Master Yoshi
If anyone is doing customs, add me to fill a spot! Gamertag is MasterYoshi
Tell me again why we pay for Xbox Live, a service covered in ads?
Because it sure as shit isn't to play games online.
Download speeds are non-existent right now. The usage meter is telling me I'm getting 32kb down, see you in 3 months guys, gonna go freese myself.
I think is a problem in xbox live cant conect to Destiny either
If you just wanna play SinglePlayer, see my prior post
Didn't someone just make a thread about DriveClub being the game with the worst launch? Looks like it has some competition.
I got a small taste of 60fps Halo 3 MP and now I can't join any game. That's wrong, man.
What? Because the matchmaking doesn't work 2 hours after launch? Play the other content while you wait. I'm still waiting for the PS+ version of Driveclub to even exist.Didn't someone just make a thread about DriveClub being the game with the worst launch? Looks like it has some competition.
I got a small taste of 60fps Halo 3 MP and now I can't join any game. That's wrong, man.
The entire XBL network is fucking up at the moment. It's not just MCC being effected it's other games too... Sucks :/
No coop in H1 right?
I didn't want to be the one to mention it, but every time this happens at the launch of a PS game, doesn't everybody point to Xbox Live and say it never happens for them, so their monthly fee goes to a superior service?The entire XBL network is fucking up at the moment. It's not just MCC being effected it's other games too... Sucks :/
Imagine not only wanting to play multiplayer, but wanted to play Halo CE multiplayer.
The pain.
This damn patch is taking longer to install than the game smh.
What? Because the matchmaking doesn't work 2 hours after launch? Play the other content while you wait. I'm still waiting for the PS+ version of Driveclub to even exist.
no luck in MP
it's launch day, name 1 game that has gone smoothly on launch on a world wide scale.