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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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I have enough dust to craft three legendaries. This is my open list.

Flame Leviathan
Bolvar Fordragon
Millhouse Manastorm
Tinkmaster Overspark
Blingtron 3000
Elite Tauren Chieftan
Hemet Nesingwary
Dr. Boom
Troggzor the Earthinator
Foe Reaper 4000
Sneed’s Old Shredder
Mekgineer Thermaplugg

I’m leaning towards Vol’jin and Mal’Ganis heavily. The third is totally up for grabs. What do you guys think?


We were discussing how to get in to streaming the other day. One thing that always gets viewers are tournaments. So why don't we organize another GAF invitational and stream it on Twitch with members duo casting via Skype, rotate the caster when a previous caster has to play a game.

I'm willing to make my account available for American and Asian players should they get matched with a European player, have nearly all the regular cards and working on the GvG cards. Also for the format, depending how many players are interested, I thought it would be fun to first have some group stages where people take 3 decks with them and you have to play all three decks but instead of a BO3 you get a point for every win, 2 members with the most points go though to the finals. And with the spectator mode the organization of a Twitch stream should be a lot easier. Perhaps we could even get a company to provide some small prizes and sponsership, I mean GAF is one of the biggest gaming forums.

But anyway perhaps i'm a bit to enthusiastic, I would really enjoy trying to organize it if people are interested and just have fun along the way with you all. So let me know if you are interested and if so if you are willing to stream/cast or just want to participate. And for a start date let's keep it on 19th of January for now.

I can't make that date, but I love people doing GAF tourneys and hope to take part one day, so I'm willing to donate $40 of Battlenet credit for the winner. PM me to set it up.


remember me
Malygos if you want something we know is playable. I think sneed's old shredder had potential, but I don't think the community has decided if it's playable yet.


I have enough dust to craft three legendaries. This is my open list.

Flame Leviathan
Bolvar Fordragon
Millhouse Manastorm
Tinkmaster Overspark
Blingtron 3000
Elite Tauren Chieftan
Hemet Nesingwary
Dr. Boom
Troggzor the Earthinator
Foe Reaper 4000
Sneed’s Old Shredder
Mekgineer Thermaplugg

I’m leaning towards Vol’jin and Mal’Ganis heavily. The third is totally up for grabs. What do you guys think?

Unless a specific deck that you've been dying to complete requires the class-specific legendaries, I'd prioritize neutral legendaries first.

Malygos should be your priority tbh. Very relevant card in a lot of decks.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Unless a specific deck that you've been dying to complete requires the class-specific legendaries, I'd prioritize neutral legendaries first.

Malygos should be your priority tbh. Very relevant card in a lot of decks.

I'd agree... Though many class legendaries are above most neutrals overall.. but then only work in the class deck.

in his list specifically

IMHO the only neutral in his list above those would be Sneed.


So I crafted an iron juggernaut yesterday, and just got one from a pack. Went to DE the duplicate and it's only saying I have 1? This normal?


I have enough dust to craft three legendaries. This is my open list.

Flame Leviathan
Bolvar Fordragon
Millhouse Manastorm
Tinkmaster Overspark
Blingtron 3000
Elite Tauren Chieftan
Hemet Nesingwary
Dr. Boom
Troggzor the Earthinator
Foe Reaper 4000
Sneed’s Old Shredder
Mekgineer Thermaplugg

I’m leaning towards Vol’jin and Mal’Ganis heavily. The third is totally up for grabs. What do you guys think?



remember me
Oops, missed Vol'jin. Definitely craft that if you ever plan on playing priest. It has become an instant staple in every priest deck.


Murloc Shaman is really fun. Neptulon gives a nice reload of more murlocs. I've had decent games so far where I forced enemy hunters to go on the defensive, and their traps are essentially meaningless.



Vol crafted. Sneed and Malygos are on my radar.

I stopped playing for a bit around Nax and Malygos wasn't more than good for gimmicks then. Has the meta allowed for Malygos to be a neutral you need to have?
Playing Mech Zoo, haven't played much ranked this season because of the GVG arena. Playing a Hunter, who's dropping all sorts of weirdness (double Tundra Rhino, the first Snipe I've seen in Constructed since the bronze age).

