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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
That's because Secrets don't trigger on your turn. The icon is greyed out to indicate that.


For some reason I can't even imagine a 100 card expansion in this game, the small amount of Naxx cards trickling for a month were enough to drastically affect the meta so what kind of massive explosion would 100 cards introduce!?



I doubt, and really hope, they won't release those 100 cards in one go but it seems like they might have to do that if they plan for people to obtain them from card packs. If they release them all in one go then there won't be any time for play testing and I guarantee that there will be a ton of them that are overpowered (Loatheb & Mad Scientist *ahem* *ahem*).


I doubt, and really hope, they won't release those 100 cards in one go but it seems like they might have to do that if they plan for people to obtain them from card packs. If they release them all in one go then there won't be any time for play testing and I guarantee that there will be a ton of them that are overpowered (Loatheb & Mad Scientist *ahem* *ahem*).

It is a simultaenous release if you can get all the cards from packs. Of course it depends on the amount of gold/real money you put into the packs, but you can get them all at once in theory.
If they do something like that, I half expect them to sell special packs, probably at a higher price, that guarantees all new cards. It makes sense at a business standpoint, and I wouldn't mind either if the content is good. Just as long as you still have a chance to get them with normal packs and they still have the same crafting cost.

Edit: I suppose it would be a bad practice actually since I would assume that most of the new cards would be better than the old, so then it turns into pay to win. Guess we'll have to wait and see.


I'm sure the existing pack model is pretty lucrative business since you are pouring money into a slot machine.

Like in MTG they can sell "theme packs" that have fixed cards included. Really there is no limit to how you distribute the cards, but like in MTG the most lucrative model is to keep the best, most rare cards only in packs. That creates the biggest demand and value for them.
Somehow I don't imagine Blizzard can design and make 100 cards to release all at once within the next couple of decades. The Hearthstone team seems really stretched for resources considering how popular the game is.

In any case, I can't really imagine what doubling the card count would look like. I think a huge part of the game's draw is being F2P and fairly straightforward for a card game, and if every new card added has a bunch of card text then I think it has the potential to be a bit too complicated and daunting. I know if Blizzard released Naxx all at once I probably wouldn't have been too motivated to collect all the cards and effectively re-learning the meta, but half a dozen cards at a time seems manageable. I can't really fathom how 100 cards would feel like.

Maybe some of the new cards can be alternates of existing cards with the same stats and text but different names and card art. Might add some variety to the "body" neutrals.


Somehow I don't imagine Blizzard can design and make 100 cards to release all at once within the next couple of decades. The Hearthstone team seems really stretched for resources considering how popular the game is.

In any case, I can't really imagine what doubling the card count would look like. I think a huge part of the game's draw is being F2P and fairly straightforward for a card game, and if every new card added has a bunch of card text then I think it has the potential to be a bit too complicated and daunting. I know if Blizzard released Naxx all at once I probably wouldn't have been too motivated to collect all the cards and effectively re-learning the meta, but half a dozen cards at a time seems manageable. I can't really fathom how 100 cards would feel like.

Maybe some of the new cards can be alternates of existing cards with the same stats and text but different names and card art. Might add some variety to the "body" neutrals.

Yeah, what puts me off stuff like MTG is half the cards have about a paragraph of text.

I imagine the team will get a little bigger now they have proven the concept, a few more PVE expansions seem likely, along with potential new classes such as Monk and DK.

I seem to recall the option of unlocking new heroes as well, could do with some Dwarf / Worgen / Panderan / Draenai alternatives.


Yeah, what puts me off stuff like MTG is half the cards have about a paragraph of text.

In MTG you have blocks and formats to cut the content. And they have made all abilities and special conditions into keywords now so it's not overly intimidating.

And I do agree that 100 new cards at once is something that doesn't fit HS like it does for MTG. I predict a way to trickle them down or just the size of the expansion being small (30-50 new cards at maximum).


That's because Secrets don't trigger on your turn. The icon is greyed out to indicate that.

oh, such a noob here, that makes sense..thanks
I am getting frustrated and wonder what else I can do to get better..watching Twitch a lot but whenever I am playing it just feels like the other party was just more lucky. Then, however, it never seems that way when I watch someone else play.
Some plays are just totally illogical to me (stopping recordings and trying to figure out what they will do next..).

I mean, I do know the classes, I most of the time guess the next move of my enemy correct but there is still nothing I can do because I simply lack the cards to properly answer/react/counter..
It's probably just me, though..

Hehe, on other news; Spellbender just got me a "free" super beefed up Taunter thanks to a Shamie opponent :D


Couldn't they just sell separate packs with the new cards at the same price as the current one? That's what Magic does isn't it? (haven't followed magic in ages) Granted, they'd need to add a lot of cards for it to be worth it.

And I hope Blizzard expands the HS team, the game has proven to be massively popular, surely they can afford to put more guys on it. They pretty much have to do it if they want to release expansions in timely manners and keep interest up.
I've only been playing this game for a little under two weeks, but my idea for new sets in the future is:

Hearthstone team creates a new solo adventure, which contains a new set of cards. The set contains maybe 30-50 new cards. In order to play the full solo adventure, it needs to be bought. If players don't want to do that, they can buy boosters specifically from that set. That might not work if the set itself has 30-50 cards, but that's my idea during a long graveyard shift.


