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Halo TMCC |OT2| 3V4 Industries


Quit absolutely has to go IMO, it's a blight on the entire system. Replace it with a team surrender vote. Force players back into the game or customs only if they drop out or dashboard.

Better yet player toggles or maps and gametypes before matchmaking.

Players can still quit the game by going to dashboard.


Sup Sai. Yes, I believe we were friends, but the 100-friend limit forces me into purge mode every once in a while.

I did and do still play VOOT, by the way! Current US champ after VectorStrike 2 this Setpember.
Dang, you've been busy.

Well, my Gamertag's SaiST. Don't know if I've shaken off enough rust to guarantee you victory just yet, but I'll do what I can. :p


Neo Member
what do you mean ranks "back" for all playlists? They never had them for all. Plus there used to be Social playlists, and there aren't now - so if you add ranks to everything people will shy away. It's a perception thing.

I feel like trueskill still works behind the scenes in all, but I'm not certain.

Back as in what it was supposed to be day 1. Weren't all (or most) the playlists supposed to be ranked, but it wasn't implemented due to all the bugs?
Any guides you recommend? Iron skull is the only thing stopping me from trying LASO playlists out.

Co-op makes it easier. For Halo 4, use ProAceJoker's speedrunning tricks as much as possible to skip some of the worst areas of fighting. We did it 3-player co-op so it wasn't too back b/c we could run distraction for each other while flanking/backsmacking the enemies.

Actually for all 4 titles you want to learn the speed running tricks because a lot of them despawn enemies or bypass entire areas of fighting, so study Nak3d Eli's videos on speedrunning (he's working on videos for every level in all 4 games, and is almost done with Halo 2 last I checked). I would advise getting the 3-hr legendary speed run achievement BEFORE going for LASO in any of the four games, as it will make you more practiced at the speedrunning tricks, which will help immensely.

Other than that there are lots of SLASO vids on youtube which help, even if you're going to co-op it rather than SLASO. The only difference is if you're co-opping it sometimes makes some of the enemy bypass speedrunning tricks harder, or easier, depending on what is required (if both players have to pull off the trick or just one).

God damn.

And why is Envy even missing in H2 LASO? Who thought that up?

Obviously some surpremely bright individual at 343i thought that Envy would make Halo 2 LASO too easy or something. What they failed to realize is Envy only makes it POSSIBLE, as without it certain levels are 99.99% impossible to clear (Gravemind, for instance).

Hell they even went and added streaking and masterblaster to Halo 2 LASO, only to take them out soon after launch because they literally broke the LASO campaign. A couple of folks have made it as far as Gravemind now, but it is just not possible to get past without Envy. Not only that, but as I said something they tweaked with Iron skull has broken the checkpoints to an extent. Even doing the despawning trick at the beginning of Gravemind, with full shields, doesn't render a checkpoint the way it should. So without checkpoints or Envy.... yeah, it's impossible.
The level of quitters/AFKers pretty much demands the inclusion of drop-in/drop-out.

Get on it 343, this is ridiculous.

Nah. Axe the individual quit option entirely and implement a team surrender vote. Also, if you shut down the system or quit to the dashboard, you'll just get matched up in that same match if it's still running.
BR spam is complete and utter horseshit. Theres no fucking way to counter it. CLose range? BR wins. Mid-range. BR wins. Long range? BR wins. These fucking dudes can hit you across the map with 100% accuracy every fuckin time and there is literally nothing that can be done to stop them. The BR makes it so theres no point to even using any other weapon.


Was playing Halo CE and my teammate walked me into a wall and I fell off the map WTH.

I assume this happens in the PC version or something?

I played years of HPC and that rarely if ever happened, and if it did it was always on the Gearbox made maps.

Also, does anyone know how to clear the "13 New Movies in Extras" toast that appears every time I load the main menu?
BR spam is complete and utter horseshit. Theres no fucking way to counter it. CLose range? BR wins. Mid-range. BR wins. Long range? BR wins. These fucking dudes can hit you across the map with 100% accuracy every fuckin time and there is literally nothing that can be done to stop them. The BR makes it so theres no point to even using any other weapon.
We've been saying that since 2004.


Finished Halo 2, but the achievements for completing the game didn't pop. Achievement progress shows i've (apparently) finished only 93% of the levels, so the game thinks i'm missing one.

