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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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The Adder

Working on a demon deck, how's it looking?


Jeeves and Ysera are in there for keeping my hand stocked. Also, I do not have the 5 damage or +5/+5 for friendly demons card yet.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I want to buy 50 dollars worth of packs.

Should I feel bad?

I usually just buy packs with gold.

I'm not great at hearthstone but I want GvG cards to add to my constructed deck.



I want to buy 50 dollars worth of packs.

Should I feel bad?

I usually just buy packs with gold.

I'm not great at hearthstone but I want GvG cards to add to my constructed deck.


I just bought 40 packs as an early X-mas gift to myself and don't regret it at all! Can finally make some interesting decks with what it fills in. Only 1 legendary in the set of 40, but it was Sneed's Old Shredder, and it went right into my hybrid mech ramp druid deck. Also ended up with 2500 dust to play with and create what I want/need.

I used to only accumulate gold as well, but being constantly behind against other people who have the cards is very frustrating. I think it's worth it if you feel you'll be playing more.


I want to buy 50 dollars worth of packs.

Should I feel bad?

I usually just buy packs with gold.

I'm not great at hearthstone but I want GvG cards to add to my constructed deck.


Don't feel bad supporting the game if you enjoy. I do wish it was more along the lines of "Spend $50 and get ALL the cards" or "Free to Play", but oh well.

Special C

I want to buy 50 dollars worth of packs.

Should I feel bad?

I usually just buy packs with gold.

I'm not great at hearthstone but I want GvG cards to add to my constructed deck.


My plan was to buy about 20 packs from each expansion with real cash as they came out to support the game.

But I saved up so much gold before GvG that I decided not to. I did pay cash for naxx though.


Well, Iron Sensei needs like, +1 health.

What have you tried running it with? I'd find it hard to run early game, with the best synergy being Annoy-o-tron. Seems better mid to late where you can get maybe 2-3 buffs at once in a mech-centric deck. But yea, dies too easy to everything.

*edit* Actually, nvm. Misread the text. Thought it buffed more than 1 minion each turn. Hah, it would have been super OP otherwise.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I have a silly Weapon Mech deck going on. I'm just testing out singletons of different mechs seeing which ones are doing good and which ones aren't.
Something I wanted to add about Rogues and Weapons, while Cogmaster's Wrench isn't the best, having that extra durability is pretty great when used with Deadly Poison / Sharpsword oil. Even better if you can keep an Auto Barber on the board, but that's hard to do.

Would be amazing if Rogue's had access to give a weapon durability outside of Greenskin. Then they'd really be in business.
I don't have cogmasters wrench yet, but I think it would be pretty difficult to keep a mech up each round. It is something I want to try.

Autobarber is pretty awesome though for blade flurry, especially for getting a 4 damage aoe in combination with a deadly poison. Sometimes I get both barber's in hand and I'll use one, kill a minion, then use the next to buff up to 3 attack and just wait til a blade flurry opportunity presents itself.

In fact, I've been running 2x blade flurry every deck I've experimented in. I even cut eviscerate in my latest version. I don't think I've ever ran a rogue deck without eviscerate before now.

I really wanted iron sensei to work out in rogue. I couldn't figure it out to be worth playing. I haven't given up but here is my thoughts on the card:

iron sensei

Damn that thing is so close to being good. It desperately needs to be a 2/3. The best way to protect this guy is behind a mech taunt. I tried annoytron but he was rather worthless on his own and didn't deserve a slot. I also tried arcane nullifier which was awesome when it worked out but he rarely survives a round to be buffed by a sensei played the next turn. And like 90% of the time I played him and sensei on turn 7, it either wasn't enough to change the tides or much more often he just got black knighted. The worst was black knight. One I have yet to try is harvest golem which could work since both bodies are mechs.

Spider tank

I dunno, maybe it suffers the same thing that yeti does. It just doesn't do enough. And it is competing for a slot that is actually filled with a couple good minions for rogue. Tinkertown technician, si7 agent (still better than spider tank imo), and even harvest golem. The best use was coining turn 2 into iron sensei. Not sure if that payoff is good enough though since it gives a 5/4 and a 2/2 which is great value but was also not normal enough.
Mage mech is the future. Sitting on a 9-0 streak at Rank 6. Starting to have issues at this point though. Handlock requires very precise draws. Aggro hunter is a toss up on who got the better draw.

