Out greeded![]()
amnesiac got eliminated?
Or you're playing someone at rank 12 who doesn't understand the deck.
Current rank of a player is irrelevant. We need to know their overall experience.
Or you're playing someone at rank 12 who doesn't understand the deck.
Or you're playing someone at rank 12 who doesn't understand the deck.
I'm sorry if it came off as though I was insulting your rank. That wasn't my intention. As I wrote below, my comment was within the context of the discussion that happened on the previous page re: Raza Priest losing to greed decks.Okay, time to stop posting in here. Thanks for you input.
Did you read the last page? There was a claim that Raza Priest can be beaten by greed. If someone then posts and says they beat Raza Priest through greed, it's important to address that. Otherwise people start to think that Raza Priest is vulnerable to greedy decks.This really was a worthless post.
I dont think the HS community is ready for such a thingMeanwhile in Shadowverse
To be fair, the game was a Tier 0 dumpster fire 2 months ago.
However, that's kind of why it's perfect example what monthly balance patches that actually hit the problematic cards can to for a game.
I don't think rank is entirely irrelevant. If someone made it to legend with Raza Priest, that person probably has a strong idea of the ins and outs of that deck. I agree it's not the whole story, though.
I mentioned current rank because I just happen to be Rank 12, but have been Legend multiple times(including last month). I don't always climb very high every season for various reasons.
That said it is pretty shocking that a warlock could fatigued a Razakus priest.
Yeah, that was my bad to bring up the number.Anytime someone's rank is brought into the equation, it comes off as antagonistic and elitist. Best to avoid it IMO.
I would love monthly patches.Meanwhile in Shadowverse
To be fair, the game was a Tier 0 dumpster fire 2 months ago.
However, that's kind of why it's perfect example what monthly balance patches that actually hit the problematic cards can to for a game.
Why? Lots of razakus priests are as much draw as possible, control spells, anduin, raza and kazakus.
HS community has been wanting monthly balance patches for a while now. A lot of the top players want this (like Zalae for example).Props to Nalguidan!
I dont think the HS community is ready for such a thing
Anytime someone's rank is brought into the equation, it comes off as antagonistic and elitist. Best to avoid it IMO.
It didn't come off that way to me. It didn't come off as a sly way to insult someone or try to start a fight. It came off to me as him commenting this result was not because of greed but because it wasn't played optimally by the priest.
Maybe they should post replay so we can evaluate![]()
I figured the priest would burst you down before it got to that point, but I suppose his deck had enough big threats that the priest spent all his resources on board control instead of face damage.
HS community has been wanting monthly balance patches for a while now. A lot of the top players want this (like Zalae for example).
Though not to the level that we are seeing with this latest patch but something like 1-2 cards touched a month.
this priest mirror on stream is so stupid. It's all luck of draw and nothing else.
People complain if changes suck. People are happy if changes are good. HotS gets a balance patch every month, and the community is generally pretty positive toward it (at least on GAF).I dont think it would be healthy for the community-dev relationship because people would be complaining about the changes every month.
Maybe it could work, but Blizz would have to be on point with the communication and the community would need to be a bit more open minded.
Community is going to complain no matter what.I dont think it would be healthy for the community-dev relationship because people would be complaining about the changes every month.
Or maybe you can just take a poster at his word instead of implying that he doesn't know enough to evaluate what happened in his own game.
Yet no one is complaining that this patch is coming out too early. 1 month seems to be about the time that the community is ok with changes in the game.Monthly changes are honestly too frequent. Even then this patch is arriving almost a month after set came out. It's very quick honestly.
I disagree. This is a place for discussion and criticism, hopefully mostly constructive criticism and I'll admit rank is not always a constructive talking point. Here, I think it is, but in other places less so. As long as people don't intend to insult when bringing up rank, I think we're okay.
Yeah, that was my bad to bring up the number.
Well, I apologized and made it clear that it wasn't my intention to "rank shame". There isn't more for me to say beyond that.
You literally had nothing to criticize. He posted a picture, showing that he was happy he won a reasonably bad match up. There is next to nothing to go on, nor was he asking for it.