I suppose i'm just out of luck? Main menu shows i've finished all 15 levels, so i'm not sure what to do.
It's amazing how broken this game gets if you party up. I would have almost been fooled into thinking this game was working just fine when I played alone but as soon as I partied up it was downright broken again.

I guess that's better than nothing. Got a decent run of games in for the first time ever playing solo.


I have no idea what that means. Can you explain?

Halo's Networking - how does it work?

Campaign networking uses a completely different model to Multiplayer. It uses what is known as the synchronous lockstep model. In short, this model means every player has to agree on things before the game proceeds.

Whilst this has the advantage that everyone sees the same things in-game (essential for AI), the downside is that if a player is lagging behind, the others have to wait for them to catch up; if they didn't do this, the player will almost always get further and further behind until they go out of sync completely and get dropped.

Because of this, a single lagging player in Campaign will usually make the game lag for everyone else, and it's also why players notice lag in Co-op or Firefight that they don't notice in Multiplayer.

Multiplayer uses an asynchronous distributed networking model where games are hosted on players' consoles. In any one game, one console will be the host, and all others will be clients. The host authorises essentially every action that takes place in game, including the important things like damage, and the creation and destruction of objects. Client players run a simulated version of the world that is based on the host's version of events, and which is constantly being updated. The game uses several tricks to make this less obvious.

As a client, when you take any action, you send that information to the host who then accepts or rejects it according to various criteria. In Halo 3, there is a 'latency window' of approximately 300ms. Providing your latency is less than this, and there is no problem in getting the information to the host, the shot should count. There is one exception when shooting a player close to geometry, shots may sometimes be rejected by the host if you don't maintain line-of-sight; this is an intentional design on Bungie's part.

Key Differences

Proneness to lag
Probably the biggest difference players will notice between the two is how much lag you experience. This is for several reasons:

In Campaign, the game is only as strong as the weakest connection. Because every console has to agree on things, if a player loses any information, it needs to be sent again. In Multiplayer, the game continues regardless, and any lost information a client sends is ignored as if it never happened.

Whilst in Multiplayer, you have to send information to the host, the game will nevertheless perform many actions instantly. If you jump, or fire a weapon for example (except for rockets or grenades), they occur instantly. If they don't get to the host on time, you get teleported back or you get bullets refunded. In Campaign, everything has to be sent and acknowledged by the other players which is why you may see delays before you jump, or your weapon fires.

Taken from this article: http://halo.bungie.org/misc/networkguide.html
That's not the answer. People need to be punished for AFK/quitting.

This, so much. Drop-in drop-out sucks ass because you invariably get thrown into a losing team when searching solo.

Punish chronic quitters, severely. Don't punish everyone else because people quit.
Players can still quit the game by going to dashboard.

I had dashboard mentioned in my previous post. It's not that difficult to design your matchmaking system around each player GT or IP address and have a server side flag of in game or out of game currently; irrespective of P2P or dedis or hybrid. The server/host reports all completed games back and the player flags and game IDs are reset. A scheduling task checks against dropped games or resets flags for clean up jobs and you're good to go.

It's really not that hard to implement, if you design your system that way from the get go. I fear much of the trouble with MCC is keeping the old networking systems intact while running the UI/X1/XBL updates over the top. I hope for far cleaner and more advanced systems with H5 being built for X1 exclusively plus from the ground up so to speak.

Then again if it was up to me I'd just implement player/party toggles as I always go on about. I'm still in awe that such early design features weren't implemented with MCC and the unified UI. IMO it was the perfect opportunity to really implement or overhaul such systems.
I had dashboard mentioned in my previous post. It's not that difficult to design your matchmaking system around each player GT or IP address and have a server side flag of in game or out of game currently; irrespective of P2P or dedis or hybrid. The server/host reports all completed games back and the player flags and game IDs are reset. A scheduling task checks against dropped games or resets flags for clean up jobs and you're good to go.

It's really not that hard to implement, if you design your system that way from the get go. I fear much of the trouble with MCC is keeping the old networking systems intact while running the UI/X1/XBL updates over the top. I hope for far cleaner and more advanced systems with H5 being built for X1 exclusively plus from the ground up so to speak.

Then again if it was up to me I'd just implement player/party toggles as I always go on about. I'm still in awe that such early design features weren't implemented with MCC and the unified UI. IMO it was the perfect opportunity to really implement or overhaul such systems.

Why bother with all this? So people quit sometimes big deal man.
Why bother with all this? So people quit sometimes big deal man.

