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Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel. 1400+ killed, 2400+ wounded, 240+ abducted. Israel declares war


Log on to my PS5, go to Elden Ring, about to play the new DLC and the first thing I see is an openly antisemitic stream ”From the River to the Sea…” - I report it and then PlayStation Safety thinks there is nothing wrong with it. Good to know Sony thinks Antisemitism and genocidal chants are A-OK!
I report non stop racist stuff on Facebook and it never turns out to never be against their community standards. Its a joke.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
I report non stop racist stuff on Facebook and it never turns out to never be against their community standards. Its a joke.

It’s only racist/bigotted if you say something mildly insulting about a select group of approved “oppressed” people. Jews? Fuck them, they are always the oppressors. - Sony/Meta/99.9% of major companies.


May I have a cookie?
There are no women in the audience, because they are in the kitchen where they belong.

Democracy will be the downfall of western civilization once demographics are no longer in our favor. I don't know who I despise more, the radical Muslims leading the invasion or the cowardly, opportunistic politicians who understand exactly what they are doing but don't give a fuck as long as they get theirs.

Edit: to be clear, I'm not against democracy but it needs to change in order to survive. All points of view are not equally valid and do not deserve equal protection under the law. We need to establish fundamental inalienable rights as well as mandatory responsibilities, and if you don't want to accept those, gtfo of our country.

We can start with this law: armies are for the protection of the people and not the other way around.
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May I have a cookie?
For anyone genuinely concerned about the humanitarian situation in Gaza, you'll be glad to read this latest report from the UN's Famine Review Committee in which they plainly admit that their numbers from earlier this year regarding amount of food available to Gazans did not take into account additional sources that were providing for the people at the time.

These include shipments made by private companies as well as certain local food production facilities which never stopped operating, and also some that were reopened with Israel's help after the war began.

This information was no secret to anyone who was paying attention. It was reported in Israel and was available on our governmental websites, such as COGAT.

When accounting for this "new" data, the committee comes to the conclusion that there was - at minimum - enough food available in Gaza to fill the daily caloric requirements of every single person, and then some. Specifically, the committee's most conservative estimate, as per the report, is 109% of recommended daily caloric intake per person, with a less conservative estimate of 157% per person.

This does not guarantee that no Gazans are starving, as we all know it ultimately comes down to distribution, for which Hamas is responsible. But remember that the Gaza strip is small and densely populated, so it does not require a logistical miracle to spread out the supplies, only the good will of Hamas and other local organizations.

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ידע זה כוח
Islamophobia must be condemned. If this shit was towards blacks, asians, whatever, media coverage would be thru the roof. Pesky Jews don't die.


Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Islamophobia must be condemned. If this shit was towards blacks, asians, whatever, media coverage would be thru the roof. Pesky Jews don't die.

They wear Keffiyeh, hide their faces, promote the death and subjugation of an entire ethnoreligious group, physically assault innocent people, and have damaged private and governmental property.

They are terrorists. Full stop. We need to stop allowing these to continue and place them in jail where they belong.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
For anyone genuinely concerned about the humanitarian situation in Gaza, you'll be glad to read this latest report from the UN's Famine Review Committee in which they plainly admit that their numbers from earlier this year regarding amount of food available to Gazans did not take into account additional sources that were providing for the people at the time.

These include shipments made by private companies as well as certain local food production facilities which never stopped operating, and also some that were reopened with Israel's help after the war began.

This information was no secret to anyone who was paying attention. It was reported in Israel and was available on our governmental websites, such as COGAT.

When accounting for this "new" data, the committee comes to the conclusion that there was - at minimum - enough food available in Gaza to fill the daily caloric requirements of every single person, and then some. Specifically, the committee's most conservative estimate, as per the report, is 109% of recommended daily caloric intake per person, with a less conservative estimate of 157% per person.

This does not guarantee that no Gazans are starving, as we all know it ultimately comes down to distribution, for which Hamas is responsible. But remember that the Gaza strip is small and densely populated, so it does not require a logistical miracle to spread out the supplies, only the good will of Hamas and other local organizations.

It is shocking reading the intro of the report where they essentially go “please do not hurt us, it is what the data says, we cannot help it”. Sure they do caution about not just waiting for them to declare a famine to pay attention to aid distribution and all, but it just reads wrong…


GAF's Pleasant Genius
All points of view are not equally valid and do not deserve equal protection under the law.
… and this is how once the demographic majority is lost the effect just accelerates like crazy.

