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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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Fel Reaver is insane holy shit. Totally underrated that wow.

Mechwarper into Fel Reaver sure is something.

Had a funny game in which someone tried to mill me to death while I had it up. Then he stole it with mind control tech. And then I just milled back with spare parts and shadowstep.
We went both through our whole decks by turn 7.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
GvG Shockadin might be insane? I just went three straight wins with it. Basically it's the same as pre-GvG Shockadin but you swap the Divine Favor for Jeeves and you put in Knife Juggler and Muster for Battle. Muster for Battle makes your board extra sticky against hero powers and then you can potentially use your Light's Justice for board control. I might experiment with Quartermaster to see if it fits, but I only have one of those right now.


Sword of Justice -> Muster for Battle -> Quartermaster

This is the kind of synergy I love. Rogue, imma let you finish, but Paladin is the best combo deck of all time. Of all time.


I have enough dust to craft three legendaries. This is my open list.

Flame Leviathan
Bolvar Fordragon
Millhouse Manastorm
Tinkmaster Overspark
Blingtron 3000
Elite Tauren Chieftan
Hemet Nesingwary
Dr. Boom
Troggzor the Earthinator
Foe Reaper 4000
Sneed’s Old Shredder
Mekgineer Thermaplugg

I’m leaning towards Vol’jin and Mal’Ganis heavily. The third is totally up for grabs. What do you guys think?
Dr. Boom. - Holy crap it is one of the best cards in the game. A 7 drop that plays 9/9 stats, and death rattles that deal 2-8 damage. So good.

Vol'jin - I've only used him one, against a Demonlock. I traded health with a Doomguard, then shadow madness'ed a Void Caller to kill both. Easily one of the biggest swing plays I've ever made.

Neptulon - I am making this one, not just for murloc decks. I think he has good utility and helps refill your hand in late game, which can always turn things around.

Mal'Ganis - He is already a staple in the new Demonlock deck. I think he is going to be a solid legenddary for a lot of warlock play.


Really enjoying the new cards. Although my best deck (Hunter Beast Master) has gone straight in the pooper.

My Rogue, Paly, and Warrior decks have really started to shine though. Especially Rogue since it went full Mech deck.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
I just bought 15 more cards........not that i mind tough i got two bomb lobbers, a piloted sky golem and a legendary mekgineer thermaplug. Oh and before that i spent 100 gold and got a Bolvar Fordragon not bad not bad, god i love this game so much.


Got my first gvg legendary.


That's not great right? All the spare parts seems good for a minion heavy deck maybe?
Toshley is seeing a lot of play in mage mech decks. A few spare parts cards can combo really well with Archmage Antonidas for fireballs or even Sorcerer's Apprentice for free spare part casting.


Toshley is seeing a lot of play in mage mech decks. A few spare parts cards can combo really well with Archmage Antonidas for fireballs or even Sorcerer's Apprentice for free spare part casting.
He is good in mech decks in general because of Gazlowe.
Mech-bear-cat is so much better than Toshley - better stats and potential for more spare parts for the same mana cost.

I think it's the first example of a card that is given legendary status just for being nuetral and not class exclusive.


Better get used to it, Shockadin is coming
It's good that many more classes have the ability to make faster more aggro decks. I think most player prefer those decks, if the numbers of face Hunter & Zoo are any indication.

Give me Shockadin, fishy shamans, and mech mages; At least I don't have to stare down the same Undertaker play for 8 games in a row.

Now if only I can get my mid-range Ogre Shaman to play like I want...
Here's my first draft of a Shamurloc deck. I'm 3-0 so far in Ranked, albeit I barely touched Ranked this season so far so I'm only at rank 16 now. Two games were blowouts, one was a closer match versus a Mage but I still ended up winning with 4 cards in-hand and about 13 life left.


So far, I love it. I'm considering swapping out Mana Tide for another Coldlight Oracle. Also, haven't used Lightning Storm yet so I almost wonder if I'd be better off swapping it out for a 2nd Hex or a 2nd Murloc Raider. Between Neptulon, the Slitfins, the Coldlight Oracle, and the Mana Tide Totem, I feel like my card draw isn't too bad which was previously the major limitation with Shamurloc decks. I haven't used Bloodlust yet either now that I think about it, but it seems like it should be nice as an extra win condition.


