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Hannibal S3 |OT| Man Destroys God. Hannibal Eats Man. Hannibal Inherits The Earth.

Hannibal looks far better than most movies cinematography-wise and better than almost every big budget movie, as those tend to be done very safely.

Is this where I accuse you of making a "silly" point because you dared to compare this show to big budget movies? Or is this instance OK because the comparison is flattering?
I hope I'm not alone in thinking that was a weird ass episode?

Fantastic shots throughout, really beautifully shot, but the episode felt all over the place. No indication of whether some scenes were flashbacks until like a couple of minutes into the actual scene.

Really felt tonally different to anything we've had so far in seasons 1 or 2...

I agree, it was pretty weird. But, if you've seen some of Bryan Fuller's other shows, going full-tilt artsy-fartsy is kind of his shtick. Also, this is his first shot at a S3 of one of his shows, so I'm not too surprised he went off the deep end immediately.

It definitely feels removed from the first two seasons by... a lot. But I think that also has to do that we've only seen Hannibal & Bedelia thus far, and Hannibal doesn't need to maintain his persona we're so used to at this point, and they're in an entirely different setting in pretty much every respect.

Both of those things change the tone and the way we'll be getting information as an audience. However, I'm not too worried. I'm wiling to be confused and dazzled for a few eps at the beginning, since I know I'll be rewatching them. A lot.


Really enjoyed this episode since it's mostly about Hannibal for me and not his supporting cast.

Bedelia being trapped is testing my suspension of disbelief though. She could just shoot him. Unless she would rather die than kill again.
Really enjoyed this episode since it's mostly about Hannibal for me and not his supporting cast.

Bedelia being trapped is testing my suspension of disbelief though. She could just shoot him. Unless she would rather die than kill again.

Aren't we supposed to believe that despite bedelia thinking she's in control she is under hannibals influence? I mean she willingly went with him in the first place. I think it's more of a mental prison than her not being able to physically leave.
I agree, it was pretty weird. But, if you've seen some of Bryan Fuller's other shows, going full-tilt artsy-fartsy is kind of his shtick. Also, this is his first shot at a S3 of one of his shows, so I'm not too surprised he went off the deep end immediately.

It definitely feels removed from the first two seasons by... a lot. But I think that also has to do that we've only seen Hannibal & Bedelia thus far, and Hannibal doesn't need to maintain his persona we're so used to at this point, and they're in an entirely different setting in pretty much every respect.

Both of those things change the tone and the way we'll be getting information as an audience. However, I'm not too worried. I'm wiling to be confused and dazzled for a few eps at the beginning, since I know I'll be rewatching them. A lot.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. Don't get me wrong, it's great that Hannibal is back, but this episode was just all kinds of weird.

I didn't even realise the scene with and her hand down the guys throat was a flashback until after Hannibal walked in and said he could he help her tell the story she wanted to be told. They could have used a filter or something to at least let the viewer know it was a flashback.

I hope there aren't too many more like this. Just kick the plot into drive and let's get on with things, I'd hate to see multiple episodes wasted on just Hannibal randomly killing people in France with no real advancement of the plot.
I didn't even realise the scene with and her hand down the guys throat was a flashback until after Hannibal walked in and said he could he help her tell the story she wanted to be told. They could have used a filter or something to at least let the viewer know it was a flashback.

They did, though.

Gideon flashbacks: B&W 2.35:1 aspect ratio
Bedelia flashbacks: 2.35:1 aspect ratio
Present day: 1.77:1 aspect ratio.


I would say the B&W filter is unusual, aren't flashbacks usually shown like the rest?
I knew immediately what scene that was, and since they cast a movie star for the killer we surely will see more of that.


Aren't we supposed to believe that despite bedelia thinking she's in control she is under hannibals influence? I mean she willingly went with him in the first place. I think it's more of a mental prison than her not being able to physically leave.
I didn't noticed that Bedelia thought she was in control. She even said something about how she wasnt good enough for him while she had the gun in the flashback. She's also constantly talking about how smart and manipulative Hannibal is.
just for you



That was... stunningly beautiful. Hannibal Lucifer was a little bit too on the nose, but jesus, this show is just incredibly looking, few movies look as good as it does.

I really loved the music in this episode, especially the tune that played during Bedelia's first shop visit. It reminds me of something but I can't really place it.

Huh, I didn't notice any changes.

Guess I need to re-watch it and play much closer attention.

There was one scene that had a pretty sweet transition from flashback to present day with aspect ratio changing from 2.35:1 to 1.77:1.


Sonic handles my blue balls
When did this show slowly slip into becoming a film???

I like how it left the fate of characters undetermined...and then I saw the preview for the next episode where it spells the answer out. :-/


I think the first episode of this season did something really well.

They made it so that even if you are new to the show, you can jump in and be perfectly fine. Very few characters, and establishes whats going on effectively.


I think the first episode of this season did something really well.

They made it so that even if you are new to the show, you can jump in and be perfectly fine. Very few characters, and establishes whats going on effectively.

