Kolento used it yesterday and got a 0 mana Flame Imp, so although you can get some good cards, there are also shitty ones.
Yeah, 1-drops.
Kolento used it yesterday and got a 0 mana Flame Imp, so although you can get some good cards, there are also shitty ones.
I see where you're coming from but when you have to answer a Knife Juggler with 4 mana you're usually in trouble.
A 0 cost 4/4, even with Millhouse's effect, is ridiculousMy first 2 Unstable Portals were Southsea Deckhand and Milhouse Manastorm. lol.
This is looking at it the wrong way. I would be answering Knife Juggler with 2 mana. The other 2 mana was used on a 2/3 permanent, which is pretty solid stat distribution.
Literally just played this game:
Turn 3 comes and the board is completely empty.
The Shaman played that stupid 3/2 windfury mech (WHERE IS THE OVERLOAD?!?) for 2 mana and passed.
My turn 3: coin, Steamwheedle, hero power snipe.
And here's the clincher:The main problem with Unstable Portal is there's no reason not to run it when the breakdown is something like:
-10% of the time: get a horrible 0-2 drop or obscure card you absolutely can't use or trade with
-20-30% of the time: get a great 5+ drop that will swing the game heavily if not outright win it
-50% of the time: be as good or better than a normal 2-drop.
So it's just a no-brainer. If you get bad RNG, so what. It's taking the place of a 2-drop most of the time, and chances are you'll get the bad RNG way less than getting value from it.
Besides if a 2-mana card said:
20% of the time win the game (or close to it), otherwise play a 2/1
Most people would run it, and Unstable Portal is better than the above text.
The main problem with Unstable Portal is there's no reason not to run it when the breakdown is something like:
-10% of the time: get a horrible 0-2 drop or obscure card you absolutely can't use or trade with
-20-30% of the time: get a great 5+ drop that will swing the game heavily if not outright win it
-50% of the time: be as good or better than a normal 2-drop.
So it's just a no-brainer. If you get bad RNG, so what. It's taking the place of a 2-drop most of the time, and chances are you'll get the bad RNG way less than getting value from it.
Besides if a 2-mana card said:
20% of the time win the game (or close to it), otherwise play a 2/1
Most people would run it, and Unstable Portal is better than the above text.
-50% of the time: be as good or better than a normal 2-drop.
Problem is, this seldom plays to your decks idea unless the idea is to just slam random fatties on the table. And even the small chance of failing is a big downside.
is anyone elses framerate terrible?
This is really close to what I want to run with later tonight. I'm going to focus a bit more on healing with Valen's Choosen and Light of Naaru though.![]()
playing this deck, its fun to steal stuff.
the shrinkmeister cabal combo is strong, dont get me wrong, but its a 8mana combo which does not happen often.
The main problem with Unstable Portal is there's no reason not to run it when the breakdown is something like:
-10% of the time: get a horrible 0-2 drop or obscure card you absolutely can't use or trade with
-20-30% of the time: get a great 5+ drop that will swing the game heavily if not outright win it
-50% of the time: be as good or better than a normal 2-drop.
So it's just a no-brainer. If you get bad RNG, so what. It's taking the place of a 2-drop most of the time, and chances are you'll get the bad RNG way less than getting value from it.
Besides if a 2-mana card said:
20% of the time win the game (or close to it), otherwise play a 2/1
Most people would run it, and Unstable Portal is better than the above text.
Even more so in Arena, where Mages were already far too common, Unstable Portal will just propel that up another few notches higher.
They'll probably nerf it after they nerf undertaker
The main problem with Unstable Portal is there's no reason not to run it when the breakdown is something like:
Now I want to run an Undertaker/deathrattle deck with Unstable Portal and all my other slots being Secrets. I'd ruin lives with that deck. The anti-fun deck above all anti-fun decks.
That's like saying don't play good minions.
Have you seen how much dust he has? Really don't think he gives a fuck. He crafted a golden version of that new warrior legendary this morning even though he said he didn't think it was very good.It's funny that Kripp hates Unstable Portal. I think he got 9-10 useless minions in a row or something like that so he doesn't trust it.
He also crafted a Leviathan and put it in a deck, then he got it in his starting hand 3 times in a row (from mulligan) LOL. Nice 3200 dust golem bro.
Have you seen how much dust he has? Really don't think he gives a fuck. He crafted a golden version of that new warrior legendary this morning even though he said he didn't think it was very good.
Opened 30 packs today (25 GvG, 5 classic), got Neptulon, Hemet Nesingwary and Malygos. :O
top favorite cards of the right now:
feign death
muster for battle.
a guy on reddit opened 1340 packs
how. why. I love this game but calm down.
that rush dude
Just got Tirion through unstable portal ... ok.
edit: and he uses silence on it![]()
that sucks.. almost 210 packs opened and I can say that definitely didn't decrease the rates on anything.
but man... that sucks.good news is over the next 6(?) you're due for two more? /hope
I just got Ysera. 4 times used, 3 legendaries.
*Edit* 5th time - Bloodmage Thanos.
What. The. Fuck.
I just got Ysera. 4 times used, 3 legendaries.
*Edit* 5th time - Bloodmage Thanos.
What. The. Fuck.
Dude, warbot is terribad. In mech decks you have 2 better one drops and in enrage decks you need much more from your minions. I mean what are you even doing with a fragile onedrop in an enrage deck?
What happens if you silence Troggzor with Priest's silencing spell? Does the minion get summoned or not?
A free shitty minion is still a free minion
Just talking in terms of the literal mana cost of the card, because you don't have to play it the turn you Portal itIt's not free. It cost two mana.