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Hannibal S3 |OT| Man Destroys God. Hannibal Eats Man. Hannibal Inherits The Earth.


- Speculation:
So... we already know Freddie's going to run afoul of Dolarhyde, which will be especially chilling now that we've gotten to know her. But the last couple episodes seemed to all but confirm that Alana is doomed too. It seems unlikely to me that Hannibal would remind her he keeps his promises, twice, if this wasn't leading to him making good on his death threat in the S2 finale. I wouldn't be surprised if Alana took book/film Chilton's place as Hannibal's first target after he makes his escape. Alana's would be an appropriately big death for the finale. Then again, Hannibal could nab Chilton too. I hope he lets Chilton live though. His tart wit and jaunty gallows humor make him the perfect witness to Hannibal's exploits. I want him to survive this entire adaptation.
I have a feeling Hannibal will send Dolarhyde after Alana instead of Will and that that's what the "promise" has been building up to.

Network tv? Almost never. That actually stood out the most to me, you almost never get scenes like this on network TV or cable. Usually child death is implied but not shown.

And even if child death is shown, American releases usually cut it out. See: Channel 4's Utopia on Netflix.


I have a feeling Hannibal will send Dolarhyde after Alana instead of Will and that that's what the "promise" has been building up to.

The way Will/Hannibal's relationship has been established it wouldn't feel right if it went like it did in the book. Hannibal always was protective of Will in his own sick way and I think that the only way he would allow Will to be hurt is if he's the one doing the hurting.
I honestly had no issue with Hannibal's (or even Jack's) side of things in those first four episodes. Personally my only sticking point with the beginning of this season was the Will/Chiyoh subplot which felt bizarrely half-baked and never even really amounted to anything.

Yeah, Chiyoh was....odd.

I'm hoping she might return, but I'm guessing she's pretty much done as a character what with the time skip.


Water is not wet!
Another amazing episode. After just one episode with no dialogue (well, there was that 666 mumbling) Richard Armitage has taken the mantle of definitive version of Francis Dolarhyde. i wasnt sold immediately but the grunting part got me completely onboard.


My god, what an episode. I especially loved the imagery of Hannibal's mind palace. This show is fucking beautiful.

It is refreshing to take the lens off of Hannibal and onto this Red Dragon arc. I just wish I didn't have to wait until Sunday to watch the episode online!
I have a feeling Hannibal will send Dolarhyde after Alana instead of Will and that that's what the "promise" has been building up to.

And even if child death is shown, American releases usually cut it out. See: Channel 4's Utopia on Netflix.

Books (Spoilers for Silence and Red Dragon):

After they used Lounds' would-be death last year, they're almost certainly not going to do it again (in the same manner). They've been building up to Alana's death as soon as she decided to pull the trigger on Hannibal last season, and it has been repeatedly hit a few times very blatantly. We also visited the idea of Hannibal's history of paintings, and the relation this has to his murders (of course, not all of his drawings become murders) and he drew a picture of Alana this episode which is a painting of Botticelli's (below).

Alana's death is definitely coming at some stage, it's merely a case of whether it's in place of Lounds', whether it's in place of Molly's (*that is, if they go that route) or Chilton's following (what would be) The Silence of the Lambs season (Lecter going to have an old friend for dinner). I do think you're on-point that it will be in place of Lounds' though.

(it's Fortitude, and is part of a series of seven paintings)
That was a damned fine episode.

Oh Bryan Fuller. Of COURSE there's no dialogue in the first five minutes of the episode. Dolarhyde's sequences are masterful.

Armitage is killing it and he hasn't said a word. I don't feel like we've ever gotten a performance this physical for the character. Satanic calisthenics=beautiful and disturbing.

I also love how his projector face hallucination is exactly what his victims end up looking like.

I think Molly is fine, but I haven't completely bought their relationship yet--just two scenes with them together and one of them is her encouraging him to go back to the FBI. Still, I do like the actress--she seemed a lot more natural at the dinner table than in the bedroom scene.

Price and Zeller are back! YESSSSS! I've missed them so much.

I admit I've missed the procedural aspect of the show, or at least the beautiful staging and execution of the murders. That shot with Will and the blood wings...so good.
I think the thing I'm most curious about regarding the adaptation of Red Dragon is Dolarhyde's methods:

My wife pointed this out: Who in 2015 (or 2018, really) is sending pictures and home movies out to be developed anymore? Sure, you could suggest that he works at a place that converts old VHS-C and mini-DV home movies to DVD or whatever, but people don't really do that, either.
Also, Reitzell is on-point with that Dolarhyde theme/music. Like the rest of the season, some of his stuff early on was just a BIT too experimental.


