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Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel. 1400+ killed, 2400+ wounded, 240+ abducted. Israel declares war


For those who imbeciles who don't get the difference between Israel and Palestinians.

The crappy part is, everything went exactly to plan, didn't it. The hostages and the attack forced an Israeli counteroffensive, the world responded predictably to the reality of dense urban warfare, everyone lined up to play their part.

The worst of all possible worlds here would be going this far, having the world turn against you, and then also leaving Hamas intact in any form. They have to be completely removed after all this, pressure will continue to mount but it has to be done.
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Gold Member
The crappy part is, everything went exactly to plan, didn't it. The hostages and the attack forced an Israeli counteroffensive, the world responded predictably to the reality of dense urban warfare, everyone lined up to play their part.

The worst of all possible worlds here would be going this far, having the world turn against you, and then also leaving Hamas intact in any form.
I don't think we are groking the radical islamic.mindset. The goal isn't a military style conquest, it's just bleeding the west dry and eroding our standard of living played out over DECADES because they can wait that long. They just need Israel to have to spend on military instead of infrastructure and the west to lose a single % point of support a year.

Plus they flood our countries with their people because they weaponize our sympathies and guilt. In 300 years this period is gonna seem like a veritable invasion.


May I have a cookie?
I don't see the separation. It's not as if politics exists outside the brain. You must have no sense of self preservation to have that politics in the first place. The current status quo is fundamentaly a liberal one. So if you are gay and you align yourself with someone who thinks you should get the death penalty then all you will do is overturn the current situation where we don't currently have the death penalty to one that does. I have spoken to a couple of people and it's not that they don't believe that if Israel was replaced with a majority Muslim state that it wouldn't be considerably less liberal, they believe it would be and have no issue with it.
My interpretation is that these people don't actually care about moral progress, they care about minimizing conflict and minimizing the amount of shocking images they are exposed to.


IDF gettin' Medieval on Hezbollass 😎



Gold Member
I am getting increasingly convinced that there must be biological reason to explain people who are pro Palestine while being extremely liberal. I get Muslims but not somebody who believes men can give birth. Its almost as if there is no sense of self preservation, as the same people also don't want to reproduce. They would be on the beach waving to the Vikings.
It is because their worldview is that of the oppressor vs oppressed and the western world are white colonizer oppressors.


Gold Member
The ironic part is when you suggest that they should give up their land and give it back to the Native Americans, they all suddenly get quiet and claim that it is different.
Or worse, they make a big performative display about honoring the indigenous peoples that lived there before, often trotting out some sad souls from a nearby reservation, as if that guy has any real connection to the tribe that took that land from another tribe who took it from another tribe, stretching back to the mists of time. There is no patch of dirt on earth that haven't changed hands more than a dozen times.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
For those who imbeciles who don't get the difference between Israel and Palestinians.

Of course. Hamas loves it when civilians die because that just means more support for Palestine by all the idiotic pro Palestine sheep out there. The world is turning on Israel because that's exactly what Hamas wants to do. It's all part of the plan and it's working, unfortunately.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Of course. Hamas loves it when civilians die because that just means more support for Palestine by all the idiotic pro Palestine sheep out there. The world is turning on Israel because that's exactly what Hamas wants to do. It's all part of the plan and it's working, unfortunately.

Yep, Hamas are basically saying: "If you don't give in to our demands, then we will keep forcing you to kill our civilians." It's fucking messed up.

Meanwhile some civilians are like that fucking idiot mother posted above. Of course your mainstream news and other outlets aren't going to show that bitch on TV.
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Gold Member
Yep, Hamas are basically saying: "If you don't give in to our demands, then we will keep forcing you to kill our civilians." It's fucking messed up.

