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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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reincarnate is waaaaaay better for the simple fact that you get to control when it goes off instead of your opponent and can't be countered by silence.

You can:
leeroy + 2x re for 18 damage burst
fuegen/stalagg + re for extra thaddius
Alakir + re for 12 damage burst
sylvanas + re to steal a minion and play sylvanas all in 1 turn
nerubien egg + re for a 2 mana 4/4
cairne + re for a 2 mana yeti
'silence' a giant that has been taunted via argus/sunfury
silence a twilight drake (since it will come back as 4/1)
deactivate an ancient watcher
unsilence and full heal any of your minions

Everything the card does it little situational/cute things but the list of cute things it does is quite long. It will also be a difficult card to read and play around because in each of the situations where its applicable it does something completely different. Anywhere from a silence, to a yeti, to 6 damage burst.

It's hard to say if it will actually perform well or not though because it is a combo piece but I am excited to try it out.

Missed all these combo's do'h. Im so rusty about all the mechanics haven't played in a few months seems like a fun card with all these possibility's.

So can we get 2 of each or is it unique like Old Murkeye etc?
Oh man. That wrecks miracle. They'd have to burn an eviscerate.

A combo'd assassinate too.

Even makes a great 2 drop vs rogue (which sucks for me) since I can't even combo out si7 agent.

That could be a problematic card for me if it makes its way into the meta big time. Gonna have to adapt by exchanging some battlecry cards for deathrattle... hmmm.


Yeah, I don't think Combo will count for Battlecry. Just like "Choose One" doesn't either.

Edit: Also worth noting is that it does actually do something to most everything in Zoo.


needs to show more effort.
Yeah, I don't think Combo will count for Battlecry. Just like "Choose One" doesn't either.

Edit: Also worth noting is that it does actually do something to most everything in Zoo.
For now, but zoo will probably be changing a lot of cards. Void Caller, Dancing Swords, Nerubian Egg, Undertaker, Zombie Chow, and Deathlord, and Haunted Creeper all have possibilities in Zoo.


Gold Member
Ouch at that 1/4 guy stalling Leeroy/Zoo/Alexstrasza/etc, if only there was a way to keep it in play a little longer... guess rogues might find use for him vs freeze mage or mirror matches.

the latter. every token gets its own card in case of things like sap or brew or what have you.

I think he only shows up when the 2 minions die. That doesn't mean you can't sap him, but he's not a card you can place in a deck, much like the creatures from Ysera's Dream Cards (which can also be sapped, well some of them).

You should also get 2 11/11 Thaddius tokens on the field if you Reincarnate your 2nd guy in the Thaddius combo as well as the 7/4 or 4/7 staying on the field.

Not bad for 7 mana, a 4/7 (or 7/4) and 2 11/11s. Put a Sunfury between the 11/11s for added fun.


For now, but zoo will probably be changing a lot of cards. Void Caller, Dancing Swords, Nerubian Egg, Undertaker, Zombie Chow, and Deathlord all have possibilities in Zoo.

Yeah. I suppose I should have clarified with "current Zoo." Post-Naxx Zoo will shift a lot. It still hits Doomguard, however, and that's most likely not getting cut. And it broadly hits things like SSC and DoA. If anything, was more just noting that Warlock's gimmick on their Class Cards is tied to Battlecry and not a unique term like Combo, Choose, etc.
Well, it's cool to know what Thaddius is now for sure, but it's a shame that it's going to hard to get him out on the board / keep him on it. I'm also very happy to see these new cards and how they'll mix things up. The big thing is finding out which are coming out tomorrow.

If I remember correctly, it's the Arachnid quarter, so it'll probably Meaxxna and that other spider card. Did they ever explain how class cards will work?

Edit / Speculation : For those who never played WoW, the quarters are Arachnid, Plague, Construct, Military with the Frostwing Lair being the last one. Chances are they'll release the wings in the same order people normally raided them in(maybe). Plague is probably the ooze, ghoul, and probably gargoyle. Construct will be the abomination and zombie chow. Military is probably going to be the knights. Also, if you really want to know, here is a link to the list of bosses, which is probably who they will be in this game.

