This is an incredible over exaggeration. You can jump on YouTube right now and watch gameplay videos that show close range br battles that played out fine and I don't remember needing to lead at point blank range
It wasn't just leading your shots, the gun was inconsistent as fuck. I went to this "YouTube" you speak of and chose a BR heavy map at random.
This is LAN play, so one would hope netcode wouldn't play as much of a factor. There are plenty of perfectly reasonable kills in that game. However, a couple stuck out to me. At 2:33, Naded aims to the left of a player moving at speed to the right, but the spread and randomness get him a hit, middle shot is aimed at player while moving and gets him a hit, last shot is aimed to the right of the player moving to the left and gets him the killshot.
Later, at ~4:30, Snipedown is shooting across the map, not leading shots, and shit is hitting and he gets the kill.
Kills like this just shouldn't happen if the BR worked as advertised. No matter how the gun functions on all the other kills, these are the ones that stick in my and other people's memories (for better or worse). This is the problem with the gun. Even on LAN, it's inconsistent. Either have people have to lead their shots or don't. XBC pistol (and I'm definitely not in the Funk H:CE fanclub) had to lead shots because of latency, and half the time it was more consistent just because of how the gun was designed. H3's netcode could still be bad and the gunplay would be better if it was consistent and well done. Earlier when I said leading shots at close range, I'd wager that had less to do with the actual bullet travel mechanic and more to do with the the BR's operational inconsistency. Hitscan / bullet travel doesn't matter when your gun is random/inconsistent as crap. I don't like Reach DMR either.
Maybe it's just me but I'd rather play a shooter based on consistent aim/gameplay instead of a RNG simulator with a shooter skin. I understand people like H3 the most and I still find it fun (mostly due to maps/gametypes and such), but this is just not what I think Halo should be, even in 2007.
That said halo 3 net code was far from brilliant
This didn't help matters whatsoever.
The H3 BR is absolute garbage.
I'm only ever referring to the multiplayer suite in h3 when I talk about it, I'm quite fond of the campaign.
H3 Campaign is quality