Meanwhile some civilians are like that fucking idiot mother posted above. Of course your mainstream news and other outlets aren't going to show that bitch on TV.
This will only go on for so long before some forward thinking, progressive leader, be it an imam, businessman, educator, or just a construction foreman, steps up and creates an "anti-HAMAS" movement that rejects the radical ideologies, kicks HAMAS and other militant groups out of residential areas, and seizes control of government power to create a viable alternative for Israel to negotiate with. We have seen with Germany, Japan, and other areas that when you get your teeth kicked in enough eventually all the "tough guys" are gone and the more level headed thinkers can take over. But Gazans have to be willing to cut ties with their out of country "leaders" living in luxury and other foreign instigators that use them for pawns. Gazans are gonna have to make a big cultural shift in their relationship with the Koran and a move towards secular government with proper checks and balances and duty to the populace. Gazans can clearly work hard when motivated to do so, they could have been a proper labor force for the entire middle east (as opposed to the indentured servant/slave labor groups they import from the east and lower parts of Africa) and made peace with Israel and just gradually buy back the lands they lost. Heck, if Protestants and Catholics can live side by side in secular harmony (except on Sundays) then Arabs and Jews can as well.


ידע זה כוח
This will only go on for so long before some forward thinking, progressive leader, be it an imam, businessman, educator, or just a construction foreman, steps up and creates an "anti-HAMAS" movement that rejects the radical ideologies, kicks HAMAS and other militant groups out of residential areas, and seizes control of government power to create a viable alternative for Israel to negotiate with. We have seen with Germany, Japan, and other areas that when you get your teeth kicked in enough eventually all the "tough guys" are gone and the more level headed thinkers can take over. But Gazans have to be willing to cut ties with their out of country "leaders" living in luxury and other foreign instigators that use them for pawns. Gazans are gonna have to make a big cultural shift in their relationship with the Koran and a move towards secular government with proper checks and balances and duty to the populace. Gazans can clearly work hard when motivated to do so, they could have been a proper labor force for the entire middle east (as opposed to the indentured servant/slave labor groups they import from the east and lower parts of Africa) and made peace with Israel and just gradually buy back the lands they lost. Heck, if Protestants and Catholics can live side by side in secular harmony (except on Sundays) then Arabs and Jews can as well.
Morgan Freeman Good Luck GIF


Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right

Why the heck should Israel agree to a ceasefire especially in light of surveys like this (provided there's a large number of credible respondents). It's fucking absurd shit. Reading through the terms and entitlement from the Hamas cunts, it's akin to accepting ceasefire with Putin at the current frontlines in Ukraine, ceding all gained territories to him, and letting all those invading cunts and their leadership get off with a pat on the back. Hamas has to be dismantled and destroyed down to the roots for Israel to truly have peace.
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Might as well just make them wear stars on their arms at this point, how can they think this is right?
The way they were educated, the way they were raised. Bigotry like this doesn't come out of nowhere, it is a steady, continuous, and insidious effort to try and turn a person into an "other". Something that isn't human, that needs to be eradicated.

No different than how anti-black and anti-LGBT was propagated for years in the west.

The only way we can change this is by systematic change. Removing the rot in our schools and higher education, showing quick and severe punishments for promoting/celebrating/pushing this mindset. These people should be fired from their jobs, lose any scholarships they had, and placed on a watch list or in jail. Once severe punishments start rolling out, there would be less and less people willing to agree or promote this mindset.
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May I have a cookie?
Might as well just make them wear stars on their arms at this point, how can they think this is right?
It's never been a particularly self-aware movement. It's been about outrage for its own sake practically from day one. Angry people looking for a reason to justify their anger.


May I have a cookie?
More details about last week's rescue operation are being approved for publishing, and the story is absolutely astonishing! I recommend reading the entire thing over at The Jewish Chronicle. Every aspect of this immense operation is simply overwhelming.
  • Lengthy, meticulous planning
  • Undercover men and women speaking with a perfect Gazan accent.
  • Special forces training for three days in replicas of the buildings where the hostages were confirmed to be held.
  • Support from land (in the form of additional infantry and tanks), air and even sea.
  • Ambushed by huge numbers of terrorists firing grenades and RPGs, inside a two bedroom apartment.
  • Pinned down in the middle of a market by Hamas emerging from tunnels.