I can't wait to see how they took these bosses and made them card games.

Double Edit:
scattered through the wings are class challenges where you have to win with a pre-set deck for that class. In the leaked screenshots it look like in the hunter class challenge you are given a deck of 30x web spinner for example.
Cool, thank you.


needs to show more effort.
Well, it's cool to know what Thaddius is now for sure, but it's a shame that it's going to hard to get him out on the board / keep him on it. I'm also very happy to see these new cards and how they'll mix things up. The big thing is finding out which are coming out tomorrow.

If I remember correctly, it's the Arachnid quarter, so it'll probably Meaxxna and that other spider card. Did they ever explain how class cards will work?
scattered through the wings are class challenges where you have to win with a pre-set deck for that class. In the leaked screenshots it look like in the hunter class challenge you are given a deck of 30x web spinner for example.
Upcoming card back reward.



Yeah. I suppose I should have clarified with "current Zoo." Post-Naxx Zoo will shift a lot. It still hits Doomguard, however, and that's most likely not getting cut. And it broadly hits things like SSC and DoA. If anything, was more just noting that Warlock's gimmick on their Class Cards is tied to Battlecry and not a unique term like Combo, Choose, etc.

Yeah, I just looked at all the battlecry cards my zoo deck has. 14 cards out of 30.


I'm wondering something... I'm not 100% sure how the mechanics work in terms of specific terminology.

Stalagg and Feugen in particular are interesting. I wonder what triggers the "Died" mechanic. If you Sheep/Hex a minion, is it considered to have died? Or is the change of card not tied to death? The way they are written also seems to implies that if one of your opponent's Feugen or Stalagg dies, and your "opposite" dies, you get Thaddius, since it doesn't mention Friendly or Your in any way.

I'm also wondering about silencing them. What happens if you silence the first one to die, but not the second? Do you still get Thaddius? I would imagine so - silencing a card does not remove it's "Name", but who knows in HS, where the rules are kinda muddy sometimes?

As for Mad Scientist, Ben Brode answered on twitter - apparently it pulls cards from your deck and plays them for free. It won't pull a secret it can't play, either.

Does Kel'Thuzad trigger every turn?
The way it's written, it seems to trigger at the end of *every* turn, including your opponent's. Cards that trigger at the end of YOUR turn specifically mention "your" like Mana Tide Totem.


Weblords fucks zoo worse than Loatheb does Miracle.

The days of aggro are past!

I'm wondering something... I'm not 100% sure how the mechanics work in terms of specific terminology.

Stalagg and Feugen in particular are interesting. I wonder what triggers the "Died" mechanic. If you Sheep/Hex a minion, is it considered to have died? Or is the change of card not tied to death? The way they are written also seems to implies that if one of your opponent's Feugen or Stalagg dies, and your "opposite" dies, you get Thaddius, since it doesn't mention Friendly or Your in any way.

I'm also wondering about silencing them. What happens if you silence the first one to die, but not the second? Do you still get Thaddius? I would imagine so - silencing a card does not remove it's "Name", but who knows in HS, where the rules are kinda muddy sometimes?

As for Mad Scientist, Ben Brode answered on twitter - apparently it pulls cards from your deck and plays them for free. It won't pull a secret it can't play, either.

You can prevent Thaddius by silencing the latter of those minions and Poly/Hex transform minions they don't die. Besides the vanilla 11/11 is not worth the hassle at all.

Mad Scientist is just a better loot hoarder for Freeze Mage right?


Deck thinning on it is actually a really, really interesting aspect. Yeah, it may very well be a better Loot Hoarder for secret-based decks since it's also mana advantage with the effective card draw. Of course, it does mean losing out on timing secrets yourself but that's not a big deal for the most part.

Also, I think aggro got a generic boost but it'll be more like Zoo-styled decks about playing early creatures for the sake of the board and not really face rushy smashy decks. So more aggro-control variants.


I only see absolute carnage on zoo variants. Weblord, Belcher, Unstable Ghoul, Deathlord and some of the class cards fuck them up real good.

