Yeah, I still have the "beat Halo over the par score" achievement stuck in the "Done. Unlocking..." phase. It's been more than three weeks now. Once that achievement unlocks it should also give me the achievement for beating every level over the par score in Halo CE.My achievement still hasn't unlocked.
have they fixed team balancing and put it back to normal 4v4?
My point is that taking ANYONE'S experience at face value is pointless. Not just the ones with complaints. Even the ones without many problems. At this point it's just luck whether or not you have a good experience.
Everyone else. Dont. Buy. This. Game.
No mate. Taking anyone's positive experiences at face value is pointless since those people are clearly in the minority here.
If its working ok for you, great. But you are one of the lucky few. And I bet even you are running into issues on and off.
Overwhelming odds are if anyone picks this up right now, they are in for a bad experience.
If someone has zero interest in MP and wants to get this purely for SP, its worth looking into. Even then its a little buggy but its playable and maybe worth your money.
Everyone else. Dont. Buy. This. Game.
No mate. Taking anyone's positive experiences at face value is pointless since those people are clearly in the minority here.
If its working ok for you, great. But you are one of the lucky few. And I bet even you are running into issues on and off.
Overwhelming odds are if anyone picks this up right now, they are in for a bad experience.
I'm sorry but I think this is an incredibly stupid mindset to have. People who are having issues and who aren't having issues should have their experiences viewed equally. Doing what you imply is going to quickly spiral downward into an even deeper circle of vile comments which will probably continue well past the point where MCC starts seeing more substantial improvements.
Yeah, here. The negativity is overwhelming here. Overall? We don't know for sure. I've heard a good even mix overall from people in real life and online. But again, it varies.
I just got this game for free, but I'm debating on wether or not to open it. Has the MM improved and when is the next patch supposed to be coming out to "fix" it?
I'm sorry but I think this is an incredibly stupid mindset to have. People who are having issues and who aren't having issues should have their experiences viewed equally. Doing what you imply is going to quickly spiral downward into an even deeper circle of vile comments which will probably continue well past the point where MCC starts seeing more substantial improvements.
LOL no.
The game is broken for the overwhelming majority of people who are playing it. Look at the posts in this thread itself if you just want an example. Almost every other post is a bug report of some kind.
Asking people to take the positive comments and negative comments equally is borderline deceitful. I'm not saying if the game is "somewhat" working for you then your opinion is invalid in and of itself. Its just invalid to anyone who is looking to make a purchasing decision. If someone is reading this thread trying to decide if the game is worth their hard earned 60$ then they deserve to know that the odds of them having a positive experience arent 50/50. Not even close.
If it was up to me I would edit the OP and the thread title. /Shrug
LOL no.
The game is broken for the overwhelming majority of people who are playing it. Look at the posts in this thread itself if you just want an example. Almost every other post is a bug report of some kind.
You do realize people don't go out of their way to post positive comments. They just play the game. Negative comments, in all of the internet, are the norm. Look at Amazon reviews.
I can post something positive. I played last night and Im happy that I am actually getting into games now and having a great time. However I'd say 1/3 of the games I played had uneven teams :/ ...yeah definitely will be holding off on a Halo 5 day one purchase....
I can post something positive. I played last night and Im happy that I am actually getting into games now and having a great time. However I'd say 1/3 of the games I played had uneven teams :/ ...yeah definitely will be holding off on a Halo 5 day one purchase....
You do realize people don't go out of their way to post positive comments. They just play the game. Negative comments, in all of the internet, are the norm. Look at Amazon reviews.
Lets hypothetically say that after the next patch drops 9 people come in here and say "yeah my experience has gotten a lot better", if one person comes in here and says "nope still sucks for me" are you really saying that one person who's having a problem should outweigh the other 9 people?
Absolutely nobody is denying that MCC doesn't have a shitload of issues, but I'd rather keep this thread a productive thread and not turn into a thread that's the poster child for why devs don't come to GAF anymore.
And what is "productive" by your definition? Remove all negativity? Any posts that complain about the game not working?
Yes, I think uneven teams is the biggest problem at the moment. For me anyway. Hopefully the Halo 5 beta launch goes more smoothly... It looks so fun and I wanna be able to play it without any obstacles.
you can clamber over obstacles in H5.
So all the multiplayer has been p2p up to this point?
When is dedicated server support expected?
Also, the unbalanced teams have gotten worse since the release of last weeks patch. I can't get above level 15 without a bunch of games of 5v2 or 5v4 deranking me.
Games very fun when it works and when the host is good. Just wish the team balance and dedicated server issues were fixed.
The universal button schemes all suck. They're all close to perfect but not perfect. With a control scheme its either right or wrong though.
Last night I was playing the Gravemind mission on H2A, just after the Elites and Brutes start shooting at each other I got hungry, paused, put the XBO on Stand-By and went to eat. When I came back the game crashed and when I tried to resume from the main menu it loaded where I was but with a black screen, tried to walk around to get myself killed but loading a checkpoint didn't fix it.
Now I have to start the whole mission again. Nice.
I don't understand why there isn't a universal control scheme with X for reload and everything else standard. You'd think with Halo 2 being the focus of the collection, they'd have a universal scheme that mimics default Halo 2 controls...
I just want to point out that I just got this game and it's been pretty much perfect. I know that its not working for most people but it at least has the capability to work well. My only problem is that I have to send back my xbox because the disk drive is making funny sounds that I don't trust.
Well, he said there's nobody from GAF, from what he can tell.I agree. And posters here wonder why publishers/developers (or someone else who's professional) rarely post here on GAF, because they always act like fools.
Yeah i've gotten the black screen trying to load up a save point in a mission. So disheartening to have to start over. As much as I love Halo and wanted to play this collection this game should have stayed in the oven for another few months. It just seems to be another high profile game that had to meet a launch deadline and it just wasn't finished.Last night I was playing the Gravemind mission on H2A, just after the Elites and Brutes start shooting at each other I got hungry, paused, put the XBO on Stand-By and went to eat. When I came back the game crashed and when I tried to resume from the main menu it loaded where I was but with a black screen, tried to walk around to get myself killed but loading a checkpoint didn't fix it.
Now I have to start the whole mission again. Nice.
Is another patch on its way later today/tomorrow?
We don't know. Somebody from 343 posted in this thread saying they're hoping to get another patch out this week.
It's improved for me personally, but as far as I've heard, has not for others. Personally, it takes about 3-4 minutes end to end for me to get into a match. Teams are still one-sided some of the time, but overall MM is working a bit better.
We don't know. Somebody from 343 posted in this thread saying they're hoping to get another patch out this week.
If you switch graphics, it should have fixed it. There seems to be a bug where one of the engines doesn't initialize when the console comes out of standby on Instant On mode and by switching, it fixes it.