First of all, there is no society including the libertarian U.S. where freedom of speech is unlimited, but within those very large boundaries yes you need to fight for all points of view to have equal protection under the law and do not criminalise thought crimes.

Adding thought crimes, criminalising speech, compelling speech, or the excesses of modern cancel culture (trying to ruin people’s lives as a judge jury executioner mob and the corporations that enable it), the attitude of purity test after purity test / with us or against us (where agreeing with your enemy on obvious truths like that the Earth is round makes you “against us”), etc… this makes for a more and more extreme and polarised society where such kind of morals and social behaviour is accepted.

Such a society is not a society you want to live in if you are not in the isolated bubble of those currently in power. We fought for thousand of years to get to the relatively peak form of 21st century west, let’s not keep on wrecking it with the audacity and ego of being sure tearing things down always brings upon something good (at least if “we” do it).
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May I have a cookie?
… and this is how once the demographic majority is lost the effect just accelerates like crazy.

First of all, there is no society including the libertarian U.S. where freedom of speech is unlimited, but within those very large boundaries yes you need to fight for all points of view to have equal protection under the law and do not criminalise thought crimes.

Adding thought crimes, criminalising speech, compelling speech, or the excesses of modern cancel culture (trying to ruin people’s lives as a judge jury executioner mob and the corporations that enable it), the attitude of purity test after purity test / with us or against us (where agreeing with your enemy on obvious truths like that the Earth is round makes you “against us”), etc… this makes for a more and more extreme and polarised society where such kind of morals and social behaviour is accepted.

Such a society is not a society you want to live in if you are not in the isolated bubble of those currently in power. We fought for thousand of years to get to the relatively peak form of 21st century west, let’s not keep on wrecking it with the audacity and ego of being sure tearing things down always brings upon something good (at least if “we” do it).
I completely agree that any changes or restrictions of freedom must be planned, executed and monitored with utmost care. I don't think for a second it'll be easy, and mistakes will probably be made.

But the alternative is more horrible, to me. If a majority in Britain are Muslim, Sharia may be a democratically supported law. This would be the death of democracy. Israel is facing a similar struggle, where over 50% of the population supported a repugnant and dangerous government. Not just dangerous to Palestinians, but to secular Jews and women.

One way to avoid the need of draconic laws limiting freedom is to allow countries to divide into smaller, independent units, with their own laws. This seems to be effective in the U.S., at least some of the time.

But ultimately I do think there are fundamental laws that an enlightened society should be able to agree upon and enforce. Such as the example I gave: "the people shall not be put in a position where they protect the military with their lives."

The type of abominations which allow for societies like the one in Gaza to form are far past issues of freedom of speech or thought - those are already long gone in Gaza.

I highly recommend watching the YouTube series "Whispered in Gaza". It's an animated version of real audio interviews conducted with civilians in 2023. It was enough to get even other Muslim countries to condemn Hamas. But for some reason the West didn't give it much weight.


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GAF's Pleasant Genius
I completely agree that any changes or restrictions of freedom must be planned, executed and monitored with utmost care. I don't think for a second it'll be easy, and mistakes will probably be made.

But the alternative is more horrible, to me. If a majority in Britain are Muslim, Sharia may be a democratically supported law. This would be the death of democracy. Israel is facing a similar struggle, where over 50% of the population supported a repugnant and dangerous government. Not just dangerous to Palestinians, but to secular Jews and women.

One way to avoid the need of draconic laws limiting freedom is to allow countries to divide into smaller, independent units, with their own laws. This seems to be effective in the U.S., at least some of the time.

But ultimately I do think there are fundamental laws that an enlightened society should be able to agree upon and enforce. Such as the example I gave: "the people shall not be put in a position where they protect the military with their lives."

The type of abominations which allow for societies like the one in Gaza to form are far past issues of freedom of speech or thought - those are already long gone in Gaza.

I highly recommend watching the YouTube series "Whispered in Gaza". It's an animated version of real audio interviews conducted with civilians in 2023. It was enough to get even other Muslim countries to condemn Hamas. But for some reason the West didn't give it much weight.


If the changes you think of are made, you can be sure it will turn out like you fear and faster. Think it through.

