Probably about 15
I like watching this series that Trump has with his F2P elemental mage deck. I haven't unpacked Jaina, so it's fun to watch a unique card being played.
I like watching this series that Trump has with his F2P elemental mage deck. I haven't unpacked Jaina, so it's fun to watch a unique card being played.
It's been great, especially the Raza priest opponent yesterday who had decided to cut mind blast from his deck haha
Not running Mind Blast is crazy talk having the Velen combo makes a ton of unfavourable matchups winnable.I don't run mind blast. I actually think that card isn't good at all without velen. and any 2 card combo should have a justification outside of just a combo in a raza deck, they are inconsistent being highlander
I don't run mind blast. I actually think that card isn't good at all without velen.
Not running Mind Blast is crazy talk having the Velen combo makes a ton of unfavourable matchups winnable.
Lots of decks can grind out Priest but few can outheal 30+ damage from hand.
It was with Velen though. Dude swapped mind blast for Skulking Geist.
I tried jade druid, got deleted by all the prince decks. I have no idea how people play that. It's not exactly a guaranteed win against priest either. I think it will die off again soon, it's fotw...
That's the kind of deck I play. Though it does still have Patches and Swashburglar
Nah it was NZoth. I realized too late, he dropped the big guy and I got bodied.
I really should craft that bastard. I feel like it would probably catch quite a few people slippin.
### Shadow Deaths
# Class: Rogue
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (0) Backstab
# 2x (0) Counterfeit Coin
# 2x (0) Preparation
# 2x (1) Hallucination
# 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
# 2x (1) Swashburglar
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 2x (2) Eviscerate
# 2x (2) Sap
# 1x (3) Edwin VanCleef
# 2x (3) Questing Adventurer
# 2x (3) Tar Creeper
# 1x (4) Prince Valanar
# 2x (5) Vilespine Slayer
# 2x (6) Gadgetzan Auctioneer
# 1x (8) The Lich King
# 1x (9) Valeera the Hollow
# 2x (12) Arcane Giant
In Jade Druid vs. Priest, the Priest has to deal with Jades up to 5/5 with basic removal and Dragonfire Potion. At 6/6 and beyond, he has only three tools: DK, SWD, and Lightbomb. Getting to 10/10 is the norm. He NEEDS to save the DK for a Jade wipe unless the OTK combo is in his hand. Otherwise he can't deal with the Power Jades. Jade Druid gets three explosive turns when played right against Priest:
Falstagg + Idol + Nourish when your deck is low into hopefully another Idol or two.
Brann + Jade.
Double Jade or Aya.
Those are the big three moments the Priest has to handle successfully. The third one is your win condition if the Priest had normal draws. Blowing Anduin without the combo means you might not survive the second burst, and you are helpless against the third.
Oh boy. Just got back into the game after a long hiatus. Whisper of Old Gods was my last expansion. Have some serious catching up to do. They hooked me up with around 6k dust though so I was able to make myself a Handbuff Paladin deck. This thing is op af. Can't wait to make some scratch so I can buy a bunch of Ungoro/Mean Streets cards. Is it worth getting the Kazaran (?) adventure? I feel like a lot of their cards are unused in the current meta.
Wanted to learn arena better so I turn on Kripp...and he isn't even playing arena. Makes a comment about how arena is in a bad state at the moment. Anyone know what he's talking about?
Finally opened my final Frozen Throne pack and got Valeera the Hollow. Can I do something interesting with her?
It's funny how I only opened princes and Dark Knights in packs. The filler class legendaries where nowhere to be found, thankfully.
The other DKs will have to be crafted, I'm returning to Un'Goro, the amount of good epics in that set makes me cry.
It's nice to have answers to stuff, but answers don't win you games when you are facing an infinite supply of jade idols. I don't see anyway to win but weaving in as many hero powers to face as possible as soon as possible. There's no time to play the stall game and wait for the Raza topdeck.
You can't really ignore simply drawing a bunch of cards, and playing naked jade cards as a power turn after power turn after power turn, even without combo.
Infinite Kazakus in tavern brawl works well with mage. I don't if there is any fast way, I'm not how patches interact here, I think your deck keeps resetting to 10 cards. It might work.
edit: Actually you can make a prince deck that just ramps every turn lul.