He is good in mech decks in general because of Gazlowe.

some people said they don't like both but it's all very fluid right now. I see people saying every legendary is alternatively good/bad

i'm seeing toshley by himself in a lot of antonidas mages (use spart parts to get fireballs/potentially cloak antonidas) edit: derp, late

anyway, I'm exprimenting with a blessed champion deck but it needs a lot of work (that paladin spell that no one uses). it has a bit of trouble fighting weenies in the early game - it relies on making blood knights 6/6 into kings on other targets. by the time I play bolvar they usually run out of silence but I'm often a bit too low on health because I had to take out healing and wild pyro to get the divine shield combos going. I need to keep two belchers just because of that. one huge buff to health though is how the opponent is always killing 1/1 instead of going face; I have one muster and one quartermaster that are pretty unreliable as one of but I've been getting a lot of "health gain" because opponents are so scared of that. would like to have everything in the deck at once :/

I was thinking of taking out the 2x belcher, the muster for arms, and the quatertermaster for 2x cobalt guardian, an extra annoyotron and piloted shredders or whatever but im guessing that will fail pretty bad even in casual mode testing


Mech-bear-cat is so much better than Toshley - better stats and potential for more spare parts for the same mana cost.

I think it's the first example of a card that is given legendary status just for being nuetral and not class exclusive.

Eh, it depends really. Toshley has 1 less stat point overall but gives you a spare part right away, unlike MBC. MBC is also vulnerable to BGH, although the argument could be made that few people are going to waste one on it when Druid has other big cards to worry about.

And unlike MBC, Toshley can't work against you if your opponent wants to fill your hand with spare parts.

I think Toshley is pretty solid, while I would have my doubts using MBC in constructed ( he is great for arena I think)


It's good that many more classes have the ability to make faster more aggro decks. I think most player prefer those decks, if the numbers of face Hunter & Zoo are any indication.

Give me Shockadin, fishy shamans, and mech mages; At least I don't have to stare down the same Undertaker play for 8 games in a row.

Now if only I can get my mid-range Ogre Shaman to play like I want...

It was a warlock murloc deck. Granted, I'm being sour calling it a gimmick deck, but it got me down to 7HP by like turn 4 and if I'd just have lost there I'd be like whatever, but I was able to stabilize and started making headway, getting my armor up to the point of survivability and got all the way to next turn lethal when he used 2 power overwhelmings on that "Charge/ 1+1+ for every other murloc" toon and KO'd me.

Tis Hearthstone, but I hate coming back from huge deficits and then losing right before I could have turned it around.


needs to show more effort.
Here's my first draft of a Shamurloc deck. I'm 3-0 so far in Ranked, albeit I barely touched Ranked this season so far so I'm only at rank 16 now. Two games were blowouts, one was a closer match versus a Mage but I still ended up winning with 4 cards in-hand and about 13 life left.

So far, I love it. I'm considering swapping out Mana Tide for another Coldlight Oracle. Also, haven't used Lightning Storm yet so I almost wonder if I'd be better off swapping it out for a 2nd Hex or a 2nd Murloc Raider. Between Neptulon, the Slitfins, the Coldlight Oracle, and the Mana Tide Totem, I feel like my card draw isn't too bad which was previously the major limitation with Shamurloc decks. I haven't used Bloodlust yet either now that I think about it, but it seems like it should be nice as an extra win condition.
I know nothing about shamurloc but my initial reaction is it seems like doom hammer would be better than bloodlust. That way if your fishies all die out but got enough damage in you can just hammer them down.


So far, I love it. I'm considering swapping out Mana Tide for another Coldlight Oracle. Also, haven't used Lightning Storm yet so I almost wonder if I'd be better off swapping it out for a 2nd Hex or a 2nd Murloc Raider. Between Neptulon, the Slitfins, the Coldlight Oracle, and the Mana Tide Totem, I feel like my card draw isn't too bad which was previously the major limitation with Shamurloc decks. I haven't used Bloodlust yet either now that I think about it, but it seems like it should be nice as an extra win condition.

I'd put a Doom Hammer and Rockbiter(s).

I feel Rockbiters are more versatile with your charge minons, other totems (especially cus you got a mana tide in there) and even using face.


