Does Kel'Thuzad effect trigger at the end of every turn or only once after you have played it?
It's every turn, like Gruul.
Does Kel'Thuzad effect trigger at the end of every turn or only once after you have played it?
How do the class cards rollout?
What are people listening to while playing this game?
Maybe class cards just get unlocked and available. It would be pretty unfair if some classes got their cards before the others?
That seems really weird to me. Ah well.They are unlocked via class challenges in each wing so if warrior challenge is wing 3, no warrior class card til week 3.
Have they never played another Blizzard game before?Reddit in an uproar since Naxx won't be available right after maintenance.
Reddit in an uproar since Naxx won't be available right after maintenance.
I'll be more surprised if Naxx works this week.
Wait! The pelt on the down right side of the map... I had no idea it changed shape when you clicked the shit out of it! And here I was, thinking I knew about everything you could click on.
How do purchases work on b.net regarding tax?
If you have a $25 credit, will that cover Naxz, or will tax be charged?
Blizzard's fixed their shit.
How do purchases work on b.net regarding tax?
If you have a $25 credit, will that cover Naxz, or will tax be charged?
No wonder you get mad sometimes. You haven't been beating the pelt when the game is frustrating! Beat the shit out of it.
Depends on your location and they don't actually warn you (as in tell you the actual amount of taxes being charged or whether you are going to be charged). It should show up on a receipt via email I guess.
I just checked my receipt for RoS and there's no tax. And I live in California so if anyone was going to get charged sales tax it was gonna be us.
edit: my ground fruits don't respawn anymore. I'm considering reinstalling the client.
The first thing I see when I open your stream was your own Repair Bot healing the enemy druid for 5 healthAlso streaming again at www.twitch.tv/ashodin My Legend climb!
The first thing I see when I open your stream was your own Repair Bot healing the enemy druid for 5 health
edit: and 5 more health, again ;_;
AwwI got dis
What's the naxx price structure again?
It's real
Well it's not a playable card, it's a NPC card, at least based on the datamining, so it'll do something when you kill it after Kelthuzad plays it most likely, but that's about it.