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Hannibal S3 |OT| Man Destroys God. Hannibal Eats Man. Hannibal Inherits The Earth.


I legit do not get what the fuss about this is, is it just because we've never seen
him wearing the mask?

It's kind of
the iconic look for Hannibal (i.e. from the movie.) So I guess it's a spoiler that we'll see him like that. OR since he's in the mask and looks bound maybe he's being transported somewhere? Which is what led to his escape I believe.


For a smart show with smart writing something really dumb just hit my mind:

Will knew who Dolarhyde was moments before getting slammed. Will had to have the thought of, "This guy knows who I am now." Sooooo why didn't Will
get protective detail on his home, especially given how much he knew Dolarhyde got off on killing families?

Damn you City TV
We're never going to get the payoff for the Bedelia foreshadowing, are we? :(

At this point it's pretty much impossible.

For a smart show with smart writing something really dumb just hit my mind:

Will knew who Dolarhyde was moments before getting slammed. Will had to have the thought of, "This guy knows who I am now." Sooooo why didn't Will
get protective detail on his home, especially given how much he knew Dolarhyde got off on killing families?

(this episode)
Why would Will ever think that Dolarhyde would go after his family, short of Lecter's interference? None of Dolarhyde's behaviour indicated any interest in interfering with those investigating him (because the investigation has been going on for quite awhile by the time Will got involved), Dolarhyde never was one to enact 'vengeance' in any form (consider all of the reporters who called him Tooth Fairy, he hasn't done anything to them), Will seeing Dolarhyde has very little impact on Will actually knowing who Dolarhyde is and Dolarhyde being in a position to kill both Will and the curator yet refusing to do so suggests a lack of interest (and sure, you can recognise them, but that does absolutely nothing in helping to narrow down where he is as he previously killed across a very broad range), and importantly Will has no idea as to how he's choosing his victims. Will has no reason to think that his family would fit Dolarhyde's criteria.

The only real reason that Will has to be concerned is that Hannibal has been in contact with Dolarhyde, but aside from that there's no reason that Will's family is a more likely target than anybody else.


WHEW this episode had me regularly pausing just to calm myself

possibly my favourite interaction of the episode:

Will: What did you say to him?
Hannibae: Save yourself. Kill them all. Then gave him your home address. How's the wife?

i cackled


I think I should make a spoiler thread for the last two episodes. This Thursday and Saturday split really halts discussion.

Thoughts everyone?


Episode was a little slow except for one scene. I'm not sure Mads as jailed Lecter is working all that well for me, to be honest. Oh well, only two episodes left. Sadness.
Fucking great episode again this week. I love night time scenes that actually look like night time and are lit correctly. Very few shows get this right but that
sequence was outstanding from a visual standpoint. Loved it.

Did anyone else notice Armitage's accent going full English during the scene in the darkroom? I wasn't sure if it was intentional or not given how obvious it seemed, at least to my ears.

Hannibal in pure trolling mode all episode. lol Mads is having the time of his life playing him.

I wish it was Chilton and not Alana tormenting him, though.
I love that Hannibal is more dangerous in jail than out. He has to atleast appear like a good citizen on the outside. Inside he has nothing to hide.
Per IGN, NBC chairman comments on Hannibal's cancellation:

Speaking with press today at the TCA press tour, NBC chairman Robert Greenblatt made the comment, “There are many, many superb shows like Hannibal and many other shows that don’t garner any award nominations. I don’t think quality is really equated just with awards.”

Greenblatt using Hannibal as his example of a superb show overlooked by major awards was somewhat notable, given the network recently cancelled the series after three seasons – and, for now at least, it looks like attempts to find a new home for it haven’t come to fruition.

On the heels of his comment regarding Hannibal's quality, I asked Greenblatt how close a decision it was in regards to deciding not to renew the series.

Said Greenblatt, “All decisions are close. You look at where you are in terms of the storytelling, and you look at the ratings and you look at the profits and loss of the show and all of those things. And they’re all really tough calls. We just decided it was time to move on.”

As for Hannibal’s acclaimed executive producer, Greenblatt added, “We love Bryan Fuller and we’re eager to get back in business with him.”
How diplomatic...


Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
Latest episode stuff:

The driver who was shot, probably killed, why no mention of him at all?

Will gets shot by a sniper rifle in the upper arm, but it gets back to normal quickly thanks to Dr. Lector. Molly get shot around the same area with a pistol, but her plot armor wasn't as strong. Perhaps she should've been taken to Lector instead of the hospital?

Why weren't Lector's calls monitored before? Was his privacy with his attorney truly respected? Did Dr. Bloom give him that dignity?