I'd disagree. If anything I think this episode clearly didn't give a single shit about recruiting new audience members. It was fairly slow, pretty weird, bounced around the timeline a lot and referred to a lot of past episodes.
I think the first episode of this season did something really well.

They made it so that even if you are new to the show, you can jump in and be perfectly fine. Very few characters, and establishes whats going on effectively.

That's only the case for this episode. When Will and the gang get reintroduced I doubt things will be as easy to follow.

However, I think the indulgent and tonally crazy nature of the episode is going to be more off putting to newcomers than anything to do with the plot.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
Maybe don't ignorantly suggest that I'm arguing for a strict equivalence between Scott's approach and Fuller's take (because, yeah, something derivative would be so cool -- that's totally my point) as some weak way of buttressing your condescending bull****?

Why did you censor "bullshit"?
Why did you censor "bullshit"?

I'm not sure. I so rarely employ anything even resembling a curse word, but I tend toward asterisks whenever something like that flows out of my writing, and I guess I instinctively followed the same logic here, even though many will find this curious or unnecessary.


makes good threads.
That episode was thick with Argentian "Giallo" style influence. From the shots, to the use of locales, to the score, to the dream like state everything was put together. Loved every second of it.
The other thing about Hannibal's manipulations that make him such a scary villain is the idea of being "seen". Hannibal "sees" everyone for who they are. He sees potential. He sees morale. Most seem boring or not worthy of them, but people like Bedelia -- what scares her is that he's seen her, and maybe it's someone that Bedelia is scared of. Is she participating or observing? She's participating, of course.

But that's the fear of Will Graham. Hannibal can't quite see him. That's where his intrigue stems from. Who is Will Graham?
You reminded me how this theme actually makes for a perfect segue for introducing Mr. Dolarhyde...

... Because everything with you is seeing, isn't it? Your primary sensory intake that makes your dream live is seeing... Reflections... Mirrors... Images...
--Will Graham in Manhunter

Just finished shooting a panel at this festival and Bryan Fuller was on it!!! AAAAAAH!

Such a cool dude. Said Talented Mr Ripley is ep 1, can't remember the inspiration for ep 2 (sorry), but Bound will be a huge influence on ep 4 and 6.

Spoilers for sexiness:
lesbian scene
is episode 6.

They're screening episode 2!!! But I'm not working that panel :'(

Also, said that this season is basically told in a dream state and that ep 2, specifically, has NO reliable narrator.

He also touched on ratings and said NBC has been so good to them. Someone asked about being picked up elsewhere and he said the downside to that is budget cuts because you're regarded as "sloppy seconds".
Lucky! Hope they won't have to go that alternative.
Er, "Don't Look Now," the classic 70s psychological thriller featuring Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie overcoming the death of a child and following a mysterious red-robed figure around Venice, to be precise.


I assume. It's very well-known and hugely influential where trippy 70s horror flicks (clearly big on Fuller's mind this season) are concerned.

Sounds right, thanks!


So do we think there is any way Bedelia survives this season? I'm also dying to see how they actually end up (Red Dragon/season spoilers?)
having Will finally capturing Hannibal play out, since they already used Hannibal disemboweling him when Hannibal made his escape. Perhaps Bedelia actually is part of Hannibal getting caught.


I want to let everyone know this is my favorite time of the year. I love looking at this thread and reading what everyone has to say about the previous episode.


great, another show that disappeared up it's own ass like Sherlock, well the writing was kinda already on the wall in season 2 so shouldn't be too surprised

I seriously don't understand how people can stand an hour of slow motion shit with some liquid/other artsy bullshit and a complete and utter non sense plot like stealing the identity of an widely known academic who publishes books every few months and thrown parties for it, I mean yes it was there is season one, but maybe I'm just crazy but it was used much more sparingly and to a greater effect because of that, now every fucking second shot is the same shit, it's just tiring to watch it

but they projected Lucifers face over Hannibal! symbolism!
I'd say i'm out, but I still want to see him get captured, guess I can fast forward through most of the the artsy bullshit

of course all imho etc etc


great, another show that disappeared up it's own ass like Sherlock, well the writing was kinda already on the wall in season 2 so shouldn't be too surprised

I seriously don't understand how people can stand an hour of slow motion shit with some liquid/other artsy bullshit and a complete and utter non sense plot like stealing the identity of an widely known academic who publishes books every few months and thrown parties for it, I mean yes it was there is season one, but maybe I'm just crazy but it was used much more sparingly and to a greater effect because of that, now every fucking second shot is the same shit, it's just tiring to watch it

but they projected Lucifers face over Hannibal! symbolism!
I'd say i'm out, but I still want to see him get captured, guess I can fast forward through most of the the artsy bullshit

of course all imho etc etc

Who hurt you?


It feels as though both Gideon and Bedelia are substitutes for Will--Bedelia especially, who's basically Hannibal's consolation prize. I think he resents her for that considerably. Will Graham wouldn't be terrified of being eaten, and Will Graham wouldn't be pretending not to be a part of things--he would have been fully committed to the murder spree, in Hannibal's mind. And so beneath that exterior he's pretty fucking pissed at her and upset that this is what he has to settle for. He's not not going to play mind games with her, because hey, she's there, but I think he's very disappointed in her skill as an opponent. She was pretty good in her home after she finds Hannibal in the shower, and that's probably one reason he decided to take her with him; but her attempt to run out on him after the lecture is strictly amateur hour. What he says and does after that is intended to rub her nose in it.