I'm going to lose next turn, and all I have is Doomguard, Enhance-O and some spare parts in my hand. I play Enhance-O, get both my Haunted Creeper tokens windfuried, so that's 4 damage. My Piloted Shredder gets Divine Shielded, which is useless to me as I'm gonna die anyway. So I tap, play the Doomguard, which leaves only the spare part that swaps attack/health. Get a 7/5 Doomguard, and hit with both tokens and the shredder for 18 damage and exact lethal.

absoutelydisgusting.jpg #Skillstone


Vol crafted. Sneed and Malygos are on my radar.

I stopped playing for a bit around Nax and Malygos wasn't more than good for gimmicks then. Has the meta allowed for Malygos to be a neutral you need to have?

I think saying need to have is a bit too strong, but there have been a couple of decks that utilise him, at least.
I have enough dust to craft three legendaries. This is my open list.

Flame Leviathan
Bolvar Fordragon
Millhouse Manastorm
Tinkmaster Overspark
Blingtron 3000
Elite Tauren Chieftan
Hemet Nesingwary
Dr. Boom
Troggzor the Earthinator
Foe Reaper 4000
Sneed’s Old Shredder
Mekgineer Thermaplugg

I’m leaning towards Vol’jin and Mal’Ganis heavily. The third is totally up for grabs. What do you guys think?

From what I've messed around with, Sneed, Troggzor, and Gazlowe are all good in the right decks. Dr. Boom is good with Warrior if you play that.


Aggro mech is fucking ridiculous. We have counters to beasts and deathrattles and secrets, why are there none against mechs?
Next set, maybe even the next Solo Adventures (WoW-heads, are there any mech-centric raids?).
New neutral spell;

EMP 5 Mana Cost
Silence all mechs and put their attack to 0.

To add, there really isn't a mech focused raid. There's Gnomergan, which is a dungeon instead of a raid. That's were Mekgineer Thermaplug and most Gnome cards are from, also of note, Spider Tank and Arcane Nullifier. There is the one wing of Ulduar where you find Mimiron. He's supposed to be an embodiment of intelligence/invention or some such. That's also where the card effect comes from for Mimiron's Head. He takes three mechs and makes V0-7-r0n. Ulduar is also where Flame Levitation is from. Kind of sad they didn't add in another boss from there, the XT002.


Now I want to run an Undertaker/deathrattle deck with Unstable Portal and all my other slots being Secrets. I'd ruin lives with that deck. The anti-fun deck above all anti-fun decks.

Do it with Freeze Mage and you'll need to ask another country for asylum lol


Some paladin just played a YOLO Avenging Wrath onto my board with Gahz. Pumped it up to 384 attack. Unfortunately he conceded before I could smash his face in.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Malygos if you want something we know is playable. I think sneed's old shredder had potential, but I don't think the community has decided if it's playable yet.

I think Sneed and Troggzor are probably the best neutrals in the expansion. Troggzor is awkward as hell to play around if he's dropped against an opponent that can't trade minions into him. Sneed is like Super-Cairne, you are much more likely to get a good solid body out of him than a dud like Nat Pagle or Cho or something.
Anyone else trying out Control Shaman? I'm thinking it might be more possible now. Not completely sure though, since my crafting skills aren't the best. Stilling planning on using Al'Akir / Ancestor's Call combo. It's nice because then you also have Sylvanas / Reincarnate combo as well, but that's the only two times you can use the cards, which is probably bad. What I do know for sure is that Vitality Totem can be really amazing. Might want to drop a Flametongue since I really only want it for a combo, but at the same time it's nice to be able to trade up totems since I don't have a lot of minions. Guess I'll have to wait for things to settle first before making any choices.



I can't make that date, but I love people doing GAF tourneys and hope to take part one day, so I'm willing to donate $40 of Battlenet credit for the winner. PM me to set it up.

Wow that's amazing, thanks in advance! But the date is not set in stone and there is a big chance it will be moved to a later date. Still only three people that are willing to participate but I got some spare time this weekend so i'll fix something to get people more interested. so maybe you can partake when the date is finalized, I really hope to get atleast 8 members from here but i'll see how it goes.

