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Hannibal S3 |OT| Man Destroys God. Hannibal Eats Man. Hannibal Inherits The Earth.


Water is not wet!
Wow, Hannibal fucking pressing Jack's buttons still

Yea. i love how seemingly Jack just stopped reading it after the first couple words.

The verse in the letter is from John Donnes A Fever

O wrangling schools, that search what fire
Shall burn this world, had none the wit
Unto this knowledge to aspire,
That this her fever might be it?


Fantastic episode. Man, most refreshing of the season just because it was the most straightforward and people acted like people in this. That's not to say I didn't appreciate the others, but I felt like it overindulged in the more artistic aspects. Still, really loved this episode.

Wow, Hannibal fucking pressing Jack's buttons still

I thought it was pretty weird that they only had one line of Hannibal's letter uttered out loud.
Edit: Ah, I didn't realize it was part of a poem.
AV Club Review: Hannibal: “Aperitivo”

For whatever reason, there are a lot of typos in the article.
It was a definite A for me. I loved finally getting to see these characters interact with each other again, and in ways that seemed to mirror some semblance of actual motivation.

I think Molly took some molly before puking out that review. Almost every sentence is ridden with typos, punctuation errors, and generally awkward syntax.

Here for that comments section, though. Cackling~


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Fantastic episode. Man, most refreshing of the season just because it was the most straightforward and people acted like people in this. That's not to say I didn't appreciate the others, but I felt like it overindulged in the more artistic aspects. Still, really loved this episode.
i mean... You HAVE TO over indulge when you're shooting in Itay. It'd be a waste of time and money going over there and not capturing everything in that city. Loved those first three episodes. Easily some of my favorites in tone and setting.

This episode was fantastic as well. It'll satiate those less patient folks who weren't down for beating hearts and "those kinds of parties".
It's alright. I think my opinion is valid tho in the sense that it just turned to a direction where I have a hard time enjoying it and not seeing wasted potential

it's quality TV, and I hope it continues. Just bums me out since I think there's a lot more to it in terms of what the actual dry writing and situations are rather than just "ohhhh this is so deep look at this beating heart". They're interesting characters but I already get the traits of em. There's a lot to explore in terms of their motivations and backstory, and even on where the plot goes, but I feel like the show keeps being vague about the same 2 things of "oh hannibal is creepy", "oh will graham is fucked up and super confused" and ignoring all the rest

it's gotten to that point where I feel anyone can just write Will Graham dialogue. Introduce something trying hard to be poetic but super vague about a very metaphorical but kinda really simple subject and deliver.. it... with... pauses.. in places..where..... there should--nt... be..

It's not "psshhh you just don't get it, its slow and methodic cause it represent his struggle with his inner demons or WHATEVER" it's just "bad".

it's real bad so far too since they havent yet introduced the more grounded characters that could and should at least be like "lol wtf dude talk like a human being and go feed your fucking dog or something you're not in the theatre"

I guess everyone raves about the show moving from the sort of procedural "killer of the week" of season 1 but I think it lost something along the way. Not saying that format was great for it; I like continuity, but I think Season 2 was a great balance that was kinda tipping into this direction and 3 eps into Season 3 it just completely went there way over the top

there's time, its early in the season, but the last ep was just fucking ridiculous

I see this show is splendid only through its appreciation of an aesthetic. There's nothing like this on TV right now, and for that reason I enjoy its dive into madness. If it isn't for you, then it isn't for you and perhaps that's why they're being cancelled (it is). Feel free to criticize it, but I'd rather see what weird shit they cook up.

I wish the people behind Person of Interest had half the balls that Fuller has.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
"I hope she can see my heart".

One of my absolute favorite lines from TSotL. I got teary eyed when Jack said it.
The scenes between Jack and Bella - the past, present, and future of her death - were incredibly moving and genuine. I loved how gentle and reserved all of these scenes were in comparison to the pulp and bombast of the rest of the show, especially Bella's funeral: otherworldy for Jack is a beautifully lit and improbably empty church occupied only by him, her, and Will, his remaining legacy and responsibility. The easy highlight of the episode [...]

"I hope she can see my heart".

One of my absolute favorite lines from TSotL. I got teary eyed when Jack said it.

I couldn't put it any better myself if I tried (and I did). I honestly don't know if I've ever seen anything so tender and loving. Totally blown away. This show ;_;
Definitely helps, but goddamn is it rough to watch. I mean, that extra element almost makes it too private :( More private than 98% of all other "intimate" scenes in every other show or movie. Potently poignant.

I'm also wondering if anyone else saw these during their watch, because wow, NBC. It makes me glad that we're going to be moving this art to a streaming service soon, because are you fucking serious...?


(This was the funniest one we saw, there were several more that just fuckin' take you out of the moment. It's gotten to the point it actively pisses me off when I see them.)


Nope, didn't care for this. I just don't care that much for Morpheus or his wife, and I care even less about Alana. Seems excessive to give those two an entire episode. New Mason is okay I guess. Really oddly placed episode. I don't even know where Will is going. Unless...don't tell me he's going all the way to Italy on that thing.

Meh. Fuller has lost the plot for me this season.


If Alana stays in this vengeful mode, i might start liking Alana!

I didn't remember Will calling Hannibal last season. Wtf?!

I loved the transition from wedding to funeral for Crawford and Bella. It was really beautiful but very sad.


If Alana stays in this vengeful mode, i might start liking Alana!

I didn't remember Will calling Hannibal last season. Wtf?!

I loved the transition from wedding to funeral for Crawford and Bella. It was really beautiful but very sad.

