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Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel. 1400+ killed, 2400+ wounded, 240+ abducted. Israel declares war

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Imo, it's not that confusing or bizarre, they telegraphed it coming, and they even concluded with this concludes our action. They wanted to show they did something to internal forces after the embassy attack, while doing almost no damage to outside forces and not risking much of a retaliation.

There's been known times, let alone the ones that are still classified, where Iran and the US sort of call each other up and be like hey, we have to respond, but we don't want to escalate, just hang tight ok.



Iran state TV uses footage of crazed One Direction fans to show ‘Israelis panicking’ after missile attacks​



Iran TV has shared video claiming to show destruction in Israel after its missile and drone attack, but journalists have identified it as footage of a forest fire in Chile.
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Gold Member

Iran state TV uses footage of crazed One Direction fans to show ‘Israelis panicking’ after missile attacks​



Iran TV has shared video claiming to show destruction in Israel after its missile and drone attack, but journalists have identified it as footage of a forest fire in Chile.
Welcome to our disinformation future.

In another 5 years NOTHING on TV/the news will be real, it will all be AI generated "impressions" of events done in a photorealistic style and no disclaimer.

Quite possible we will start to see entirely isolated information bubbles and rogue elements smuggling in archaic print newpapers will be the heroes we deserve to counter the AI infowars :p

Alas, all they send me is MAD and CRACKED magazines!


Do you think this attack by iran is supported by the russians

Of course it is. A war in the Middle East that drags the U.S. in would take their eyes completely off Ukraine.

The Russians have been hobnobbing with the Iranians since the start of their Ukraine invasion and Hamas even before Oct 7th.

Virtually all Kremlin propaganda outlets on X have been spewing anti-Semitism and pro-Iran, pro-Hamas and pro- Houthi PR since October 7th.


Gold Member

Thats effed up

The terrorism not the thread….

I dont understand how you can be an american chanting that shit and burning the flag.… i know theyre not american so, get out of the country then.

I thought burning the flag was illegsl anyhow?
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Dr. Claus

Thats effed up

The terrorism not the thread….

I dont understand how you can be an american chanting that shit and burning the flag.… i know theyre not american so, get out of the country then.

I thought burning the flag was illegsl anyhow?

Many of these folks are rich/well off White dudes and women who think they are “fighting the good fight” despite being treated like second class if not third class citizens in those nations.


Oh, I agree absolutely. I just think it's important to have our information straight.

Absolutely. You can't bitch and winge about the truth being distorted by the other side, then post fabricated bollocks yourself and act like it's true.

Am not being funny. But the lad needs a break from here anyway. Acting like can do no wrong but advocating for starving out a whole country to bring them to their knees is really fucked up.

I dunno why he blames America for everything either, when all the States are doing is giving advice and asking Israel not to do something to keep them on the right side of humanitarian law. Not that Hamas deserve it.

Don't get me wrong, Israel are fully entitled to wipe Hamas off the face of the earth, but the rhetoric he spouts is pretty grim.
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Do you think this attack by iran is supported by the russians
I don't think they have the level of cooperation you see between countries like the US, UK, and Israel. Those countries are united behind the belief that attacks against the current "world order" are attacks directly against them. Then you have countries like Russia, Iran, China, who are united behind a belief in a "multipolar world" which is something like what you see in the novel 1984, where the US, Russia, and China are in a permanent state of unwinnable proxy war over the resources of regions like Africa, which is impoverished by the conflict. It might be convenient for Russia to use resources of Iran, India, China, and so on, to bypass sanctions, but they see themselves as not fighting to defend a common future but to fight for the right to fight each other.

Dr. Claus

Oh, I agree absolutely. I just think it's important to have our information straight.

Very true. Not defending the lies being pushed. Not sure why the lies are even being down as they have long since proven how shitty they truly are. You kind of have to be to defend rape, murder and infant beheadings.

Dr. Claus

Ah I see.
Kinda ironic since his avatar tag says in Hebrew "knowledge is power" lol.

I can understand where he is coming from, even if I disagree with the growing extremism in his arguments. He lives in Israel and has to actively deal with the threat of these terrorists on a daily basis. That sort of fear and unknowing can drag you down into dark places.

