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handheld gaming - does it suit 'console' games?


Reading the Madden DS thread got me thinking.

Previously I've always considered handheld gaming to be best with either very short games, or very long games - eg, mario kart or advance wars.

One you can play in a quick blast, the other you can ponder about and although it takes a long time, you don't have to apply continuous concentration - you can play while doing other things, being distracted isn't the end of the world.

Now, with PSP you potentially have the doors open to lots of PS2 ports - standard console games.

Do you think the console game demands will translate across to handhelds OK? eg the requirement for extended periods of concentration?

I can see myself playing some games at home/work as if I would play a console game, so thats OK, but I'm not sure whether those same games will suit being taken on the move.


Has problems recognising girls
Let's put it this way. I own as many GBA games as I do GC, something like 15 or thereabouts. There was even a stage where I had owned more GBA games than any other console I owned - I'm not much of a collector and I don't grab shitty games but when I reflected on that it astounded me.

Sure I have a port or two; Link to the Past, Yoshi's Island etc but playing a game on the GBA has never bothered me one bit. I went through both Golden Sun titles and finished them, were some of the best RPG's I've played this entire gen due to me not having to slave myself through a dungeon meaningless wandering about, it threw original puzzles at the player and the story wasn't as complex as the entire ending of MGS2 (granted I very much enjoy complex storylines) - it has been too long since I went through an RPG like that, last being Lufia II.

Personally I consider handheld gaming on par with console gaming, I could've told you that when I was busy playing Pokemon Blue in highschool on my original brick Gameboy. The naysayers that expect short fun games on a handheld are silly, yes Wario Ware is a perfect example of how a handheld game should be done, but don't let it restrict the fact that there are some titles on GBA and in future handhelds that are worth just as much as console games.

It's either that or my entire love affair with 2D was lifted to new heights once I got a GBA :D


I've wondered this, too. Will people love Madden as much when their guys are tiny figures on a small screen? Will people want cinematic games on a little screen? It's an interesting question that people will likely ignore.
I guess we'll find out with PSP.

Ideal Handheld games for me have been ones that are fun in short bursts like Advance Wars or Wario Ware. sometimes I flick on my GBA for 5 minutes at the bus stop. It needs to be fast, if half of the time is spend loading or going through FMV intros it sort of defeats the purpose.


mrklaw said:
handheld gaming - does it suit 'console' games?

if some GBA games can be used as an example, then yes, handhelds can be used to play console games.

The issue, IMO, comes with the games' saving scheme--the more handheld games we see that employs a saving scheme like in Lunar(GBA) or [especially ] Fire Emblem--the better

I know both my examples are RPGs but their saving schemes would work well in other genres...Lunar allows you to freely save whenever not fighting and Fire Emblem employs the best auto-save function known to gaming IMO

a well-made saving function that allows for quick playing sessions (with little hassle to continue right where you left off) is essential IMO to bringing games that would typically be console only into the handheld market


This entire thought came to me when I really thought about Grand Turismo on PSP... is that really a game you'd play on a handheld? Doesn't seem it to me. o_O


Thats my point. Previous posters have mentioned RPGs and other 'big' games to justify the worth of a handheld.

I'm not debating the worth of a handheld - I love'em. But RPGs are very long, slow games and are suited to the current handheld methods of play - pretty much anything on GBA is.

I'm talking about games where if you paused and switched off for a while, then came back the next day, you wouldn't easily be able to carry on - in the middle of a race for example, or halfway through solving a complex puzzle.

Stuff that PS2 etc take for granted "This guy will be playing for at least 20-30 minutes" - that doesn't apply to handhelds.


Will start substantiating his hate
I don't think it's a problem to have games that can't necessarily be played in small periods of time. Yesterday I played Kuru Kuru Kururin for hours. It's a game where each level takes at most a couple of minutes to complete but if you, like me, suck at it then you'll need more than a single try. Advance Wars is another highly addictive game. Sure you can pause and whatnot but some of the missions can take a while to complete.

That said I don't see the appeal of playing downgraded versions of console games that are out now.


Scary Euro Man
mrklaw said:
I'm not debating the worth of a handheld - I love'em. But RPGs are very long, slow games and are suited to the current handheld methods of play - pretty much anything on GBA is.

There are plenty of RPGs on GBA, and I love them. 45 minutes each way on the train is plenty of time to get some RPG goodness in, as long as there's a sane saving system.
It depends on the type of game. I'd never want to play a MGS3 type of game on a handheld. They're much better suited for sitting down in front of a big TV and playing it. Same with survival horror game.


PSP is the step fpward in handheld gaming i;ve been waiting for.

Previously nothing on handhelds interested me, nothing. I played all the best GBA had to offer and thought "meh"

With PSP, im looking foward to PS2 level of AI, graphics and power. You dont know how much im looking foward to a portable version of Pro Evolution Soccer.

So yeah, thank you Sony, im about ready to adopt handheld gaming.


SolidSnakex said:
It depends on the type of game. I'd never want to play a MGS3 type of game on a handheld. They're much better suited for sitting down in front of a big TV and playing it. Same with survival horror game.

MGS for the GBC was a great game...I would love to see another portable MGS game done in a similar fashion.

Survival Horror games suck for the most part

Racing games can allow saving during pit stops



SolidSnakex said:
It depends on the type of game. I'd never want to play a MGS3 type of game on a handheld. They're much better suited for sitting down in front of a big TV and playing it. Same with survival horror game.

a new MGS VR Missions would be perfect for the PSP


Running off of Custom Firmware
speedpop said:
Let's put it this way. I own as many GBA games as I do GC, something like 15 or thereabouts. There was even a stage where I had owned more GBA games than any other console I owned - I'm not much of a collector and I don't grab shitty games but when I reflected on that it astounded me.

Sure I have a port or two; Link to the Past, Yoshi's Island etc but playing a game on the GBA has never bothered me one bit. I went through both Golden Sun titles and finished them, were some of the best RPG's I've played this entire gen due to me not having to slave myself through a dungeon meaningless wandering about, it threw original puzzles at the player and the story wasn't as complex as the entire ending of MGS2 (granted I very much enjoy complex storylines) - it has been too long since I went through an RPG like that, last being Lufia II.

Personally I consider handheld gaming on par with console gaming, I could've told you that when I was busy playing Pokemon Blue in highschool on my original brick Gameboy. The naysayers that expect short fun games on a handheld are silly, yes Wario Ware is a perfect example of how a handheld game should be done, but don't let it restrict the fact that there are some titles on GBA and in future handhelds that are worth just as much as console games.

It's either that or my entire love affair with 2D was lifted to new heights once I got a GBA :D

This man (or woman) speaks wisely. Pretty much listed every game I was going to list.

I'd like to reiterate that every developer should consider at least allowing the choice of a Fire Emblem auto-save mechanism.

That game effectively saves after every f-cking button press. It doesn't matter WHERE you are in the game. Moving a character on a map, watching an attack or spell animation. You can physically SHUT THE GAME OFF (power down) during any of those sequences, boot it back up, reload, and you'll be right back where you left off. (If you shut down in the middle of a combat animation, it'll boot back up to the very beginning of that same combat animation. Yep, prevents you from cheating by shutting of the game as one of your guys dies... heehee.)

Edit - MGS for the GBC is my favorite Metal Gear game... ever.
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