But both of you took it as an opportunity to imply that he didn't win because he played well. Nope, according to you there's a better chance his opponent just must've sucked. Why give him credit (or just ignore the post) when you can criticize and bring someone down?
"I was being constructive" hardly works as an excuse when you just said he only won because his opponent sucked. Do you seriously not understand how that comes off? It's also not the first time I've seen you exact two posters treat others this way too. It's frustrating and makes others wary to post here.
Yes, constructive criticism can be helpful. It's totally fine to do so when someone wants to discuss a match is detail -- and especially when they ask for feedback like that. But don't just assume someone wants to hear that you think they probably only won because their opponent sucks.
That being said, you both are technically free to act how you wish (within the rules, obviously.) I'm just saying that maybe it's time to look in a mirror and see how you come off to some people, instead of constantly looking for a way to criticize others.
This is how it read to me as well.
I just netdecked the absolute dumbest priest deck ever.
First game was against another razakus priest. It went as dumb as you might expect.
You literally had nothing to criticize. He posted a picture, showing that he was happy he won a reasonably bad match up. There is next to nothing to go on, nor was he asking for it.
But both of you took it as an opportunity to imply that he didn't win because he played well. Nope, according to you there's a better chance his opponent just must've sucked. Why give him credit (or just ignore the post) when you can criticize and bring someone down?
"I was being constructive" hardly works as an excuse when you just said he only won because his opponent sucked. Do you seriously not understand how that comes off? It's also not the first time I've seen you exact two posters treat others this way too. It's frustrating and makes others wary to post here.
Yes, constructive criticism can be helpful. It's totally fine to do so when someone wants to discuss a match is detail -- and especially when they ask for feedback like that. But don't just assume someone wants to hear that you think they probably only won because their opponent sucks.
That being said, you both are technically free to act how you wish (within the rules, obviously.) I'm just saying that maybe it's time to look in a mirror and see how you come off to some people, instead of constantly looking for a way to criticize others.
Yes, constructive criticism can be helpful. It's totally fine to do so when someone wants to discuss a match is detail -- and especially when they ask for feedback like that. But don't just assume someone wants to hear that you think they probably only won because their opponent sucks.
"I was being constructive" hardly works as an excuse when you just said he only won because his opponent sucked. Do you seriously not understand how that comes off? It's also not the first time I've seen you exact two posters treat others this way too. It's frustrating and makes others wary to post here.
Like I said, my intention was to comment within the context of the prior page discussion about beating Razakus Priest with greed. If the Razakus Priest goes into Fatigue and loses, the only possible options are:You literally had nothing to criticize. He posted a picture, showing that he was happy he won a reasonably bad match up. There is next to nothing to go on, nor was he asking for it.
But both of you took it as an opportunity to imply that he didn't win because he played well. Nope, according to you there's a better chance his opponent just must've sucked. Why give him credit (or just ignore the post) when you can criticize and bring someone down?
"I was being constructive" hardly works as an excuse when you just said he only won because his opponent sucked. Do you seriously not understand how that comes off? It's also not the first time I've seen you exact two posters treat others this way too. It's frustrating and makes others wary to post here.
Yes, constructive criticism can be helpful. It's totally fine to do so when someone wants to discuss a match is detail -- and especially when they ask for feedback like that. But don't just assume someone wants to hear that you think they probably only won because their opponent sucks.
That being said, you both are technically free to act how you wish (within the rules, obviously.) I'm just saying that maybe it's time to look in a mirror and see how you come off to some people, instead of constantly looking for a way to criticize others.
This is why I really dislike Skulking Geist. So many decks unfairly punished for the sins of Jade Idol.Control warlock, especially when playing Geist, feels completely unfair for an evolve shaman. Vicious syndicate says it's only 60/40 in favor of warlock, but man you have so many board clears.
First, I would like to correct you. I didn't imply he won because his opponent played poorly. I said that could be a reason you would see a raza priest dying in fatigue to warlock. I said that was 1 among many possible outcomes "If raza priest is dying in fatigue it's because their deck sucks, they're bad at it, they made big mistakes, or perhaps really poor draw order." Maybe he had a bad deck list or merely drawed poorly.