Every zoo needs two owls and magebangers.


needs to show more effort.
Yeah the key thing with the thaddius guys is silencing the first to come out shouldn't do anything. Short of poly/hex, all the first one has to do is die. That's why I'm optimistic about thaddius reincarnation combos. You play the first and it gets killed or whatever doesn't matter. Then you follow up with the 2nd guy + reincarnate him immediately.

And the way it reads it should count for both players. So if I kill my opponent's stalagg and then reincarnate my feugen I should get thaddius.

If silencing the first for some reason stops you from getting thaddius then I think stalagg is unplayable.

the one piece I feel uncertain on is if I play fuegen and my opponent plays stalagg and they kill each other do we both get thaddius? Or does only the player who played theirs 2nd get thaddius?


I think they changed it so that deathrattles activate in a sequence now?

Haunter Creeper might be awesome in Midrange Hunter. Works so well with Hyena, Wolf and Buzzard.
I would say the biggest downside of Thaddius is that even if you jump through the hoops and get him out, there's a good chance you won't even be able to use him. I have a feeling most people will be smart enough not to kill the second duder on their turn. That's all it really takes, then you can just use removal on Thaddius. The lack of any text on him I say is his biggest drawback. I feel like he needs a charge or a guarantee you can use him when summoned.

the one piece I feel uncertain on is if I play fuegen and my opponent plays stalagg and they kill each other do we both get thaddius? Or does only the player who played theirs 2nd get thaddius?

It'll have to be tested but I bet they both have to be yours. Unless maybe that's the power of Thaddius, whoever gets theirs killed second gets the Thaddius. The problem with that is, what happens when you play them again and they die, do you just get another Thaddius right then and there?


Weblords fucks zoo worse than Loatheb does Miracle.

The days of aggro are past!

There's a lot of anti-aggro cards in Naxx, but the meta being what it is, it'll just add another cog in the wheel when the meta will be aggro and will make the aggro meta probably shift a bit faster, but the meta is *still* an endless circle and the anti-aggro cards aren't that good in non-aggro situations.

Unstable Ghoul, for example, is completely useless against control. The only deck it could see any sort of use is control warrior for the extra free whirlwinds, but that's about it.

I think we'll see a *LOT* of Weblord, though. In terms of non-aggro, it makes the following cards unplayable:


And not only that, but it forces removal for a *ton* of non-aggro cards. There's too many to list, and 2 at once makes a huge LOL out of everything with a Battlecry (the list of unplayable cards only now includes Guardian of Kings, but +4 mana on all Battlecry minions makes a whole bunch of them at 10 mana).

I think it'll make people actually want to include spell silences instead of relying on battlecry silences. The only creature-based silence it doesn't affect, funnily enough, is Keeper of the Grove, making it even more powerful.

I have to find a place in my deck for a card with silence or Spectral Knight will wreck me.

And how do you expect to silence him? There's 2 cards in the entire game that can silence it - Keeper of the Grove and Mass Dispel. (technically, there's 3, but Wailing Soul doesn't count, because why the hell would you want to silence your own?)


needs to show more effort.
I think they changed it so that deathrattles activate in a sequence now?

Haunter Creeper might be awesome in Midrange Hunter. Works so well with Hyena, Wolf and Buzzard.
Yes but say feugen was played first and then they hit each other. Is it:
(minions hit each other and are both considered dead) -> feugen deathrattle -> stalagg deathrattle
feugen dies -> feugen deathrattle -> stalagg dies -> stalagg death rattle

In both cases feugen's deathrattle happens firrst but the former ends with 2x thaddius and the latter with only 1.


And how do you expect to silence him? There's 2 cards in the entire game that can silence it - Keeper of the Grove and Mass Dispel. (technically, there's 3, but Wailing Soul doesn't count, because why the hell would you want to silence your own?)

Yep Druid keeps on fucking every other deck like it has done for a long time now :/

I better start crafting those trees.

Do Better

And how do you expect to silence him? There's 2 cards in the entire game that can silence it - Keeper of the Grove and Mass Dispel. (technically, there's 3, but Wailing Soul doesn't count, because why the hell would you want to silence your own?)