How many games have you played in total from H2 online until current MCC? My guess is you simply don't encounter playlists or ranked levels or have enough games played to see how detrimental quitting/cheating became across all Halo games.

It's quite literally almost every single game these days and it's been that way with Halo 4 and Reach for years. Even end of life Halo 3 had the same quitting/booting issues. If only developers would release DNF stats, you'd be appalled and shocked.

Quitting also points to a broken system, matchmaking handheld exclusively by developer playlists and settings is archaic. It leads to more quitting and lopsided games where player choice is driven out of the system. Permutations of maps and game settings never even see the light of day let alone get voted for. Player toggles give rise to player choice, less quitting and closer game outcomes through matching player knowledge and experience derived from simple player/party choice. That's beyond skill matching or developer managed playlists, which aren't capable of such inherent experience matching and dynamic voting systems.

Ask yourselves:

1. Why did someone quit just after voting completed and a map and gametype was selected? Answer: they didn't get what they or their party want and they dashboard rage quit to get what they do want. It's an exponential problem that literally fucks more than one game that one player quit out of. It screws say 7 to 15 other players, forces more to quit, slows player populations pools and matching variables due to holding players in crappy lopsided games and the quitter is likely to simply do that again within the next 3 minutes until they get what they want. Now factor that at 1-3 players quitting per game at the rate of say 50% vote quits over an hour that person plays/quits. It gives you an idea of where the quitting % is these days.

2. Why do players quit during the game or once their team is disadvantaged? Answer: the matchmaking system failed to provide a close game experience or matching players poorly. Quitters skew the player pools, developer playlists halt experience/knowledge matching and this leads to games that even if the player counts are matched 4v4 or 8v8 it still has quitters. Now in a toggle matching system before voting options are generated you'll see a level 25-35 player or team can complete with a level 35-50 because they'll have vast amounts of knowledge/experience of the map and gametype. Further they'll have also picked what they want to play and are far more likely to complete a game rather than just quitting when down 10 kills or 2 flag caps. Why? it's what they actually want to play and they can gain advantage from player better players in the actual settings/maps they want to get good at.

Toggles reinforce the system in positive ways. Developer matchmaking alienates in negative ways. Toggles enabling choice, reduce shitty player behaviours and without the need for a full blown custom games browser while continuing to use all the benefits of the matchmaking systems that consoles have become so popular with.


BR spam is complete and utter horseshit. Theres no fucking way to counter it. CLose range? BR wins. Mid-range. BR wins. Long range? BR wins. These fucking dudes can hit you across the map with 100% accuracy every fuckin time and there is literally nothing that can be done to stop them. The BR makes it so theres no point to even using any other weapon.

Ugh this post is frustrating.

Yes there are useless and redundant weapons in Halo. Things like spikers, plasma rifles, etc,

But that's a sandbox problem. With BR starts everyone has a viable, fun to use, skill based weapon in which you can be effective atany ranges. You use this weapon to fight for the power weapons. Sniper, rockets, shotgu, sword, etc. these weapons provide you with the edge to tip the fight in your favor.

No need for redundant shit like plasma rifles and spikers and shit for the sake of variety.

Ar/smg starts you are ONLY effective in a very small close range. If the enemy has be or power weapon you are at a huge disadvantage, borderline useless. Not to mention the ar on ar gameplay is boring and lacks depth. Your purpose with spawning with an ar is pick up a better weapon. The purpose is to have you be useless. Which is terrible.

But this debate has been going on since 2004. All I want is to have an OPTION to vote for the weapon start I want.

In every vote there should be an ar start option and a br start. Exceptions being BR starts in objective (bungie made this decision) and in btb
I played years of HPC and that rarely if ever happened, and if it did it was always on the Gearbox made maps.

Also, does anyone know how to clear the "13 New Movies in Extras" toast that appears every time I load the main menu?

It's happened to me more than once on Sidewinder and Chill out.


Sup Sai. Yes, I believe we were friends, but the 100-friend limit forces me into purge mode every once in a while.

I did and do still play VOOT, by the way! Current US champ after VectorStrike 2 this Setpember.

yoooo Schooly D on NeoGAF!
That's not the answer. People need to be punished for AFK/quitting.
Hasn't that been tried? Punishing your playerbase won't work. Join-in-progress is the lesser evil, provided that players are kept from match to match - that way you only run the risk of jumping into a losing game for the first match of your session.


