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Hannibal S3 |OT| Man Destroys God. Hannibal Eats Man. Hannibal Inherits The Earth.


Unconfirmed Member
Finally watched episodes 6 and 7 and thought they were fantastic. I'm also in the camp that enjoyed the first half of this season.

Also just realized that my pvr is set to the wrong channel so I wont be watching the Red Dragon until Saturday :(


Damn, this show. Really looking forward to the rest of the new arc, it's gonna be great. I fully expect that it will end up being the best adaption of Red Dragon


This should happen
If only LACMA had a Hannibal night every week until the end. It was surprisingly fun watching the Red Dragon episode with a bunch of fans that get the humor.

Managed to capture the entire convo w/ Fuller. Will see about uploading it soon unless someone puts up a better quality version. Plenty of interesting bits were discussed such as sound design and the food consultant. Also met him and said hi before the show started. Very friendly and kind. Dude is tall.


If only LACMA had a Hannibal night every week until the end. It was surprisingly fun watching the Red Dragon episode with a bunch of fans that get the humor.

Managed to capture the entire convo w/ Fuller. Will see about uploading it soon unless someone puts up a better quality version. Plenty of interesting bits were discussed such as sound design and the food consultant. Also met him and said hi before the show started. Very friendly and kind. Dude is tall.

Man, I'm so jealous. It must've been great, and it sounds like it was the perfect episode to watch live with creators and fans.


NBC really fucked up this thread nicely with the time change. Anyway this episode was great. Amazing how different it is now after just one episode. Feels like an elaborate epilogue knowing it is canceled. Hopefully this story completes itself and there are no crazy cliffhangers. Pls no
Fucking superb first episode of the Red Dragon arc. A real return to the format of season 1.

Hannibal's line about the beer lol. That dish looked amazing, though.

Is Gillian Anderson gone from the show, now? :( No sign of her for two episodes and I can't see how she'd come back into it considering where Hannibal is. Hoping we haven't seen the last of Margo either but I fear it is.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Feel like there was some meta talk coming from Chilton about "Hannibal" in this episode
I'm sure some negative nancy's will enjoy that.
Wow. Just fucking wow. Fantastic start to the Red Dragon arc. So this is how the end begins.
Season 4 pls happen

Loved how it feels like a reset/inversion of the series pilot. All the callbacks. Jack coming back to get him, the shot at the end, the "he's becoming interesting", crime reconstructions

- Badass Alana in full force. She no longer gives any fucks, even three years later.

- Chilton is awesome as ever.

- Lab geeks! They're back!

- Lounds mention! Oh man.

- Okay, I have to give a special shout out to Richard Armitage as Dolarhyde (I've spoilered it for the people watching on Saturday):

The man barely (actually, doesn't) speak throughout the entire thing, but my God, he's just so physical in his presence and mannerisms. He's riveting to watch. He goes from creepy to sympathetic so fast. And that bizarre hallucination where the film tape wraps around his head and then lights come out of his mouth and eyes...

That was some Silent Hill shit. Amazing shot. The performance is riveting.

- Domesticated Will and Molly. Short scene, but very sweet.

- Hannibal in the cell is basically the ultimate troll, living life partially in the depths of his imagination. Fascinating. Like that no one is able to quantify him.

- That murder scene may be the darkest and most disturbing this show's done.


- Love the comparison that Chilton makes between Hannibal and Francis
the "shy boy" is the new hot thing on the block, Hannibal's old hat. No one cares anymore. Francis goes for shock and awe, Hannibal loves the presentation. It's like talking about two entertainers/artists

Feel like there was some meta talk coming from Chilton about "Hannibal" in this episode
I'm sure some negative nancy's will enjoy that.

Definitely. I was in stitches during that whole scene. <3 Chilton


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Fucking superb first episode of the Red Dragon arc. A real return to the format of season 1.

Hannibal's line about the beer lol. That dish looked amazing, though.

Is Gillian Anderson gone from the show, now? :( No sign of her for two episodes and I can't see how she'd come back into it considering where Hannibal is. Hoping we haven't seen the last of Margo either but I fear it is.