You are shaping society the way what you see as the enemy also would shape it like and you feel comfortable because you are in power.

Ask the Romans or the ancient world how that tactic worked with early Christians…


May I have a cookie?
If the changes you think of are made, you can be sure it will turn out like you fear and faster. Think it through.

You are shaping society the way what you see as the enemy also would shape it like and you feel comfortable because you are in power.

Ask the Romans or the ancient world how that tactic worked with early Christians…
I've only explicitly offered a single law and it is the polar opposite of what my enemies are doing.
Also, I'm not the majority in Israel. The majority - or at least the current government - is leaning much more militant.
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May I have a cookie?
If the changes you think of are made, you can be sure it will turn out like you fear and faster. Think it through.

You are shaping society the way what you see as the enemy also would shape it like and you feel comfortable because you are in power.

Ask the Romans or the ancient world how that tactic worked with early Christians…

To be clear, I think this particular outcome is much more harmful to democracy - and in the long term, also to Israel - than the particular law that I suggested.
Don't you agree?
At least the law I suggested was an attempt to solidify a clear and general moral principle that the overwhelming majority of western civilization already agrees on. This is just an ugly and very obvious legal bandaid that separates between the rights of some and the rights of others.
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To be clear, I think this particular outcome is much more harmful to democracy - and in the long term, also to Israel - than the particular law that I suggested.
Don't you agree?
At least the law I suggested was an attempt to solidify a clear and general moral principle that the overwhelming majority of western civilization already agrees on. This is just an ugly and very obvious legal bandaid that separates between the rights of some and the rights of others.
I don't see an issue with this especially with the history of Germany. It's because we don't have even the most rudimentary standards is why we are in this mess. You can't do much about people born in your country but if somebody comes to your country and wants to become a citizen then you should pass a basic value test for that country. Do you believe people should be killed for changing their religion etc If I wanted to become a citizen of Ukraine and they they asked me do I think Crimea should be part of Russia and I said yes then they should be able to say go away.


May I have a cookie?
I don't see an issue with this especially with the history of Germany. It's because we don't have even the most rudimentary standards is why we are in this mess. You can't do much about people born in your country but if somebody comes to your country and wants to become a citizen then you should pass a basic value test for that country. Do you believe people should be killed for changing their religion etc If I wanted to become a citizen of Ukraine and they they asked me do I think Crimea should be part of Russia and I said yes then they should be able to say go away.
I'm not objecting to the idea, of course, but to the implementation. I think it's too superficial and has a high chance of ultimately hurting Israel.

If it ends up actually working and keeping people who are anti-Israel out of Germany (and these people are also likely anti other things that Germany supports) without bringing further disproportionate attention to Israel from the woke crowd, then that'd be a very good result as far as I'm concerned. But I'm worried it will not achieve this.
I'm not objecting to the idea, of course, but to the implementation. I think it's too superficial and has a high chance of ultimately hurting Israel.

If it ends up actually working and keeping people who are anti-Israel out of Germany (and these people are also likely anti other things that Germany supports) without bringing further disproportionate attention to Israel from the woke crowd, then that'd be a very good result as far as I'm concerned. But I'm worried it will not achieve this.
Better than the alternative. In Germany, denying the Holocaust is a criminal offense but it isn't here in the UK for obvious historical differences. I would like to think that somebody who wants to become a German citizen would accept that the Holocaust happened or at the very least understand why it's a criminal offense in Germany. This again for obvious reasons extend to their support for Israel. If somebody who wants to become a citizen is to stupid to realise this then they shouldn't be one. The alternative is that of all countries, Germany is seeing a massive rise in Holocaust denial. I don't see it as an option.