Which legendary should I craft?

I have Rag, Sylvanas, Cairne, Thalnos, Malagos..

Been playing pally recently and tempted to craft a Tirion but a Leeroy or BK would also be good.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Which legendary should I craft?

I have Rag, Sylvanas, Cairne, Thalnos, Malagos..

Been playing pally recently and tempted to craft a Tirion but a Leeroy or BK would also be good.

Leeroy is almost mandatory in this game IMO. He can be used in so many decks. Hunter, Shaman, Warlock, Rogue, Shockadin...
They actually have supported the tournament scene in a couple of ways so far. The timer in private mode was really necessary for the esports scene imo. And a way you get into the qualifiers for blizcon is by winning community tournaments.


I wonder when the first duplicate cards show up.

Like, more regular 2 mana 2-3s aside from River Crocolisk, with different art. I mean, they can't keep up making completely new cards with new effects that are still simple and explained with half a sentence, right?

That said, disregarding special effects, there are still plenty of unused permutations left that fit into their card costs formula. 1 + (Mana cost * 2)

Which legendary should I craft?

I have Rag, Sylvanas, Cairne, Thalnos, Malagos..

Been playing pally recently and tempted to craft a Tirion but a Leeroy or BK would also be good.
Definitely craft neutrals before class-specific ones, except if you play a certain class almost exclusively.

The best legendaries you haven't mentioned are Leeroy (for aggro and burst decks) and Ysera (arguably the single strongest control card in the game).

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Beat all the current heroic Naxx bosses this morning, I was rather critical of the pack in the first two wings when I beat them on normal but going through Heroics and actually working it out myself was incredibly satisfying, trial and error, having a good idea and seeing it work. Im glad I didnt end up using the decks id seen people use, I actually feel like I achieved something.


Neo Member
The best legendaries you haven't mentioned are Leeroy (for aggro and burst decks) and Ysera (arguably the single strongest control card in the game).

That's nice to know. I've only started playing Hearthstone recently and pulled an Ysera out of a booster yesterday. Haven't even had a chance to use it yet.
Beat all the current heroic Naxx bosses this morning, I was rather critical of the pack in the first two wings when I beat them on normal but going through Heroics and actually working it out myself was incredibly satisfying, trial and error, having a good idea and seeing it work. Im glad I didnt end up using the decks id seen people use, I actually feel like I achieved something.

yeah it's a lot of fun. seems silly to me to netdeck your way through it. they're all beatable with basic cards, you just have to think for a bit and use their strengths against them.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
yeah it's a lot of fun. seems silly to me to netdeck your way through it. they're all beatable with basic cards, you just have to think for a bit and use their strengths against them.

I wont lie, I have seen Amaz beat every one on heroic because they unlock in Asia first and im usually watching him, but yeah I decided not to use any decks he used (so basically no priest D:). I also dont have any mage cards so no freeze mage (I hate mage so I DE every card I get). Alot of the wins required many many tries but getting that victory feels so good.

Cant wait for next wing.
all I did to beat patchwerk was put in a couple of water elementals and a bunch of little taunt minions, as well as mirror entity, and just kept him frozen the entire time. he always uses his hero power on a thing with taunt.
so how long until the next wing comes out, and therefore the game becomes "zooing and ooze : the game"?

i'm guessing it's the same exact times as it was for the past wings. so midnight on tuesday for north america.

and i think that ooze has the potential to be super annoying in druid, paladin and priest.
and i think that ooze has the potential to be super annoying in druid, paladin and priest.
That makes me wonder if Faceless Manipulator will end up with four copies of the ooze or three.

Most likely three since the ooze duplication isn't really a spell effect that shows like others. But it'll still be really annoying, that's for sure.


That makes me wonder if Faceless Manipulator will end up with four copies of the ooze or three.

Most likely three since the ooze duplication isn't really a spell effect that shows like others. But it'll still be really annoying, that's for sure.

The copy is from a battlecry right? You won't get the double copy action.


Being a top streamer seems fun

Amaz just got about $600 in donations in the last hour

Lol 400 more in the next 5 mins

Lirik has over 5000 subs. 2.50 per subs, he makes a minimum of 13k per month
+ his donations run all day non stop
+ ad revenu
+ he might make a bit more than 2.50 per subs, I know some top streamers do

this is insane.

some guy gave Weed over 1000 bucks just this week just to make it into his "top donator" list

and those are DUDES, girl streamer like Kaycetron make way much more money than they do on donations

I wish I was good at streaming

EDIT: oh yeah, and Summit made like 20k in 10 min one day and started crying


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Accept my friend invite you top decking, net-decking, lucky piece of shit

I just wish you could PM someone in-game without needing the accept


I hate to be the guy who rags on girl gamers or whatever, but Kaceytron gives em a bad name. Fair play if shes making a killing I guess...
Loatheb battlecry doesn't even happen on your turn :p
I always saw that 'going out' on play with the special but what you say makes more sense. Have to remember though, the end of your turn and the start of opponent's are separate. If anything though, I'm just excited because four oozes are better than three.
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