Yeah, I try to show restraint when calling out a game's timing, but there are some songs that are DEFINITELY off-sync compared to other ones. I know off the top of my head Weekender Girl had this issue for me, but I think a few others that were featured in F were like that too (no idea if there's a correlation, lol. idk if they were ported to Future Tone simultaneously). Finding myself needing to shift the timing offset around a good deal too, which has me worried that the timing might just be all over the place. A lot of it could very well just be me, and I really hope that's the case.
Trying out a few songs on Extreme has me even more anxious to get these Hard charts done with, lol. Need to get the muscle memory for triplets down and Hard sure isn't helping with that! I'm thinking I'm going to have to alternate between playing a Hard chart then going back and playing an Extreme chart I got earlier to make it through the list, lol