Tinkertown Tech runs off with games, and Goblin Blastmage does insane work. I think a big part of the decks success is players expecting me to be running Flamestrike or Polymorph. Unstable Portal is obscene as well, of course.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It used to be that Rogue cards were hyperefficient if you triggered their "special conditions", but it seems that's not true of the new batch. Iron Sensei is trash if you don't activate it at least once and even then, it's not game winning or anything. Cogwrench has a similar problem. Tinkmaster's Oil is way overcosted UNLESS you hit that dream setup. Only Sabotage is reasonably costed, but considering the quality of Deathrattles, kill effects are far worse than transformation.

Everything points to them being scared shitless of creating another dominant Rogue deck like classic Miracle, or alpha Rogue.

It's funny that minion destruction was heavily punished during design, because they wanted to avoid MTG style B/x control, but after the escalation of Deathrattle effects creature destruction is now irrevocably worse than creature transformation, making Hex and Polymorph far, far better than Assassinate. Assassinate is just one of many relics of an outdated idea of what kind of game Hearthstone is, or what it might be.
It used to be that Rogue cards were hyperefficient if you triggered their "special conditions", but it seems that's not true of the new batch. Iron Sensei is trash if you don't activate it at least once and even then, it's not game winning or anything. Cogwrench has a similar problem. Tinkmaster's Oil is way overcosted UNLESS you hit that dream setup. Only Sabotage is reasonably costed, but considering the quality of Deathrattles, kill effects are far worse than transformation.

Everything points to them being scared shitless of creating another dominant Rogue deck like classic Miracle, or alpha Rogue.

It's funny that minion destruction used to be heavily punished cost-wise, because they wanted to avoid MTG style B/x control, but after the escalation of Deathrattle effects creature destruction is now irrevocably worse than creature transformation, making Hex and Polymorph far, far better than Assassinate.

I love the sword oil. So far just a one of in my deck atm. The combo is very fantastic. It basically makes the card a hybrid truesilver + cold blood in one package. Fulfilling a weapon and cold blood role I feel has allowed me to cut cold blood from my deck. I am currently running argent commanders to give a pretty surefire way to get the combo off. It actually isn't hard when you're running backstabs, and 4 sources of spare parts.

The argent commander combo is 11 damage reach from nothing on the board but a dagger set up. Ideally I hit them with alexstrasza the turn before and get some damage off my board and weapon in after reducing them to 15. If I can get a buff weapon up before the alex play or on the same turn as it, that is really a ton of damage.

Outside of using with argent commander, being able to reliably hit for 4 damage on blade flurry is huge, and I can even get it to 5 damage due to autobarber. This means I can clear boards, and heal back up via healbot (running 2) or seal a win later via alexstrasza after my opponent has burned away all their burn cards.

And I actually feel like I need this type of burst with how much more resilient a lot of decks have become.
One thing I have to say about muster for battle is that (other than my terrible luck in never drawing it early game against aggro) I always get a lot of use out of the weapon. And once when my priest opponent thoughtstole a muster, I had harrison in hand already :D

Also, quatermaster makes it a superb draw later in the game. But I also used it against a rogue just so his ninja ogre had less chance of hitting my face, which worked very well.

Special C

Mech Warper in Arena can be sick. Turn 1 Coin/Warper, Turn 2 Harvest Golem, Turn 3 Yeti just now. I can only imagine what you can do in constructed with a mech deck.

Special C

One thing I have to say about muster for battle is that (other than my terrible luck in never drawing it early game against aggro) I always get a lot of use out of the weapon. And once when my priest opponent thoughtstole a muster, I had harrison in hand already :D

Also, quatermaster makes it a superb draw later in the game. But I also used it against a rogue just so his ninja ogre had less chance of hitting my face, which worked very well.