May I have a cookie?
Better than the alternative. In Germany, denying the Holocaust is a criminal offense but it isn't here in the UK for obvious historical differences. I would like to think that somebody who wants to become a German citizen would accept that the Holocaust happened or at the very least understand why it's a criminal offense in Germany. This again for obvious reasons extend to their support for Israel. If somebody who wants to become a citizen is to stupid to realise this then they shouldn't be one. The alternative is that of all countries, Germany is seeing a massive rise in Holocaust denial. I don't see it as an option.
I understand what you're saying but we're not disagreeing about the intended result, rather about the method.
People entering the country who are against Israel will just lie on this question, while the woke crowd will point to it as an example of unfairly denying freedom of speech.
I think my original suggestion could be more effective because although one could still lie about agreeing with it, the wokes will have very little to say against it. Because even they wouldn't support such speech.
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Very interested in seeing how it goes. OntarioTech, the university closest to me basically paid them to leave. Them a fee of them wore a keffiyeh up on stage and the admin refused to shake hands and now they’re all up im arms again. The encampment stole power, crued when the school turned it and the wifi off at night and harrased on site security. Freely used the washrooms as well. They “divested” plus gave them 3 tuitions to give to whoever. I asked which companies the university were investing in that were benefiting off this war, crickets. Not how you get the public to support you.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
So sick and tired of the antisemitic BS being found across all of gaming and popular culture. I can’t read any manga without seeing hundreds of pro Hamas messages. Gaming streams are filled with “free Palestine” and “from the river to the sea”. Cunts waving the flag of a country that openly promotes anti-lgbt and genocide while claiming it is the Israelis who are the ones doing such. Fucking idiocy everywhere.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Oh yeah, my roommate brings up how she does not like Biden because he supports "genocide".

Now her and are mutual friend want to take me down to vote, something I don't want to do, so I can vote for Biden because he is still the "lesser of two evils" because of course the "orange guy" is an even bigger supporter of the Jewish state.

Please kill me.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
So sick and tired of the antisemitic BS being found across all of gaming and popular culture. I can’t read any manga without seeing hundreds of pro Hamas messages. Gaming streams are filled with “free Palestine” and “from the river to the sea”. Cunts waving the flag of a country that openly promotes anti-lgbt and genocide while claiming it is the Israelis who are the ones doing such. Fucking idiocy everywhere.
Oh I know. I'm dealing with this in my own home. And of course, I'm a supporter of Israel but I'm keeping my mouth shut about it around my roommate and our mutual friend.

You can only imagine the amount of times I have to bite my tongue every time she brings up the genocide of Palestinians by Israelis.


ידע זה כוח
Oh I know. I'm dealing with this in my own home. And of course, I'm a supporter of Israel but I'm keeping my mouth shut about it around my roommate and our mutual friend.

You can only imagine the amount of times I have to bite my tongue every time she brings up the genocide of Palestinians by Israelis.
You really need to educate her. Show her what they've done. It's really hard seeing you write this stuff and being afraid of what she might do. This is terror and you're giving in to it.

Sorry I'm just gonna put you on ignore. You do you.
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Oh I know. I'm dealing with this in my own home. And of course, I'm a supporter of Israel but I'm keeping my mouth shut about it around my roommate and our mutual friend.

You can only imagine the amount of times I have to bite my tongue every time she brings up the genocide of Palestinians by Israelis.

I stopped "hiding" my support of Israel and made it proudly known. If people want to push the falsehoods, I show them the mountains of evidence to the genocide pushed by Hamas, the videos, photos, and claims provided by them from Oct 7th and earlier. I show them the efforts Israel and the IDF go to minimize civilian casualities. If they still wish to remain ignorant, I will stop speaking with the person or interacting with the community.

There is no justification for saying such hateful, bigoted, and truly horrid things and you should call them out. Supporting Hamas is no different than supporting Nazis.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
You really need to educate her. Show her what they've done. It's really hard seeing you write this stuff and being afraid of what she might do. This is terror and you're giving in to it.

Sorry I'm just gonna put you on ignore. You do you.
Nah, you've already put me on ignore so what's the point. Right?

Edit: try being so poor, having cognitive and physical disabilities that prevent me from working and I have no choice but to have to live with someone with differing opinions. I never said she was an anti-semite, by the way. Yes her views suck but if she weren't living here I'd be on the street right now in 115+ degree heat.

But hey what's the point, you have me on ignore now. So I guess that won't get through to you.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
By the way, I'm asking this as a very legitimate question because it's something I really do not understand.

How come we have a thread like this in a forum that supposedly does not allow political threads? And this has got to be the most heated political discussion one can have on any forum so I'm just a little confused on why this is allowed to exist here? You don't get more heated and political than this.


By the way, I'm asking this as a very legitimate question because it's something I really do not understand.

How come we have a thread like this in a forum that supposedly does not allow political threads? And this has got to be the most heated political discussion one can have on any forum so I'm just a little confused on why this is allowed to exist here? You don't get more heated and political than this.