Shieldmaiden is a lot stronger than I originally thought, you can just crush aggro with control warrior now.

yeah it's great. i knew it would be good because guardian of kings is so effective vs aggro and combo decks but synergy with shield slam makes it even stronger vs aggro. plus it's very good in control matchups as well because opponents or the warrior using weapons would end up wacking the armor off which can lead to shield slam lockout for some turns. it happens far less often now. i'm also liking a one of crush even when it's 7 mana but maybe a second brawl would be better due to all the aggro


yeah it's great. i knew it would be good because guardian of kings is so effective vs aggro and combo decks but synergy with shield slam makes it even stronger vs aggro. plus it's very good in control matchups as well because opponents or the warrior using weapons would end up wacking the armor off which can lead to shield slam lockout for some turns. it happens far less often now. i'm also liking a one of crush even when it's 7 mana but maybe a second brawl would be better due to all the aggro

I'm running one brawl but I'm not sure its needed at all, I saw Sjow got #1 legend with dr boom and geddon in his deck and he had no brawls. I don't have dr. boom right now but it seems like its worth a try.
Had a game versus Priest earlier where he used SW:D on my Malorne, and I topdecked it after it got shuffled in, he used his second one, and I topdecked it AGAIN.

I had no words. Dat value. "I SHALL RETURN!"


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Undertaker Mage is destroying me in ranked. They're everywhere around rank 8 dafuq?

yup.... definitely the new thing. I mulliganed for mage expecting control.. and it was aggro undertaker mage. and now 100% of them have unstable portal as well. I'm not going to cry nerf... but it's definitely a zero day meta that is eating everyone else's lunches right now.

For some reason Recombobulator does not activate deathrattles when it is used.

DEATHrattle. On death. 0 Health or destroy. Anything else doesn't count (recombob, hex, poly, sap)
edit - I originally had brawl on there, but brawl does say destroy.. I can't remember brawl triggering deathrattles but I'll guess that it did/does.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I love Dr Boom, feels like it shouldnt be good but it really is


Some bullshit plays on Arena. Warlock got Malganis on turn 6, I still managed to kill it the next turn. Some turns later he clear my board with Twisting Nether. Cue turn 14, he has 2 HP and I have 6 damage on board. He manages to topdeck that healbot that heals 8HP, which gives him enough time to get me to 5 HP with nothing on board while he had a 4/1 and a 5/5 and 3 HP.

Unfortunately for him, the two cards in my hand were Reckless Rocketeer and Hammer of Justice #outdicked.


I think Sneed and Troggzor are probably the best neutrals in the expansion. Troggzor is awkward as hell to play around if he's dropped against an opponent that can't trade minions into him. Sneed is like Super-Cairne, you are much more likely to get a good solid body out of him than a dud like Nat Pagle or Cho or something.

In my last 4 uses of Sneed, I've gotten Lorewalker Cho once, Nat Pagle twice, and Loatheb.

Nat Pagle only activated once out of six times.

Loatheb was immediately killed by a Warrior Crush.

Mechwarper into Fel Reaver sure is something.

Had a funny game in which someone tried to mill me to death while I had it up. Then he stole it with mind control tech. And then I just milled back with spare parts and shadowstep.
We went both through our whole decks by turn 7.

Someone played a Reaver against my Mill deck. It was pretty insane. I played two cards, milled off 6 cards, and then hit him with a Naturalize (he was already around 8 cards due to my deck).

He lost pretty badly. One of the few highlights of my Mill deck (which is slowly evolving to Mill / Control because of the current meta).


Decided to make a Rogue Mech deck. It's fun so far, it won its first two games and got a salty message asking if I spent money. :p


Working on a demon deck, how's it looking?

Jeeves and Ysera are in there for keeping my hand stocked. Also, I do not have the 5 damage or +5/+5 for friendly demons card yet.
I've seen what looks like 2 versions of demonlock. One is an all out demon deck, and the other is Handlock updated to include demons.

I think the best demon deck I've played against is the Demon Handlock. They do the same tap, tap, turn 4 giant/twilight drake play that can run away with games if you don't have an answer. They have Void Callers to try and pull out demons that cost 5+(Infernos, Mal'Ganis, and Watchers) Owls and watchers were still there. Fire Giants were there. They seemed to have a bit more healing, my guess is just in case Jaraxxas gets pulled onto the board.