I'm pretty sure the Ogres will hit the right target 50% of the time, no matter how many minions are on the board.
Hah just got some of those arena mages back. Coined out a micro machine first turn. Figured I had a good hand so why not. Mage could't answer it. No removal and for no reason didn't just take the damage and fireball it. Every turn i drew teh perfect silances for his taunt, removal. or taunts of my own. Micro machine went face every time and won the game!
Holy crap, Muster for Battle and Quartermaster is a great combo. Even better if you can get QM back to your hand and use him again for another +2/+2 on your recruits.


Opponent plays Blingtron. He gets a Sword of Justice, I get a Doomhammer.

The card really isn't good unless you combo with Swamp Ooze or Harrison.


I find you can get insane starts with the mechwarper. However, im finding the general problem with mechs is you run out of cards real quick. If theyve dealt with your board on turn 5 and you have no jeeves/battle rage etc you're in big trouble.

Indeed, my first games with Mech Mage went incredibly well but once I started running into the slowest of the slow Control Priest/Warriors I rarely managed to get back into the game after a subpar start (Priests thoughtstealing my Portals and Antonidas to use with the spare parts they got from my mechs doesn't help either). Definitely need to include more card draw than I hoped, at least two Drakes and I'll give Jeeves a shot.

As for the insane starts:


Can't unsee: you can tell from the shadow on the left on the screen that the rocks you fire with the catapult on the Orgrimmar battlefield just stop right outside of the screen and fly away in a different direction.
Because no one half decent drafts mind blast?
Of course, it's a horrible card for arena when it's all about board control. I just feel like the game has been out long enough for it to at least happen once. Maybe it has, but not to a someone who posts on GAF. Whenever I draft for Priest, I always try to take count of how many I see it and I never seem to see it more than twice. I also don't arena much since I'm not that good. Just trying to say that it's possible to balance around spells in drafts. Of course, I highly doubt Blizzard ever would.


Of course, it's a horrible card for arena when it's all about board control. I just feel like the game has been out long enough for it to at least happen once. Maybe it has, but not to a someone who posts on GAF. Whenever I draft for Priest, I always try to take count of how many I see it and I never seem to see it more than twice. I also don't arena much since I'm not that good. Just trying to say that it's possible to balance around spells in drafts. Of course, I highly doubt Blizzard ever would.

The solution to insane amount of ridiculously strong basic set cards is just to change their rarity value. Since they're from the basic set it wouldn't really change anything but arena draft anyway.


Watching TotalBiscuits Lord of the Gimmicks and he gets destroyed by warlocks twice in a row

They play Void Caller, he kills it, it summons Mal-Ganis on turn 4-5

2 concedes in a row almost


The only Mindblasts I see in arena are turn 5 "oh I have two mana left M I N D B L A S T B O Y S" Dennis plays. Might have gotten finished by double Mindblast once or twice but that's it.
The solution to insane amount of ridiculously strong basic set cards is just to change their rarity value. Since they're from the basic set it wouldn't really change anything but arena draft anyway.

It would be easy and it would be nice to put all classes on the same level. I do wonder what they work on between content releases. It's probably observation and getting started /continuing to work on the next bit of content. It feels like they tend to avoid changing cards though. After release, I feel like less than ten cards have been adjusted. There is also the unavoidable toxic storm of people complaining when something gets nerf'd.

The only Mindblasts I see in arena are turn 5 "oh I have two mana left M I N D B L A S T B O Y S" Dennis plays. Might have gotten finished by double Mindblast once or twice but that's it.

Just an intereating aside, one of my best arena runs of 9 wins was with two Mind Blasts and two Holy Fires. Rest of the deck was probably decent but 90% of the wins were from late game spell combos. Nobody expects that from a Priest.


Starting to feel mech warlock might not be worth it. Warlock has no good mechs (can't play fel cannon with 2 yetis and shredders in) and mech decks have higher curve than zoo so the hero power is less relevant. Or you just have to cut down the slower mechs and add more traditional zoo cards.

Saw an insane paladin deck last night, played an ogre turn two with coin, then coghammer giving it taunt and divine shield followed by your usual truesilvers and stuff. My mechs didn't stand a chance.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Make Arena fair by adding more RNG.

All cards in the same pool.
Your hero at the start of every game is randomized.
12-0 will really be the dream then.
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