And I chimed in because I think kars was being unfairly criticized in bringing up rank. I was not saying "oh boy you won cause your opponent sucked". I was saying I see where kars is coming from with his comment.
Also to shorten this post, I'll just point out a screenshot so to speak paints a thousand words. There actually was a lot to go off of. But I don't want to belabor this point.
I am certainly open to extra context. In fact, I invite more context. When something intrigues me I want to see the replay.
I don't remember this thread being instagram. If you post a screenshot I don't think it is unreasonable for people to talk about the screenshot in ways you might not have intended. As long as people don't intend to insult someone, and I don't think kars did, I think we're okay. He apologized for any unintentional insult. I think we're okay here.
In fact, many times before I posted something and people had something to say about it that I didn't intend. Like, I'll post this screenshot and say "wow this guy played so shitty" and there will be several people saying "well maybe x, y, or z happened". I don't get mad at them, I respond to them and explain some of the facts that led me to believe the person didn't play well. Or, if I am not open to discussing it further, maybe I just don't respond at all.
I'll speak for myself here. I only posted my thoughts because I think people were overreacting to the comment about ranked. I never said he only won because his opponent sucked. I never said that. You seem to think I have, but I didn't.
I don't think it's fair for you to say the last part about me. I don't think that is true, but if you want to show me some evidence then maybe I'll concede the point. Basically, show me this "pattern" as you called it.
Like I said, my intention was to comment within the context of the prior page discussion about beating Razakus Priest with greed. If the Razakus Priest goes into Fatigue and loses, the only possible options are:
1) Bad deck.
2) Bad plays.
3) DK Anduin and/or Raza near the bottom of the deck (horrific draws).
Otherwise I consider the matchup unwinnable for Control Warlock. Similarly, if someone posted that they beat Fatigue Warrior with Mill Rogue, I would wonder how that happened (ok, the answer is that they milled DMH - lol - otherwise it should be impossible!).
Also, I absolutely do not have a pattern of rank shaming. On multiple occasions I have talked about how personal rank isn't a general reflection of skill. This isn't an opinion I have at all. Maybe you have me confused for someone else. Hell, on the very rare occasion it has happened I have defended people against it.
Oh, well that's definitely true and fair, then. But while you might think I'm smug, I tend to wonder why others are so sheepish. I don't lack the ability to reflect and notice this about myself, though. I just rather enjoy being this way, and think it's a shame when others disagree.Second, my critique isn't exclusively about rank shaming, so much as an overall air of "smugness," for lack of a better term. Like I said, maybe I'll look for examples mater, but I've definitely noticed it for a while. But hey, maybe I'm just imagining things. *shrug*
This chain is getting long, so I'll try to address things succinctly and condense where needed.
Right. You know what all of your "possibilities" have in common? They all imply that the victory was out of Keyser's hands (except maybe Gnomeferatu, which equates to saying maybe he got lucky with a discard.) You know another possible way a Razakus Priest can lose? Maybe Keyser played well. Maybe he made correct decisions, and put his opponent in a position where he had to use resources typically used to go face in order to clear the board instead. Maybe, just maybe, that's why he was proud of a win and posted a screenshot. Maybe, just maybe, he didn't want that win to be discounted by random people chiming in to say it likely had nothing to do with him.
It's not just about pointing out the rank. It's about you two taking all agency away from his win (when you have little-to-no idea what happened in the matchup) with no discernible reason. Like, when you do well at work, or on a test in school, would you want people to "discuss" the possibility that maybe your job is just easy/the test was a cakewalk? Even if they didn't take it themselves? Not a perfect analogy, but I think you get the gist.
Again, yes it's possible for a Warlock to win for various reasons. But what is the purpose of pointing them out? He said he out-greeded him, it worked, and he was happy about it. Why undermine that? Because you want to have a discussion hinged not only on someone only winning because of things out of their control, but also on them not even being able to recognize that?
Also, just saying, for someone that sees himself as so perceptive and insightful (to the point of assuming you know more about a match than the person who played it), I found it funny that you posited the possibility of his opponent being Big Priest (because he had two Twisting Nethers) when there were multiple Voidform pings in the history. Not a substantive critique, but I just found it amusing.