This quote is but one part of the operation:
But while the rescue of Argamani went smoothly, the task of rescuing the other three hostages on the third floor of the second building became complicated.

They were held in the home of Dr Ahmed al-Jamal, a medical doctor, who was a Hamas activist. His son, Abdullah, a journalist who had written for Al-Jazeera, was also staying in the apartment.

Some of the commandos used a ladder to enter directly into the room where the three hostages were held. This coincided with the entry of the rest of the force who came up the stairs from the main entrance of the building.

But Commander Arnon Zamora's team, which broke into the apartment at the head of the force, encountered massive fire from around thirty Hamas terrorists in the apartment They fired with machine guns, threw grenades and some even fired rocket-propelled grenade missiles at the surprised Israelis. This is how Arnon Zamora was killed.

The fact of the presence of 30 terrorists in the apartment had not been known to the undercover teams who had reported the information about the hostages’ location back to Israel. It is assumed that the terrorists arrived at the apartment only that morning or the night before, to strengthen the guarding of the three hostages.

Nevertheless, the experienced Israeli commando fighters were not deterred by the deadly surprise and continued to fight the terrorists with determination at close range, joined by the other fighters who were waiting outside the apartment. The three hostages had to hide in the bathroom of the apartment, protected by several Israeli fighters, during the battle. There was no way to leave the apartment due to the massive unexpected gunfire as it might endanger the hostages.

After a long face-to-face battle, the Israelis managed to eliminate all the terrorists in the apartment. But during the shooting from dozens of guns inside a crowded two-room apartment, Arnon Zamora was hit and lay on the floor bleeding, while three medics and a doctor leant over him, under heavy fire, trying to save his life.

Meanwhile, dozens of terrorists emerged from the tunnels around the building and began to fire at the Israeli fighters with machine guns and RPG missiles. The Israelis started making their way out of the building (several of them carrying Arnon Zamora on a stretcher), running through smoke-filled alleys and the nearby market which was crowded with thousands of Gazans who would not have hesitated to lynch them. The Israeli forces tried, under constant fire, to get to the rescue vehicle that was waiting for them, but it was hit by two RPG missiles.

The commander of the operation in Israel then activated ‘Plan B’, the rescue plan that had been prepared in advance: a daring operation under massive, very close fire from the enemy, covered by Israeli fire from ground, sea and air.
The amount of people involved in this operation, acting both inside and outside of Gaza, on land air and sea, gathering reconnaissance, interrogating prisoners to verify data, Israeli women on the ground dressed in Hijabs, officers with remote live feads. This is the Israel I know and am so proud of! Not the one that was blindsided on October 7th. We will learn from our mistakes and will be stronger and smarter for it!
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Gold Member
I'm surprised that they are revealing so much, particularly about impersonating Gazans looking for places to rent and stuff. You'd think they would keep that capability more secret so they can do it again

Either HAMAS is well aware of that tactic or maybe the IDF wants to sow distrust between HAMAS and other gazans.


ידע זה כוח
I'm surprised that they are revealing so much, particularly about impersonating Gazans looking for places to rent and stuff. You'd think they would keep that capability more secret so they can do it again

Either HAMAS is well aware of that tactic or maybe the IDF wants to sow distrust between HAMAS and other gazans.
Or they want to show we can be there with them without them knowing... That "refugee" camp was never targeted until the rescue mission. We prob know the fate of our hostages, and Benny Gantz also said we unfortunately know the fate of the Bibas family.


May I have a cookie?
I'm surprised that they are revealing so much, particularly about impersonating Gazans looking for places to rent and stuff. You'd think they would keep that capability more secret so they can do it again

Either HAMAS is well aware of that tactic or maybe the IDF wants to sow distrust between HAMAS and other gazans.
It serves a number of purposes to reveal this. One is gaining good will from the world and demonstrating the contrast between how Israel and Hamas fight.