Best thing to do is try to find the bright sides to life and not find yourself stuck in the mire. Stop trying to find things that make you feel worse and find things that show improvement, make you smile, or show that people truly care.

Hoping he takes a break from the internet and just plays some games and relaxes.


I can understand where he is coming from, even if I disagree with the growing extremism in his arguments. He lives in Israel and has to actively deal with the threat of these terrorists on a daily basis. That sort of fear and unknowing can drag you down into dark places.

Best thing to do is try to find the bright sides to life and not find yourself stuck in the mire. Stop trying to find things that make you feel worse and find things that show improvement, make you smile, or show that people truly care.

Hoping he takes a break from the internet and just plays some games and relaxes.
I'm probably more extreme than him, but I know when to keep things for myself.
I'm Israeli too by the way.

Dr. Claus

I'm probably more extreme than him, but I know when to keep things for myself.
I'm Israeli too by the way.
Fair. Stay safe, mate and know that a lot of folks care about Israel and want y’all to win over these terrorist scum.
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I just cant understand how this is acceptable. Dude gets harressed and threatened for wearing a kippa and instead of uk police adressing the aggressors they threaten the jew to arrest him for causing a disturbance. We already had similar scenes, but imagine the outcry if this happened to a moslem, a black person or a gay person.
I also dont understand how there doesnt seem to be a single pro palestinian person voicing that this is not how things should be.


Minorities (except Jews, apparently they were not oppressed enough) get a free pass to do and say what they want because governments have become too worried about optics of being "phobic". No one wants to be cancelled I suppose. The pendulum is swinging the other way, people see this behavior and many support what Israel is doing. Also, tribalism.


Gold Member

I just cant understand how this is acceptable. Dude gets harressed and threatened for wearing a kippa and instead of uk police adressing the aggressors they threaten the jew to arrest him for causing a disturbance. We already had similar scenes, but imagine the outcry if this happened to a moslem, a black person or a gay person.
I also dont understand how there doesnt seem to be a single pro palestinian person voicing that this is not how things should be.

It's sickening how the police have allowed an entire city to be hijacked by Nazis and terrorist wannabes for months on end. When will Europe finally grow a spine and start kicking these pieces of shit out?



Did Iran's well telegraphed start and and end to their attack even do any damage, with the high fly time, slow drones, and most shot down? Almost like the goal was to be seen to do something while really trying to do very little.

I'm not sure it was worth responding to at this time when already mired in so much conflict, sure hope this doesn't spiral out of control
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Iran is more than welcome to retaliate. We're (Israel) waiting for years for a legitimate excuse to attack the nuclear bases.
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It's sickening how the police have allowed an entire city to be hijacked by Nazis and terrorist wannabes for months on end. When will Europe finally grow a spine and start kicking these pieces of shit out?

I don't think they ever will sadly, each and every politician or police officer is thinking about their own backside.
They are on TV or being filmed so they need to be careful what they say and what they do.

They know telling a Jewish person to basically fuck off will keep them in a job than say, someone of the Islamic faith.
They are afraid of lashback so they do nothing to rock the boat.

Cowards, the lot of them.


May I have a cookie?
This is completely unacceptable! A Jewish professor at Columbia University is being denied entrance to his own campus, but is still being expected to teach at a different part of campus.
Meanwhile, Hamas supporters are granted entrance to the entire campus!

This is full blown Nazi level discrimination.

You cannot say that your position is exclusively anti Israel while continuing to support this kind of action against Jews abroad. All you do is justify Israel's necessity to exist, even at an ugly price!

This is shameful and helps nobody, especially not the Palestinian people.

Edit: here's the same story, reported by the New York Post, for verification.
I've been following this professor since October so know he's legitimate, but am adding a report from a professional source so it's clear this is real.
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The difference between Iranian and Israeli strike is that Iran used hundreds of weapons and achieved nothing.

Israel used a handful of weapons and neutralized the Iranian air defenses in what is probably the most well defended building in the entire country.

If that doesn't send a clear message I don't know what does.
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