Maybe ask for a replay next time, instead of jumping to point out 1) His rank, and 2) That you think it's possible he didn't so much win as his opponent lost.
I already stated that you're free to post however you see fit. But, since you like to point out that this is a forum, I'm also free to point out how your posts can come across. Whether you intend to insult someone or not doesn't really matter when multiple people point out that it came across that way.
You don't see the difference between you saying someone played shitty and others saying maybe you don't know why they played that way -- a result that takes nothing away from you either way -- and someone posting a screenshot of a matchup they won and you immediately taking any credit away from him? (Or, at least, bringing the "possibility" up for no reason?)
You literally raced to point out every possibility that takes credit from Keyser. But this has already been addressed.
I'm not going to skim through your post history for hours just to find examples. I've already spent too much time on this as-is (which is exactly why I originally intended to just ignore it again.) You post a lot, so there's a lot to go through. But, trust me, I've been noticing it for a while, and others have too. There's at least one member that quit the thread entirely because of that kind of attitude.
Maybe I'll do it later, if/when I'm in the mood to do so. Either way, I'm now feeling guilty for derailing the thread.
First off, you said I implied he won because his opponent played poorly. I explained to you that wasn't the case. My post was explaining that kar's comment doesn't sound like an unreasonable conclusion. Now you're saying I am implying the victory was out of keyser's hands. Whelp, I got news for you. That is a big pivot in your position and this is a card game where a lot of things are out of your control. A freeze mage can beat a control warrior in a match up that is 90% favored for the warrior. It's not insulting to the freeze mage to imply the result was out of their control because that is just a fact.
I never took any agency away. As I had just pointed out, I posted what I said to defend kars' stance on it. You saying I actually attacked him because I don't find kars' remarks inflammatory is just wrong. You keep equating the two things. This is a false equivalency. Basically strawman argument.
Kars and I are two separate people that said two separate things. Get off your high horse and make distinctions here, because I am not okay with these strawman arguments and personal attacks.
Again, my purpose was to show that kars' conclusion was not extraordiary and were likely not meant to be a personal insult to keyser. I saw his post and thought, yeah I can see where he is coming from with this comment. I never said he is right. I said I can see why he made this conclusion.
So to be clear, you're saying I am an unperceptive idiot who mistakenly believed it could have been a big priest. Of course by your own admission you added this tidbit because you found it amusing. Maybe Kars posted what he did because he found it amusing. I guess that justifies it by your own logic
In a second post, after you'd already posted that ^. I said maybe if you want to discuss it further you should ask for a replay instead of assuming the worst --which, again, you did. "If raza priest is dying in fatigue it's because their deck sucks, they're bad at it, they made big mistakes, or perhaps really poor draw order." Once again, those can be factors, but even lopsided matchups often reach an equilibrium where each choice matters.I did ask for replay.
I didn't jump to point out his rank. I posted that I understand why kars concluded rank was a reason his opponent lost. You do realize kars and I are separate people right? Context here is important here.
Again, kars and I are separate people and did separate things. I find it so amazing that you refuse to recognize this.
I don't think you understood my point. My point was that sometimes you post something and you don't intend to invite discussion or criticism. It happens. That is just a part of a discussion thread. Sometimes people want to discuss something, or they levy criticism at your post.
No, actually I did not. I defended kars' post about rank. Please learn what context is. Because it's important. I don't think you understand that my post was not racing to, as you love to put it, take away from keyser. My post was to defend kars.
I think this is a really shitty thing to do. You go off about how I have a pattern of behavior regarding rank shaming. I don't think I've ever shamed anyone for having a low rank. But you say I have a pattern of doing this. I really don't think I do. I think rank is relevant often, but have I actually shamed someone's rank? I don't think so. But you claim I have a pattern of this behavior. You've been noticing this pattern of behavior for a while now. But when push comes to shove, you can't provide a single instance of rank shaming?
And you're just gonna accuse me of shitty behavior but then when asked for evidence of this, it's "take my word"?
For the record, I would have never posted what kars did. I don't just go out of the blue and say people win because your opponent is bad. I don't think that was kars' intent but I definitely did not say that myself.