Special C

Wow that's amazing, thanks in advance! But the date is not set in stone and there is a big chance it will be moved to a later date. Still only three people that are willing to participate but I got some spare time this weekend so i'll fix something to get people more interested. so maybe you can partake when the date is finalized, I really hope to get atleast 8 members from here but i'll see how it goes.

I'd be open to participating. Provided it would be in the evening EST


First golden card of the expansion was an Unstable Portal, which sort of makes up for no legendaries yet @ 20+ packs. Bought 15, but not getting any more except from arena. Almost @ 3200 dust, no idea yet what I want to craft, figure after getting my first useful legendary it will become more clear.

Oh and sorry I missed the last tourney, really wanted to play but was in between moving and other stuff. All settled now.
Light bomb (all minions deal their attack damage to themselves) + Malygos (+5 spell damage) works somehow. I made two 0/2 mirror images kill themselves.

There are few spells that work with Spell Damage that you'd think wouldn't. Blade Flurry, Shield Slam, and Savagery also work with spell power, even though they say weapons/damage. I would guess Holy Wrath and Shadow Flame are the same, but I haven't seen them work that way personally, so I can't say for sure. Can't think of any other spells that deal damage without an exact number on them, but I would assume they still get additional damage for each spell power.
Man are the upper tiers of arena all just mages at the moment because holy fuck. Just did a 6-0 with a fast paladin deck (muster for battle and quartermaster so good). Next three matches I lose to mages all with insane amounts of removal and unstable portals. Holy shit.


Man are the upper tiers of arena all just mages at the moment because holy fuck. Just did a 6-0 with a fast paladin deck (muster for battle and quartermaster so good). Next three matches I lose to mages all with insane amounts of removal and unstable portals. Holy shit.

Welcome to the last 12 months.

Velen's Chosen is fucking bonkers in Arena.


Man are the upper tiers of arena all just mages at the moment because holy fuck. Just did a 6-0 with a fast paladin deck (muster for battle and quartermaster so good). Next three matches I lose to mages all with insane amounts of removal and unstable portals. Holy shit.

I'd be interested in a mode like Arena where you have a lot more control over what ends up in your deck. A regular draft mode seems hard to work with because you'd end up with very few class cards, but maybe if they just let you see all your pick-one-of-three choices before you had to lock in any of them it would help people build decks around card combinations that would reduce Mage dominance. Or maybe the Mage commons are just that strong.


Sigh, this game can be frustrating in constructed as a newer player. Messing around at rank 18 with a budget rogue deck and run in to a full control warrior deck. Fun.


It's the Mechwarper that's the culprit. At 2/3 it's hard to remove early and lets you spam out Annoy-o-trons and the one with +1 attack each turn that can kill anything and win the board by turn 3.

Special C

The best way to fix arena is to throw all the cards into one pool. As a whole, rares and epics arent better than commons, but each individual class may have a set thats better than the other.

Then I would suggest leaving Legendaries out of the pool and then maybe giving you one to pick from at the end.


Sigh, this game can be frustrating in constructed as a newer player. Messing around at rank 18 with a budget rogue deck and run in to a full control warrior deck. Fun.

Have you tried playing in casual? Run into more newbies there than ranked, every month the ranks reset so there's always veterans even at the higher ranks
The best way to fix arena is to throw all the cards into one pool. As a whole, rares and epics arent better than commons, but each individual class may have a set thats better than the other.

Then I would suggest leaving Legendaries out of the pool and then maybe giving you one to pick from at the end.

Or at least give you a set amount of class cards for each draw that are random, keep the neutral cards separate.

There's no way to beat someone who drafts flamestrike, 3x fireballs, 2x frost bolt, and all their class shit when you got nothing but shitty neutrals.
but man... that sucks.good news is over the next 6(?) you're due for two more? /hope

Maybe my statistics course is wrong and gambler's fallacy isn't a thing. I had a little money left over on the card I used to buy things online, so I'm like, "What the hell... I'll just buy some remaining packs with what's left."

I ended up getting 3 legendaries in 22 packs. Legendary percentage is definitely back up. Woot!

However, there is some bad news which became apparent as I flipped that first card over. I open the pack and the first thing I see is a golden Brewmaster. /facepalm

I'm such an idiot...
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