Dr. Bloom has no issue with committing abuses against Lector, such as taking his toilet away - how long before word of that gets out? She could face charges herself. Isn't it a hassle for her/her staff to have that additional clean up task now?

Promo spoiler stuff:
Chilton takes Freddie's place as Dolarhyde's victim
Initial reaction: what an odd change. But not so odd for this show, I guess.
Latest episode stuff:

The driver who was shot, probably killed, why no mention of him at all?

Will gets shot by a sniper rifle in the upper arm, but it gets back to normal quickly thanks to Dr. Lector. Molly get shot around the same area with a pistol, but her plot armor wasn't as strong. Perhaps she should've been taken to Lector instead of the hospital?

Why weren't Lector's calls monitored before? Was his privacy with his attorney truly respected? Did Dr. Bloom give him that dignity?

Dr. Bloom has no issue with committing abuses against Lector, such as taking his toilet away - how long before word of that gets out? She could face charges herself. Isn't it a hassle for her/her staff to have that additional clean up task now?

Promo spoiler stuff:

Initial reaction: what an odd change. But not so odd for this show, I guess.
Yeah, the whole episode was silly. Fun, but silly.

As for the spoiler, I don't like the change at all. It makes no sense for
Chilton to be the victim when he hasn't done anything to draw Dolarhyde's ire the way Freddie's headlines have. Even Alana would make more sense considering the indignity she's imposed on Dolarhyde's idol.

I have faith, though. Fuller hasn't yet traded in change for the sake of change.
opening episodes of this season. I didn't care when it was announced that it was cancelled, but when Red Dragon arc started. Things started getting good. kinda sad now it's canelled

the latest episode was good


Promo spoiler discussion for E12:
The change is for three reasons I think 1 - Alana's a regular, Chilton is not. 2- Chilton is beloved by the audience and will hurt more 3- After killing Katz last season, I think Fuller realized he had an issue in having converted so many male parts to female- alomst all the past/future victims are women, and he wants to avoid just systematically killing them all 1 by 1.


I think I actually preferred the first half of the season to the second. Dollarhyde just isn't exciting to me at all, mostly because we already know the plot but he's also just kind of lame compared to the great serial killers the show had previously


Weakest episode of the Red Dragon arc so far, but Im sure the last 2 episodes will go out with a bang. Doubt the S2 finale will be touched though.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Oh damn it to hell, this stupid Phillies game is running long, and last time they just cut into the show already in progress.


Loved that episode. Didn't find it slow at all. Was really suspensful to me. Love the Dolarhyde attack and the self beating afterwards. Richard Armitage is awesome as Dolarhyde.


Strange, I didn't get a preview for next week's episode.

They havn't shown previews for the next episode ever since moving to Saturdays.


I hate the black bars (especially since I clicked one by mistake on this page, that doesn't even pertain to this last episode) but if you split the thread it will basically be me and maybe 2-3 other people posting in here. We're a small group as it is.

So, the scene when Hannibal and Will are talking after Dolarhyde attacks his family, what exactly is the interpretation I should apply to the dialogue? When Hannibal is talking about change. Is it him just trying to pull Will back down into the madness? I'd like some expert analysis on that whole exchange.

Also, regarding the promo spoilers:

Any chance Chilton comes out of this alive? I'm pretty sure Francis kills Lounds in the book, but it seems like Fuller might keep everyone's favorite punching bag around for the laughs. Someone has to take over for Alana when Hannibal keeps his promise.
So, looking at the promo descriptions,
I did call the disgusting event that's going to fuck people up in Episode 12. I just called it happening to the wrong person


Great episode. Molly's acting still dragging, though. Everyone else is just at such a higher level.

Actually, I wasn't a fan of her in the small bits she had previously, but I thought her acting was pretty good in tonight's episode - better than I would have expected.

Overall, it was a great episode.

But I'm starting to kind of wish if Hannibal has to end that it had done so mid-season. I still prefer Hannibal on the outside and it just seemed like such a fitting way to end with Hannibal and Will's "break-up" and him turning himself in just to ensure Will couldn't escape that easily.

I'm sure the next two episodes will be fantastic. But I think the Season 2 finale, the Mason bloodbath and the mid-season "finale" will be what I remember most.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
Not spoiling anything since the ep has aired in the US:

From the AV Club review:

I like how no one mentions the guy driving the car Molly waves (well, forces) down. Y&#8217;know, the one who got shot and killed. What a weird night that must&#8217;ve been for him.

Right on.

So, separate note: we've gotten one brief scene showing a young Francis interacting with his abusive grandmother - I'm assuming we'll see more in the next two episodes, otherwise it'd be strange to include it at all.
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