encounter this bug in Halo 4 (and I have had for two of the four levels I have beaten) I then have to go back into Campaign mode, turn on scoring, set the difficulty to Legendary, and play the level again.
It has sucked out the enjoyment of this game for me. Multiplayer has been rarely successful for me, as well, so I have been completely ignoring it. I know the horse has been beaten so hard it is hardly a horse any more, but I just cannot understand why we were given a Halo game in this state. As a HUGE Halo fan, with thousands of dollars of Halo collectibles and merchandise in my home, I just feel like the brand has been tarnished. First impressions are lasting and The Master Chief Collection will be hard pressed to overcome the negative one it carries.