I figure she has to come back at some point. We got like 30 seconds of her back story.
Unless Zachary Quinto signed up for the shortest cameo in TV history. He is the patient she killed, but we got almost no explanation on it. They could have cast that role to a random bit actor considering what we've seen so far, which makes me think there is way more to it.
The music during the last scene did not sound like it was composed by Reitzell,
I think it might be part of the "Bond" theme Fuller talked about at SDCC. It definitely had that kind of flavor.
Are the new eps seriously being aired at the normal time on Thursday everywhere else but the US? I thought they'd all be on Saturday after last week...

This will test me. O god.


Hi, I'm nortonff. I spend my life going into threads to say that I don't care about the topic of the thread. It's a really good use of my time.
Am I the only one bothered with Joe Anderson as Mason ? He sounds so annoying.
Any reason Michael Pitt left ?


Hi, I'm nortonff. I spend my life going into threads to say that I don't care about the topic of the thread. It's a really good use of my time.
No one knows, but it probably has something to do with Pitt's reputation of being impossible to work with.

That's what I thought. It's a shame, he's a really good actor.
Is any of this new info? Fullers opens up on cancellation.

If the worst comes to pass and Hannibal does end for good on August 29, then Hugh Dancy - the troubled Will Graham - believes that the last episode filmed could serve as a satisfying de-facto series finale.

"Every season that we've shot so far has concluded in a way where there was always a sword of Damocles hanging over us," he noted. "If it had to [serve as a series finale], it could. it would be satisfying - [but] it could also serve as a good jumping-off point for another season."

A potential fourth season of Hannibal would, Fuller revealed, reinvent the dynamic between Will and Hannibal (Mads Mikkelsen) "in a huge way" - he bills it as a reinvention of the entire series.

"Bryan described how a prospective fourth season might play out - or feature film, whatever it might be at this stage - and it was such a different place for them to go," Dancy said. "I thought it sounded fascinating - an amazing inversion and almost a return to the first season, but a new kind of storytelling."

Fuller also once again voiced his desire to bring a version of Harris's second Lecter novel, 1988's Silence of the Lambs, to the screen - a desire that has so far been frustrated by MGM, who hold the rights to the book.

"Martha [De Laurentiis, executive producer] has the rights to every character who originated in Red Dragon, so they track through all the books, but she doesn't have the rights to whoever originated in Silence of the Lambs," he explained.

"So no Buffalo Bill, no Clarice Starling, no Barney, no Ardelia Mapp - those characters, which are all very fantastic, we don't have rights to.

"We tried - every year we'd go back to MGM. At first, it was a hard 'No', then it was 'Ask us later' and then it was 'Ask us again next year' - it would be fantastic [if they agreed]."

Fuller even has an Oscar-nominated actress in mind to play FBI rookie Clarice: "I love Ellen Page," he revealed. "I think she would be a great Clarice - but I also love the idea of casting somebody who's not white in that role.

"Having race play a factor in Clarice's background, in a way that race plays a factor in everybody's background, I think that would be an interesting exploration of the character."

I think Ellen Page is a pretty inspired choice, but I'd love to see what he would do with a non-white Clarice, too.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Goddammit... I hope this isn't the end. I want S3 blu-ray sales to be amazing for someones ears to perk up and offer them something new to get a season 4 or a movie.


Oh man, the idea of Ellen Page as Clarice is fantastic, as is Fuller's thoughts on a race-swapping Clarice. But it only serves to stoke the embers of disappointment considering a season 4 is looking unlikely, let alone actually getting the rights to Silence at this point :(

Still, maybe this could lead to some inspired fanart of Ellen Page and Mads. Paging Feran.


Oh man, the idea of Ellen Page as Clarice is fantastic, as is Fuller's thoughts on a race-swapping Clarice. But it only serves to stoke the embers of disappointment considering a season 4 is looking unlikely, let alone actually getting the rights to Silence at this point :(

Still, maybe this could lead to some inspired fanart of Ellen Page and Mads. Paging Feran.

The series ending with Will and Hannibal fighting over Clarice is so thematically perfect that it has to happen.
Ah man Ellen Page as Clarice would be amazing. I'd love to draw that someday haha. Here's what I drew so far for this season

Ooooooh, I like them all but I LOVE the teacup! I'd consider getting a poster of that, if it wouldn't be weird to have a slit throat on my wall :p


Red Dragon start was amazing. The dude feels so inhuman and yet his murders feels also so much more brutal and more..promitive that what we've been getting so far.