Owl and Spellbreaker can't silence it? I'm pretty sure I've seen one silence a faerie dragon.


Gold Member
You can prevent Thaddius by silencing the latter of those minions and Poly/Hex transform minions they don't die. Besides the vanilla 11/11 is not worth the hassle at all.

Mad Scientist is just a better loot hoarder for Freeze Mage right?

How do you silence the latter of those minions when it's reincarnated on the same turn it's played resulting in up to two Thaddius' summoned to the board? 2 mana for an 11/11 minion isn't too bad :)


Owl and Spellbreaker can't silence it? I'm pretty sure I've seen one silence a faerie dragon.

Yep battlecries and minion abilities can hit them.

How do you silence the latter of those minions when it's reincarnated on the same turn it's played resulting in two Thaddius' summoned to the board? :)

Yep those cards might be a thing in Shaman decks. They are still clunky minions though and even taunted Moltens aren't impossible to break with handlock and those Thaddiuses won't have taunt.


Thaddius as a 31st card in a deck is potentially relevant just by virtue of running out of cards actually being a thing that can happen. "Free" cards like that are always going to be something that can potentially change the game.
Yep those cards might be a thing in Shaman decks. They are still clunky minions though and even taunted Moltens aren't impossible to break with handlock and those Thaddiuses won't have taunt.

Ancestral Healing, but I still don't see any decks making Thaddius work. I really hope I'm wrong though.
Thaddius as a 31st card in a deck is potentially relevant just by virtue of running out of cards actually being a thing that can happen. "Free" cards like that are always going to be something that can potentially change the game.

I can see shamans running the pair just cause of reincarnate or whatever it is called... rebirth.


Thaddius as a 31st card in a deck is potentially relevant just by virtue of running out of cards actually being a thing that can happen. "Free" cards like that are always going to be something that can potentially change the game.

Yeah in control mirrors it's always down to fatigue. It's just that drawing Feugen and Stalagg alone is pretty bad against aggressive decks.

I can see shamans running the pair just cause of reincarnate or whatever it is called... rebirth.

Yeah but what do you cut for those 3-4 cards?


Yeah in control mirrors it's always down to fatigue. It's just that drawing Feugen and Stalagg alone is pretty bad against aggressive decks.

Yeah but what do you cut for those 3-4 cards?

Well, the question is whether or not they're better than whatever other win condition gameplan the deck had. I dunno, though. I'm not sure I know what I would cut yet to try and put these things in and whether or not it's even worth it instead of, say, still relying on Leeroy/Windfury or Al'Akir or Doomhammer or whatever win condition setups.

And a lot of this depends on what aggro even looks like, too.
Yeah in control mirrors it's always down to fatigue. It's just that drawing Feugen and Stalagg alone is pretty bad against aggressive decks.

Yeah but what do you cut for those 3-4 cards?

I wouldn't be worried about sticking to old archetypes. The expansion is opening up more. So I wouldn't cut cards from an existing deck, I'd make a whole new deck. Deathrattle control deck. Undertaker, loothoarder, those 2 legends, + other deathrattles, rebirth, baron rivendare...

Imagine using rebirth while baron rivendare is on board and getting 2x 11/11s while still keeping the original deathrattle minion. And even undertaker gets benefits since I think that text procs when a minion enters the field from anywhere (like knife juggler).
Speaking of Shamans and win conditions, I wanted to share my Naxx deck which I'm going to try out. Still in the early phases, especially with the new reveals, but I'm excited to try it out.

There are four missing cards, two of which are Rebirth, still not sure about the other two. I'll probably end up swapping some more Naxx cards in as I figure out how things work. However, the main staple is going to be Leeroy with two Ancestral Spirits, into a Reincarnate. 24 damage in one turn with four Leeroys. Most of the deck is about delaying till then. I'm thinking about throwing in the lightning bolts mainly for getting that six damage in before the Quad Leeroy surprise, but the Fire Elementals will work with that as well.

P.S. Original Hearthstone concept, please don't netdeck.

Edit: Forgot to mention, I also want to try to pull off a Reincarnate on a double Ancestral'd Cairne. You'd have an army of 4/5s to last forever.
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