From one perspective, Bedelia is too isolated by Hannibal to be with him on the train; from another, the point of Hannibal alone on the train is that Hannibal is always alone now, because he left his true companion bleeding on the floor back in Baltimore. The European trip has lost some of its appeal, and so he turns from his "peace" to elaborate murders once again (where prior to this, it seems as though he has only "disappeared" people in Europe, rather than staging their corpses). Each elaborate death display on the show has, in one way or another, been a form of communication, a twisted cry from a damaged heart. Hannibal's "meat heart" is perfect, carefully crafted and presented as if to deny that his own is broken; but either way, it stands alone. After a period of silence, Hannibal has begun to speak again, and it's only a matter of time before someone back home starts to listen.

Great point on the "consolation prize" -- that's exactly what she is.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I was idly thinking about what would happen if Chris Cunningham contributed to Hannibal. Probably be a production nightmare, but mindblowingly creepy.
no one, I'm just giving my opinion on the shows direction

If it's any consolation, I agree with you 100% (Though I'd have been a bit more diplomatic in my wording). As an episode of Hannibal, I'd say that this was easily the worst of the series regardless of the production quality. "Disappearing up its own ass" seems like a fair criticism given the pace of the episode and the generally tepid nature of the conversations within it.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
This just came in today


it's a beaut.

I really wish they came with digital downloads though.


So I finally got home and just finished the episode. Loved every second of it.

I think it's great that the episode focused on Hannibal, his new life, and the tense atmosphere between him and Bedelia (still can't figure out her plan or if she even has one).

Hannibal sure is having fun being a fugitive in Florence (beautiful city by the way), but I thought he also looks hurt and mad. He looks gloomy and colder comparing to last seasons.


Gorgeous episode and really intriguing to see what Bedelia is doing.

* Is she in the mindset of "can't beat em join em"? Either get killed off as a loose end or stick with Hannibal regardless of how uncomfortable it will be for her?
* Some weird sense of repayment of the favour Hannibal showed in covering up her murder of her patient? Hence why she's not willing to blow the lid on him?
* She's there but to keep tabs on him and have that thin string back to the FBI so they will soon know where Hannibal is located? This one's a bit bleh given there is more than enough for her to drop him in it it and it's been long enough given he's a wanted man.
* Mental torture? Two psychiatrists playing off eachother but Hannibal being the stronger one and able to influence her, resulting in her having no choice but to remain?

So many things to consider.
great, another show that disappeared up it's own ass like Sherlock, well the writing was kinda already on the wall in season 2 so shouldn't be too surprised

I seriously don't understand how people can stand an hour of slow motion shit with some liquid/other artsy bullshit and a complete and utter non sense plot like stealing the identity of an widely known academic who publishes books every few months and thrown parties for it, I mean yes it was there is season one, but maybe I'm just crazy but it was used much more sparingly and to a greater effect because of that, now every fucking second shot is the same shit, it's just tiring to watch it

but they projected Lucifers face over Hannibal! symbolism!
I'd say i'm out, but I still want to see him get captured, guess I can fast forward through most of the the artsy bullshit

of course all imho etc etc

I don't think the series is 'artsy' at all, striving for grandeur is more accurate.

The 'slow motion/liquid shit' is a visual metaphor/reference to the fractured and abstract emotions.
no one, I'm just giving my opinion on the shows direction

If it's any consolation, I agree with you 100% (Though I'd have been a bit more diplomatic in my wording). As an episode of Hannibal, I'd say that this was easily the worst of the series regardless of the production quality. "Disappearing up its own ass" seems like a fair criticism given the pace of the episode and the generally tepid nature of the conversations within it.

I mean, you aren't wrong in thinking that the episode was off the rails. I kinda see it as a good thing, simply because I enjoy sequences, in general, presented in something of a dream state. I still want to rewatch the episode to see how much actual meat there was.

However, I have a feeling that at least half this season is going to be this way (Italy). Once we have more characters, the series will probably reign it in a little because there will be more plot to deal with.

All style no substance. :|

I wouldn't say that. It developed and revealed quite a lot about Bedelia and Hannibal's relationship. I think part of the problem might be the feeling that we've seen it before: character realizes how much of a monster Hannibal is and doesn't know what to do.

I think what's unique about Bedelia's situation is that she's being treated as something of a prisoner-participant. She understands the rush associated with killing (justifiably, in her case...it seems) but is absolutely repelled by it. She cannot replace Will and empathize fully with Hannibal.


My friend was at the ATX panel and told me about the second episode. Just who it focuses on.
. My body is ready.
My friend was at the ATX panel and told me about the second episode. Just who it focuses on.
. My body is ready.

Woah, really? I'd thought Fuller said we wouldn't get any of that for 4 episodes. Maybe the studio talked some sense into him.
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