Also... was that first murder in pilot episode his? It looked like it.


Goddammit... I hope this isn't the end. I want S3 blu-ray sales to be amazing for someones ears to perk up and offer them something new to get a season 4 or a movie.

I won't even be surprised if season 3 doesn't even get a Blu-Ray/DVD release. Constantine isn't. NBC: Couldn't be bothered!
Red Dragon start was amazing. The dude feels so inhuman and yet his murders feels also so much more brutal and more..promitive that what we've been getting so far.

Also... was that first murder in pilot episode his? It looked like it.

I don't know if it will be mentioned in the show so Fuller's comments on the first episode's murder:

Yes, it was Dollarhyde's murder. Presumably it'll be mentioned in the show this season.

EDIT: I see I'm very late to answering this.
Wait--this aired in some parts of the country? I turned it on and Dateline was playing, and everything online said this would be on Saturday night.

Way to make sure everyone downloads the last few eps NBC. Idiots.


New episode today:
Season 3: episode 8 "The Great Red Dragon"

Hannibal has been imprisoned for three years at the Baltimore State Hospital when a new villain emerges in one Francis Dolarhyde. Jack reaches out to Will to help him track down the brutal serial killer.
Oh, NBC.
Holy fuck, only five minutes in and this is already the best Hannibal episode ever.

This is the best Hannibal has ever been. Armitage - da gawd. Goddamn. Ralph Fiennes is a distant memory and I haven't seen him in action yet.

He just completely owned the role without saying a word. Damn.

Fuck, to think what this show could have done with Buffalo Bill in season 4...


This is the first watchable episode of S3 without needing skipping. What the hell is going on with S3? Episodes are full of one-liners, seems to be no story or anything happening than every two characters sit and whisper one-liner comebacks at each other.
I watched the first two seasons and loved it. This seasons is NOT the Hannibal show I've been watching for two seasons.
I heard the show was canceled before watching S3. Now I know why: It went to shit.
This is the first watchable episode of S3 without needing skipping. What the hell is going on with S3? Episodes are full of one-liners, seems to be no story or anything happening than every two characters sit and whisper one-liner comebacks at each other.
I watched the first two seasons and loved it. This seasons is NOT the Hannibal show I've been watching for two seasons.
I heard the show was canceled before watching S3. Now I know why: It went to shit.

It went very abstract/high concept while Hannibal was on the run. I know some people loved, but it feels like a terribly bad decision in hindsight. I was completely inaccessible and even ended up pushing some viewers away, they spent too much time with when they should have been where we are now at least three episodes ago.

Maybe they just wanted to give some depth/weight to Hannibal on the run, but it was a just mess for me. I hated every single second of it and I'm so so happy that the show is finally back to what made it so good during seasons 1 and 2.
Fantastic episode overall, I loved the pacing, loved how not a single scene was wasted. It was pure old school Hannibal. I'm glad it's finally back.

The ending was just.....


It went very abstract/high concept while Hannibal was on the run. I know some people loved, but it feels like a terribly bad decision in hindsight. I was completely inaccessible and even ended up pushing some viewers away, they spent too much time with when they should have been where we are now at least three episodes ago.

Maybe they just wanted to give some depth/weight to Hannibal on the run, but it was a just mess for me. I hated every single second of it and I'm so so happy that the show is finally back to what made it so good during seasons 1 and 2.

I agree with you, the artsy stuff was a bit too much in the first episodes. But these last three/four episodes have been great and were on par with previous season imo.

The Red Dragon episode was great, Armitrage is creepy without saying shit.
I agree with you, the artsy stuff was a bit too much in the first episodes. But these last three/four episodes have been great and were on par with previous season imo.

The Red Dragon episode was great, Armitrage is creepy without saying shit.

Yeah, I'll agree that the last three episodes before Hannibal was captured were pretty good. I didn't much care for the other episodes though. They felt completely unnecessary and everything that happened in them (which was very very little) could and should have been condensed into one, maybe two episodes.

And totally agreed. Armitage was incredible.
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