What is political about a terrorist attack?


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
What is political about a terrorist attack?
It definitely was a terrorist attack and I won't argue with you there (edit: and as I've mentioned many times before I am very supportive of Israel) but people are going to disagree that it's being handled properly. Not to mention the entire history with Israel and Palestine has and will always be a political issue so this goes beyond terrorist attacks.
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It definitely was a terrorist attack and I won't argue with you there but people are going to disagree that it's being handled properly. Not to mention the entire history with Israel and Palestine has and will always be a political issue so this goes beyond terrorist attacks.

To me it seems the entire history is more a religiosus issue rather then a political one but i'm not interested on talking about that more. Having a thread like this open is imho a great as it gives people a place to vent their thoughts. Also looking at the news papers the way this is whole thing is being reported seems rather one sided depending on the country you view it from. So having more info is never bad. But as I said to me this isnt politics conversation but you can certainly draw it into one.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
To me it seems the entire history is more a religiosus issue rather then a political one but i'm not interested on talking about that more. Having a thread like this open is imho a great as it gives people a place to vent their thoughts. Also looking at the news papers the way this is whole thing is being reported seems rather one sided depending on the country you view it from. So having more info is never bad. But as I said to me this isnt politics conversation but you can certainly draw it into one.
Religion and politics go hand in hand especially in the Middle East and especially since this is also largely about land and land ownership. I would say this is about as political as one can get especially since you're dealing with different right and left-wing sides in this issue. Hamas certainly qualifies as a far right extremist group but there are people who believe they are freedom fighters, unfortunately. In America this has become a very, very political issue say the least.


Gold Member
By the way, I'm asking this as a very legitimate question because it's something I really do not understand.

How come we have a thread like this in a forum that supposedly does not allow political threads? And this has got to be the most heated political discussion one can have on any forum so I'm just a little confused on why this is allowed to exist here? You don't get more heated and political than this.
The old politics forum was pretty toxic. I remember certain posters speaking very fondly of Putin at the time, how Russia made our military look weak (lmao), and a lot of other subject material that was… questionable. Then January 6th happened and the realization struck that things had gotten way out of control as a nation, including here on this very forum. Politics became banned shortly afterwards.

Israel and Ukraine are two subjects that tie into politics, but the politics aren’t really the point, if that makes sense.


While it’s good to get updates on the crazies in the West, it feels like there’s barely any update these days on the actual shooting war to eradicate the Hamas scum.

what’s the news from Rafah? Is there an operational pause?

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
By the way, I'm asking this as a very legitimate question because it's something I really do not understand.

How come we have a thread like this in a forum that supposedly does not allow political threads? And this has got to be the most heated political discussion one can have on any forum so I'm just a little confused on why this is allowed to exist here? You don't get more heated and political than this.
Many Gaffers are Jewish, live in Israel or have connections to it. Similar to Ukraine. When these countries are attacked by terrorist scum, it is Ok to discuss. That was how I saw it.


Nah, you've already put me on ignore so what's the point. Right?

Edit: try being so poor, having cognitive and physical disabilities that prevent me from working and I have no choice but to have to live with someone with differing opinions. I never said she was an anti-semite, by the way. Yes her views suck but if she weren't living here I'd be on the street right now in 115+ degree heat.

But hey what's the point, you have me on ignore now. So I guess that won't get through to you.
What you are suggesting here is that this person would kick you to the street and force you to become homeless if you didn't agree with her political views.

Honestly it sounds like you are living with pure evil.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
What you are suggesting here is that this person would kick you to the street and force you to become homeless if you didn't agree with her political views.

Honestly it sounds like you are living with pure evil.
No, because she lives with me. So instead, she would probably move out leaving me without any options. And I've already tried looking for other roommates in the past and haven't been successful. So yeah, I'm kind of in between a rock and a hard place.


No, because she lives with me. So instead, she would probably move out leaving me without any options. And I've already tried looking for other roommates in the past and haven't been successful. So yeah, I'm kind of in between a rock and a hard place.
Is she paying more than 50% of your rent? It sounds like she can move to greener pastures either way.

I think you are playing up the homeless angle a little here if she lives with you and not vice versa.

It sounds like you need to sort out a better flat mate and you are kind of being held hostage to her way of life.
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