Working on a demon deck, how's it looking?
Jeeves and Ysera are in there for keeping my hand stocked. Also, I do not have the 5 damage or +5/+5 for friendly demons card yet.
I've seen what looks like 2 versions of demonlock. One is an all out demon deck, and the other is Handlock updated to include demons.
I think the best demon deck I've played against is the Demon Handlock. They do the same tap, tap, turn 4 giant/twilight drake play that can run away with games if you don't have an answer. They have Void Callers to try and pull out demons that cost 5+(Infernos, Mal'Ganis, and Watchers) Owls and watchers were still there. Fire Giants were there. They seemed to have a bit more healing, my guess is just in case Jaraxxas gets pulled onto the board.
My Demon Deck will probably run closer to those and look like this:
0s (2)
2x Sacrificial Pact
1s (2)
2x Mortal Coil
2s (8)
2x Ancient Watcher
2x Ironbeak Owl
2x Sunfury Protector
2x Darkbomb
3s ()
4s (9)
1x Shadowflame
2x Twilight Drake
2x Defender of Argus
2x Void Caller
2x Implosion
5s (3)
1x Faceless Manipulator
2x Floating Watcher
6s (2)
1x Shiphon Soul
1x Dread Infernal
7+s (4)
1x Lord Jaraxxus
1x Mal'Ganis
2x Fire Giant
2x Mountain Giant
1-4 cost Minions - 10
5+ cost minions - 10
Spells - 10
Silence - 2
Heals - 2 for 10
Removals - 5
Clears - 1
Support - 4
No more discard, so expect a fairly full hand.
New Combos:
Implosion + Sacrificial Pact + Other card = No discard allows for decent usage of Sacrificial Pact as healing. Implosion acts as decent removal and allows more mana to be used on a 2 or 4 drop. (Sacrificial Pact also works on opponent cards)
Watcher + Dread Inferno = A Watcher that can be pulled out on turn 5 benefits from damage the dread inferno does on turn 6.