My Demon Deck will probably run closer to those and look like this:

0s (2)
2x Sacrificial Pact

1s (2)
2x Mortal Coil

2s (8)
2x Ancient Watcher
2x Ironbeak Owl
2x Sunfury Protector
2x Darkbomb

3s ()

4s (9)
1x Shadowflame
2x Twilight Drake
2x Defender of Argus
2x Void Caller
2x Implosion

5s (3)
1x Faceless Manipulator
2x Floating Watcher

6s (2)
1x Shiphon Soul
1x Dread Infernal

7+s (4)
1x Lord Jaraxxus
1x Mal'Ganis
2x Fire Giant
2x Mountain Giant

1-4 cost Minions - 10
5+ cost minions - 10
Spells - 10

Silence - 2
Heals - 2 for 10
Removals - 5
Clears - 1
Support - 4

No more discard, so expect a fairly full hand.

New Combos:
Implosion + Sacrificial Pact + Other card = No discard allows for decent usage of Sacrificial Pact as healing. Implosion acts as decent removal and allows more mana to be used on a 2 or 4 drop. (Sacrificial Pact also works on opponent cards)

Watcher + Dread Inferno = A Watcher that can be pulled out on turn 5 benefits from damage the dread inferno does on turn 6.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Shieldmaiden is a lot stronger than I originally thought, you can just crush aggro with control warrior now.

The most comparable card was Guardian of Kings, which was still good. Shield Maiden only had one less stat and "healing" for one less mana, and armor is strictly better than healing for multiple reasons.

What are people cutting for her? Are they removing the armorsmiths? I thought it might have been shield block that could get cut but I see people doubling up on that.


The most comparable card was Guardian of Kings, which was still good. Shield Maiden only had one less stat and "healing" for one less mana, and armor is strictly better than healing for multiple reasons.

What are people cutting for her? Are they removing the armorsmiths? I thought it might have been shield block that could get cut but I see people doubling up on that.

Maybe black knight?

I need to make a warrior deck, but MechaRex is still fun.


Damn, Murloc Shaman is no joke. Barely kept my head above water most of the match as control warrior, just clearing the board w/out doing any face damage as he chipped away. Finally lost in end, he still had 30HP left.


Looks like I'll be alternating between Priest and Warrior for now, Shieldmaiden is a goddess. Need to craft a second one and Dr. Boom while holding off on Iron Juggernaut for now. I think Sjow has dropped the Recombobobobombulators already but since I pulled two from packs I might as well try and have some fun with them.

Sorry as I am sure it has been asked before, but wasn't the android version supposed to release with this expansion?
They probably don't want to fry their authentication servers yet again, no update yet to my knowledge. I wouldn't get my hopes up for a release this week.
I know nothing about shamurloc but my initial reaction is it seems like doom hammer would be better than bloodlust. That way if your fishies all die out but got enough damage in you can just hammer them down.

I'd put a Doom Hammer and Rockbiter(s).

I feel Rockbiters are more versatile with your charge minons, other totems (especially cus you got a mana tide in there) and even using face.

Yeah, I miss Rockbiters. I'll see what I can do to wiggle them in and replace Bloodlust for the Doomhammer... gives me more reach and less vulnerability to AoE.

Damn, Murloc Shaman is no joke. Barely kept my head above water most of the match as control warrior, just clearing the board w/out doing any face damage as he chipped away. Finally lost in end, he still had 30HP left.

Shamurloc new meta I shit you not son.


New Paladin Legendary is a joke.

Guy holds it in his hand all game. Drops it as a 20/7.

I have a silence and BGH in my hand.


Yeah, I miss Rockbiters. I'll see what I can do to wiggle them in and replace Bloodlust for the Doomhammer... gives me more reach and less vulnerability to AoE.

Shamurloc new meta I shit you not son.

Yes please. Less control fto deal with heheh. If Shmurlan didn't run two Lightning Storms it's an easy win.


Arena has become 100x worse with GvG. You have openings with Mechwarpers, Unstable Portals, Zap-o-matics that just got out of control too fast and there's no coming back in the face meta. Mid-game is full of insane RNG minions like shredder and bombers, blastmages etc that make games very unpredictable. Except one thing is predictable. Once you snowball, there's no coming back anymore thanks to all the deathrattles.

Getting 12 wins is just a roll of the dice... 12 times.
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