Water is not wet!
I think the thing I'm most curious about regarding the adaptation of Red Dragon is Dolarhyde's methods:

My wife pointed this out: Who in 2015 (or 2018, really) is sending pictures and home movies out to be developed anymore? Sure, you could suggest that he works at a place that converts old VHS-C and mini-DV home movies to DVD or whatever, but people don't really do that, either.

Thats a good point. im also wondering what hes done with the time.
The first scene in the first episode is supposed to be Dolarhydes, right? Thats like at least 3 years because of the time jump and however long it is from the start of Hannibal until the end of the Verger stuff.


Seems to be child killing season on tv. Just few weeks ago a witch cut out toddler's heart on Penny Dreadful and now Hannibal is joining the fun :D
I think the thing I'm most curious about regarding the adaptation of Red Dragon is Dolarhyde's methods:

My wife pointed this out: Who in 2015 (or 2018, really) is sending pictures and home movies out to be developed anymore? Sure, you could suggest that he works at a place that converts old VHS-C and mini-DV home movies to DVD or whatever, but people don't really do that, either.

He probably just searches social media until he finds a family that takes his fancy. Perhaps he works at a server company and has access to stuff families store in the cloud?
He probably just searches social media until he finds a family that takes his fancy. Perhaps he works at a server company and has access to stuff families store in the cloud?

Huh. That's actually pretty clever. And could add to the general threat of the Tooth Fairy in a way the original couldn't get at.

Now I'm gonna be disappointed when it's not that.
There are a lot of cryptic references to what will happen to Will if he gets involved. "If I do this, I might change", Hannibal telling him to NOT help Jack because only "madness awaits"...

I think something's gonna happen to our boy by season's end. Red Dragon book speculation:
doesn't his face get horribly fucked up? I recall that they skimped on this in the Rattner version.



There are a lot of cryptic references to what will happen to Will if he gets involved. "If I do this, I might change", Hannibal telling him to NOT help Jack because only "madness awaits"...

I think something's gonna happen to our boy by season's end. Red Dragon book speculation:
doesn't his face get horribly fucked up? I recall that they skimped on this in the Rattner version.


he gets stabbed in the face


Water is not wet!
There are a lot of cryptic references to what will happen to Will if he gets involved. "If I do this, I might change", Hannibal telling him to NOT help Jack because only "madness awaits"...

I think something's gonna happen to our boy by season's end. Red Dragon book speculation:
doesn't his face get horribly fucked up? I recall that they skimped on this in the Rattner version.

i shudder to think of where Will is going to end up. Red Dragon spoilers..
A horribly mutilated face is nothing for this version of the tale.


Not much else to be said that wasn't already, other than to emphasize the return of the secret best power couple on the show: Zeller and Price. Fantastic start to the Red Dragon.

Also got a special package this morning (thanks in part to the immense kindness of a fellow member of Hannibal-GAF, THANK YOU AGAIN!)...

I'm on vacation next week up at our cabin, gonna try to build a custom frame while there and will post pics when it's all done and framed.

Been enjoying your stuff in this thread over a year now, and I just realized I don't think I've ever said anything about it, thanks for the fantastic art dude.

Hannibal is definitely one of the greatest shows on television to draw visual inspiration from.
When did Hannibal promise to kill Alana? They've brought that up like twice now and that he "always keeps his promises," but I don't remember.
When did Hannibal promise to kill Alana? They've brought that up like twice now and that he "always keeps his promises," but I don't remember.
S2 finale, when she walked in on Hannibal and Jack. Hannibal told her that if she left, he wouldn't seek her out, but if she stayed, he would kill her.

She then proceeded to shoot at him with an unloaded pistol and get defenestrated by Abigail Hobbs.


When did Hannibal promise to kill Alana? They've brought that up like twice now and that he "always keeps his promises," but I don't remember.

I believe it was the season 2 finale, when Alana enters the house with her gun as Hannibal is trying to break into the pantry where Jack is. He gives her an ultimatum, that she can leave the house now and everything will be fine, but if she doesn't he will kill her.

EDIT: Beaten twice over like Jack did to Hannibal.


With the departures from the books, I wonder if Hannibal will escape during the second half...

If we don't get another season or a film, I will die never seeing another intense confrontation with Mads' Hannibal. That just...just...CAN'T HAPPEN!!!


This is a really small thing, but I LOVE how the theming of the titles has changed now that Hannibal isn't the killer they're trying to catch. Now it's themed by bible-esque quotes. Awesome.
This is a really small thing, but I LOVE how the theming of the titles has changed now that Hannibal isn't the killer they're trying to catch. Now it's themed by bible-esque quotes. Awesome.