Finished Halo 2, but the achievements for completing the game didn't pop. Achievement progress shows i've (apparently) finished only 93% of the levels, so the game thinks i'm missing one.

I suppose i'm just out of luck? Main menu shows i've finished all 15 levels, so i'm not sure what to do.

Login to Halo Waypoint with your Live account (halowaypoint.com) and then note what the website says about your level progress. Find the level it says you missed and replay it.

That's how I unlocked it after finishing the game (had to go back and replay one level).


Login to Halo Waypoint with your Live account (halowaypoint.com) and then note what the website says about your level progress. Find the level it says you missed and replay it.

That's how I unlocked it after finishing the game (had to go back and replay one level).

Thanks for the tip - Waypoint shows me as not having completed High Charity. One of my least favorite levels, but what can ya do...guess i'll replay it soon.
Damn tonight has been a lagfest. Only had a few good games, the others were so laggy they were virtually unplayable. So I had to stop early, couldn't handle anymore of it.
Hasn't that been tried? Punishing your playerbase won't work. Join-in-progress is the lesser evil, provided that players are kept from match to match - that way you only run the risk of jumping into a losing game for the first match of your session.

It has, and it's succeeded; look at LoL, who, last I checked, had fairly harsh penalties for repeat quitters, and as a result doesn't have anything like the MCC's quit rate. It works, man.


Thanks for the tip - Waypoint shows me as not having completed High Charity. One of my least favorite levels, but what can ya do...guess i'll replay it soon.

I had to replay Assault on the Control Room in Halo CE. This bug is seriously why I haven't attempted to solo all four games on Legendary yet. The thought of beating a level like Assault on the Control Room on Legendary and not having it count, makes me shudder.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
BR spam is complete and utter horseshit. Theres no fucking way to counter it. CLose range? BR wins. Mid-range. BR wins. Long range? BR wins. These fucking dudes can hit you across the map with 100% accuracy every fuckin time and there is literally nothing that can be done to stop them. The BR makes it so theres no point to even using any other weapon.
We've been saying that since 2004.
You guys are gonna love Halo 5 from the looks of it.
You guys are gonna love Halo 5 from the looks of it.

Just practice with the BR more?

I said it in the other OTT, but I really wonder about people's skill levels when they complain about the BR.

They say it themselves, they have the most powerful weapon in the game...then proceed to complain about it because it's too good because they get shot from everywhere? YOU HAVE THE SAME WEAPON.


Just practice with the BR more?

I said it in the other OTT, but I really wonder about people's skill levels when they complain about the BR.

They say it themselves, they have the most powerful weapon in the game...then proceed to complain about it because it's too good because they get shot from everywhere? YOU HAVE THE SAME WEAPON.
I think his general complaint was that it's just too good for too many situations. There's no real con to the weapon


I just got a string of matches on dedicated servers running H2C. First time I've seen them in weeks. Matches were smooth as butter too. Everyone said it felt like their host. If they can get those going consistently it entirely fixes the h2 vista netcode bs.


I just got a string of matches on dedicated servers running H2C. First time I've seen them in weeks. Matches were smooth as butter too. Everyone said it felt like their host. If they can get those going consistently it entirely fixes the h2 vista netcode bs.
How were you able to tell it was a dedi


I just got a string of matches on dedicated servers running H2C. First time I've seen them in weeks. Matches were smooth as butter too. Everyone said it felt like their host. If they can get those going consistently it entirely fixes the h2 vista netcode bs.

How do you know if you're connecting to a dedicated server? I assume there's some sort of graphic or something that I've never seen before lol
I think his general complaint was that it's just too good for too many situations. There's no real con to the weapon

That's fine, but he also originally complained there's no counter. The counter is in your damn hand. It's YOUR BR.

Edit : this assumes BR starts.


That's fine, but he also originally complained there's no counter. The counter is in your damn hand. It's YOUR BR.
I understand that but I can also understand why some might not like that. When the only solid counter to something is to use the same thing it kind of perpetuates the idea that the thing in question might be a tad too good. (Assuming BR starts)

In my opinion automatic weapons should safely trump BR at close range. I'm okay with it otherwise
I understand that but I can also understand why some might not like that. When the only solid counter to something is to use the same thing it kind of perpetuates the idea that the thing in question might be a tad too good. (Assuming BR starts)

In my opinion automatic weapons should safely trump BR at close range. I'm okay with it otherwise

I think both the H3 AR and H2A AR trump a BR close range with proper dodge/jumping and maybe a melee.
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