Another is sending a message to Hamas and anyone else who thinks they can do this again and get away with it.

One thing a lot of westerners don't seem to completely understand are the roles intimidation and deception play in wars in the middle east.

It's the same reason that whenever the U.S. talks big words but fails to follow through with actions, that fanatics in this region are empowered. And the same reason naive liberals are often horrified by empty threats coming from here which they cannot distinguish from actions, or - similarly - fooled by benevolent sounding lies.
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More details about last week's rescue operation are being approved for publishing, and the story is absolutely astonishing! I recommend reading the entire thing over at The Jewish Chronicle. Every aspect of this immense operation is simply overwhelming.
  • Lengthy, meticulous planning
  • Undercover men and women speaking with a perfect Gazan accent.
  • Special forces training for three days in replicas of the buildings where the hostages were confirmed to be held.
  • Support from land (in the form of additional infantry and tanks), air and even sea.
  • Ambushed by huge numbers of terrorists firing grenades and RPGs, inside a two bedroom apartment.
  • Pinned down in the middle of a market by Hamas emerging from tunnels.

This quote is but one part of the operation:

The amount of people involved in this operation, acting both inside and outside of Gaza, on land air and sea, gathering reconnaissance, interrogating prisoners to verify data, Israeli women on the ground dressed in Hijabs, officers with remote live feads. This is the Israel I know and am so proud of! Not the one that was blindsided on October 7th. We will learn from our mistakes and will be stronger and smarter for it!
Activision reading this and taking notes for COD story missions.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Why aren’t we deporting idiots like this to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran or any of the Islamic shitholes we know? His idea of paradise already exists. Move, motherfucker.

Because the left-wing attack dogs would declare it racist/Islamophobic and attempt to prevent the deportations by any means necessary.
Because the left-wing attack dogs would declare it racist/Islamophobic and attempt to prevent the deportations by any means necessary.
There have been literally cases where people have stood in the way of police trying to take away child abuses so I don't think there is a limit. My favourite excuse is that they might have not known it was wrong where they came from or it's there way of coping with the trauma.


May I have a cookie?

That pier is such a joke. If this was supposed to be the U.S. showing Israel how delivering aid is done, then I guess intentionally starving Gazans is the American way.
In reality, I think the whole thing was not much more than pandering to the woke crowd.

For those unaware: this is the third time the pier will be disabled in about the same number of weeks. And the Mediterranean is not exactly a stormy ocean, and the weather here is typical - even mild - for this season. The Americans simply came in ill-equipped and with a very poorly organized plan, despite being warned about this when details first became available.
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Gold Member
In reality, I think the whole thing was not much more than pandering
That is precisely what it is. It is an election year, after all.

Frankly, the pier is functioning as an extremely expensive training exercise for the military more than anything else. It’s also showcasing what happens when you don’t allow adequate time for planning when leadership barks out commands to do something without thinking things through. I have no doubt that malicious compliance played a part in the outcome we are seeing.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Log on to my PS5, go to Elden Ring, about to play the new DLC and the first thing I see is an openly antisemitic stream ”From the River to the Sea…” - I report it and then PlayStation Safety thinks there is nothing wrong with it. Good to know Sony thinks Antisemitism and genocidal chants are A-OK!


Log on to my PS5, go to Elden Ring, about to play the new DLC and the first thing I see is an openly antisemitic stream ”From the River to the Sea…” - I report it and then PlayStation Safety thinks there is nothing wrong with it. Good to know Sony thinks Antisemitism and genocidal chants are A-OK!
Wouldn't surprise me if it's just the next capitalist attempt to cash in "From the River to the Sea, these Games Deals are near Free! Check out our new sale!" 😂


May I have a cookie?
Anyone else getting Holocaust Denial in their social media feed? I got a very weird post the other day and reported it for hate speech. It had tons of likes and engagement from people in the west supporting the idea that the Holocaust was greatly exaggerated. Let's see how Facebook respond to my report...
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