He did! It actually mirrored the phone call that Hannibal made to Cyan at the beginning of the first season.
One thing I think everyone here is missing, is that Chilton was in Italy with Will in Episode 2.

Bryan Fuller asked us why we thought it was that the Priest saw Abigail, which we assumed was a fun wink towards the church/the nature of spirit, etc... but by super-imposing Chilton and Abigail during Will's recovery, and Chilton co-opting Abigail's dialogue of "he knew how to cut us..." I think its safe to assume Will saw Chilton as Abigail, but that he was in fact there with Will for at least some of the episode.
One thing I think everyone here is missing, is that Chilton was in Italy with Will in Episode 2.

Bryan Fuller asked us why we thought it was that the Priest saw Abigail, which we assumed was a fun wink towards the church/the nature of spirit, etc... but by super-imposing Chilton and Abigail during Will's recovery, and Chilton co-opting Abigail's dialogue of "he knew how to cut us..." I think its safe to assume Will saw Chilton as Abigail, but that he was in fact there with Will for at least some of the episode.

Say whaaaa? I didn't even consider this.

So sweet of Chilton to bring flowers for everyone, tbh.

I loved that Chilton was kinda the "glue" of this episode, rallying the troops. I'm really glad they didn't go full evil ham a la movie Chilton.

"I hope she can see my heart".

One of my absolute favorite lines from TSotL. I got teary eyed when Jack said it.

Loved that line as well.


Unconfirmed Member
Great episode. I find it odd that some aren't digging it anymore, but whatever. I'm likely going to have to wait to each the next few episodes, gonna be excruciating!

Edit: Loved the music during the dinner with Jack, Hannibal and Will.
I'm very happy with this season. And I kind of like that it's turned off some other Hannibal fans. In many ways I think it hasn't gone far enough down the rabbit hole. It needs to be even more esoteric, oblique, arthouse. Just sounds and images crashing around with glimpses of sanity. These characters have been through serious shit, no one should be any where close to level. I want some deep dark surrealism.


fantastic, this show is at it's best right now, witthout the restraints of the case of the week concept everythign evolves and developts so naturally. just beautiful

I also love hardened alana, doesn't hurt that she looks like yennefer from the witcher 3

are we supposed to believe that will crossed the atlantic in that nutshell?
Loved it. Still don't get why people hate the first couple episodes, they communicate nearly everything we wanted to know about Hannibal. The show is named after him, after all.

People complaining this is too art housy. This is intro level art house, and well done. Not for everyone's attention span, of course.
It's weird that there are people complaining about the show being too "artsy" when it has always been like this.

So... why are you still watching, then ? Cause it's not about to change, lol.
Yeah this really felt like it should have been the premiere. I don't feel like it would have taken anything away besides the Abigail reveal when everyone thought she was dead anyway. Also loved the actual interaction between characters.
I'm still 100% happy with the premiere.

Need to rewatch eps 2/3 to gauge how I feel about them--there were definite elements I loved in each, though.


I think people complaining about the people complaining about the more indulgent aspects of Hannibal's third season are blowing our criticism out of proportion. Even Salsa Shark, who seems to be the most outspoken about the criticism, still states that he is still enjoying the show but that this is a bit of a problem for him. To say that we who weren't really satisfied with the first few episodes (I really only had a problem with the third episode) HATED them is a gross overexaggeration.
I thought episode 3 was great. 2 was pretty good but easily the weakest of the season thus far. This was a very solid episode with some beautiful moments (Jack/Bella) and it was fun seeing Chilton and nu verger, but it was very much a setting up the pieces episode.


These episodes will probably all play better in retrospect once the season finishes, just like the early goings of seasons 1 and 2 did.
It's weird that there are people complaining about the show being too "artsy" when it has always been like this.

So... why are you still watching, then ? Cause it's not about to change, lol.
It's the overuse of slow motion shots. Last season we didn't see it as much until the Finale.


I think the only episode that I can say I did not care for in terms of how it was executed was Ep 2. The order we've seen things happen in 1-4 is a bit odd, but I understand it for the most part.

Episode 2 though... I wanted it to be more...something. It was by far the slowest to me, and that's the first episode in the entire series that sort of lost my interest in the artsy/symbolism/raindrops/teacups/etc bits. And I can do slow. Rectify is another favorite of mine. I guess I just expected it to be more suspenseful? Or something. It was definitely not what I expected going in.


all good things
I never caught Hannibal season 1 or 2 when they aired, watched season 1 on Amazon and bought the season 2 blu-ray as soon as it released so I'm having a hard time watching one episode of season 3 at a time.

I feel like its the perfect series to marathon so I'd be really happy if it got picked up by Amazon or somewhere similar but I'm feeling pessimistic about it getting picked up after Bryan Fuller said he thinks it has a 50/50 chance.


Water is not wet!
One thing I think everyone here is missing, is that Chilton was in Italy with Will in Episode 2.

Bryan Fuller asked us why we thought it was that the Priest saw Abigail, which we assumed was a fun wink towards the church/the nature of spirit, etc... but by super-imposing Chilton and Abigail during Will's recovery, and Chilton co-opting Abigail's dialogue of "he knew how to cut us..." I think its safe to assume Will saw Chilton as Abigail, but that he was in fact there with Will for at least some of the episode.

i saw this in the morning right before work so ive been itching to reply for hours but as much as id love a theory like this to be true, we've seen in this episode that Abigail can appear when nobody is there (when Will is sitting in the kitchen talking with Alana). Would be interesting to see Chilton do some manipulation of Will for his own benefit. Iirc in S1 there was a discussion between Hannibal, Alana, and Chilton about psychic driving and manipulating the vulnerable so its something Chilton has done before. Maybe something will come of your theory though.
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