The titles (for five of the Red Dragon episodes) actually the titles of the Red Dragon paintings by William Blake (which are also in relation to the biblical Great Red Dragon):
Painting One: The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in Sun
Painting Two: The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun
Painting Three: The Great Red Dragon and the Beast from the Sea
Painting Four: The Number of the Beast is 666

Episode One: The Great Red Dragon...
Episode Two: ...and the Woman Clothed in Sun.
Episode Three: ...and the Woman Clothed with the Sun.
Episode Four: ...and the Beast from the Sea.
Episode Five: The Number of the Beast is 666.

EDIT: I do agree with you that it was a very clever choice to use these though I must admit!

The series finale, "Wrath of the Lamb" , is indeed a direct biblical reference from Revelation 6:16 (obviously, it also evokes "The Silence of the Lambs"):
"They called to the mountains and the rocks, 'Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb!'"."

Interestingly, William Blake also wrote a poem called "The Lamb"

Little Lamb who made thee
Dost thou know who made thee
Gave thee life & bid thee feed.
By the stream & o’er the mead;
Gave thee clothing of delight,
Softest clothing wooly bright;
Gave thee such a tender voice,
Making all the vales rejoice!
Little Lamb who made thee
Dost thou know who made thee

Little Lamb I’ll tell thee,
Little Lamb I’ll tell thee!
He is called by thy name,
For he calls himself a Lamb:
He is meek & he is mild,
He became a little child:
I a child & thou a lamb,
We are called by his name.
Little Lamb God bless thee.
Little Lamb God bless thee.

In regards to why it is called "The Wrath of the Lamb", and its potential relevance to Red Dragon:
(book spoilers)
It could be in reference to who 'created' Dollarhyde, and shaped him into becoming the violent individual that he is. Was it 'Hannibal' (fitting for the profound 'who made thee' and the religious connotations of the question), Dollarhyde's mother (grandmother?), a cruel and predatory society, or was Dollarhyde doomed from the start? The relation the 'wrath' aspect has is quite obvious in regards to what he does.
I'm really curious how Dolarhyde's past will be handled. Interviews with Fuller and Armitage haven't revealed much, other than making Dolarhyde sympathetic and his interactions with (minor Red Dragon storyline spoilers)
Reba will be akin to a "tragic love story".


So are we going to get cliffhanger'd by the ending of season 3? I hope not.

From the looks of that interview with Bryan Fuller, it looks like he was cognizant of the strong possibility that this season would be the last. So I'm hopeful for a nice ending.


This was really one of the shows I was super confident in, in case NBC dropped them, that it would be picked up.

I know it's been said ad nauseam but fuck I'm still so upset. This show is a work of art, special in every way.


This was really one of the shows I was super confident in, in case NBC dropped them, that it would be picked up.

I know it's been said ad nauseam but fuck I'm still so upset. This show is a work of art, special in every way.

I still hold out hope that the show could come back sometime in the future with a TV/DVD/Netflix movie or a small 4 episode event or something. If Firefly could do it back in 2002 and come back with a movie on the big screen, and if Jericho could come back from a season 1 cancellation with 7 more episodes in 2006...

Then the Fannibals could probably do it too in this day and age.

However, the show's tie with Amazon has just complicated things - it's a crying shame that apparently Netflix was interested in picking up Hannibal but couldn't because of politics wresting the show away from them.
I just want to post some appreciation for Laurence Fishburne as Jack Crawford. He doesn't seem to get talked about as much as other characters, but I think he's great. He's a survivor, and his fights with Hannibal are some of my favorite scenes.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I just want to post some appreciation for Laurence Fishburne as Jack Crawford. He doesn't seem to get talked about as much as other characters, but I think he's great. He's a survivor, and his fights with Hannibal are some of my favorite scenes.

Definitely, I've loved his portrayal of Jack since he yelled at that guy to use the other bathroom in Episode 1.

I honestly can't think of a character I don't like on this show. Even Chilton ended up being great. Well...Chiyo was a little hit or miss for me.
With the current speculation that
Alana is dead this season, maybe in place of Freddie,
I still think
Freddie has to die, too. No way Hannibal isn't pissed about the stunt she helped pull on them.


With the current speculation that
Alana is dead this season, maybe in place of Freddie,
I still think
Freddie has to die, too. No way Hannibal isn't pissed about the stunt she helped pull on them.

The last part is why I'm thinking
she could still die by wheelchair as a tribute to Hannibal.


I finally was able to watch this episode and it felt great going back to basics.

Felt like the start of a new season, or like going back in time to the start of the series.


I finally was able to watch this episode and it felt great going back to basics.

Felt like the start of a new season, or like going back in time to the start of the series.

I really missed Will's imagination with reliving the crimes and the pendulum effect.


That doesn't seem right. Your Hannibal fanart is definitely among the best I've seen.

I think it's a combination of not being on twitter and that I'd probably react like Troy Barnes did to LeVar Burton haha. But I'm glad you guys like my art!
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